How much does a bailiff earn? Will there be an increase in the salaries of bailiffs? How much do bailiffs earn?

There are professions in the modern world that cause fear and stress in some people. They are especially disliked by those who like to break laws, take out loans and forget about them, and also do not pay alimony. Such people do not like bailiffs. Bailiffs are civil servants. Let's find out how much bailiffs get paid?

This is a fairly serious profession that can be learned by various people. It is only important to meet some criteria:

  • Age over 20 years;
  • Completed higher education. It is desirable that the specialty be of a legal profile;
  • Knowledge of office work.

The salary consists of salary, allowances and bonuses. A bailiff who has just got a job in this position can count on a small salary, the approximate amount is 15,000. At the same time, a person with experience and experience can count on a salary of up to 50,000. Naturally, work experience and the coefficient play a significant role.

What is needed to start working as a bailiff?

  • Complete an internship for 2 weeks;
  • Collect the necessary documentation package;
  • Take an intelligence test;
  • Complete an individual interview for a hiring decision.

Bailiffs are divided into several types depending on the characteristics of the work:

  • Executors who are engaged in the return of debt obligations and the return of penalties;
  • Employees who ensure law and order in the courts;
  • Investigators who work with cases of crimes committed.

Are bailiffs' salaries expected to increase in 2019?

The costs of maintaining budgetary organizations are negotiated from year to year. However, funding does not increase, and in some cases even decreases. According to the state, this is optimization that is necessary, but the situation sometimes escalates to the limit. At the same time, the authorities are organizing various kinds of reforms in order to narrow the number of civil servants as much as possible. As a result, staff are being reduced and wages remain low.

Services are constantly raising the level of requirements for employees. There is more work, as the staff is steadily decreasing and all the work of fired people is transferred to those who remain. Also, organizations often establish paid services that are not fixed by law. As a result of such innovations, there is a significant reduction in personnel and bailiffs also fall into this category.

As for the wage increase, everyone is waiting for it, but to say for sure that it will not be possible. What is known today is that there are no plans to reduce the number of bailiffs in 2019. This is already wonderful news, since people will not be afraid of being unemployed.

Wage supplements will also be calculated as before. If a bailiff works with secret documents, then an increase of 85% is added to his salary. Professional achievements are recognized with double salary. Monthly premiums also remain in effect. They rely on those employees who provide high-quality indicators of the completion of their tasks. The salary of a bailiff depends on length of service, place of employment and individual nuances.

Salaries of bailiffs in Russia: latest information

For now the situation remains uncertain. The promised reforms have not been properly implemented, and workers say that no positive changes have been recorded. Problems exist, but they are solved only on paper, without moving into the real space of life.

Today there is an actual lack of funding for the entire 2019. In previous years, the same picture was observed, so there is no need to talk about changes. 9.5 billion has been allocated for maintenance. This means that wage increases can only be achieved through inflation, which is projected to be about 4.5%. Naturally, this does not please civil servants who experience these problems themselves every day.

In 2017, a law on bonuses for government workers was adopted. This is an addition to the salary, which is calculated based on the implementation of writs of execution. The amount is determined individually depending on the output of a particular employee.

Today this initiative is not working. This is due to the fact that bailiffs can resolve work issues dishonestly in order to make a profit. However, for a solution it is not necessary to exclude incentives; it is enough to introduce control on the part of the service organization. Therefore, the salary of a bailiff in Moscow is individual, depending on the length of service and place of employment.

What activities do bailiffs carry out to carry out the task?

  • They examine personal information about the person who must comply with the court decision;
  • Receive data from the client’s place of employment, communicate with his superiors and employees;
  • They formalize the seizure of financial accounts and other material assets of the debtor until they reach the amount that he is obliged to repay;
  • Receive the necessary information from law enforcement agencies, migration and federal services. A ban on traveling abroad is issued;
  • If necessary, use working weapons or physical techniques for self-defense when resistance is provided by the client. If a person tries to escape, then after a warning it is allowed to use weapons to detain the person.

What bailiffs are prohibited from doing:

  • Disturb a person at night and on weekends. Communication should take place on weekdays from 6 am to 10 pm;
  • Be rude, be rude and do anything that goes beyond the scope of a court decision;
  • Take property that does not belong to the defendant;
  • Describe and take away housing if the debtor does not have another. It is also prohibited to touch food, awards, or any items that are the debtor’s source of income.

What is the average salary for bailiffs in 2019?

Bailiffs have a monthly salary of 18,000 rubles. Salary depends on the specific place of employment. This is the salary amount without additional bonuses and allowances. It is worth noting that employees with many years of work experience receive up to 150% of their salary. Length of service also has a positive impact on the amount of salary. After receiving a higher rank, the salary also increases. The head of the OUPDS has a salary of 20,000 rubles.

There is a constant fight against malfeasance and corruption in this area. In this regard, questions constantly arise about increasing the level of salaries for bailiffs. Officials believe that high competitive wages will reduce corruption among employees to a minimum level.

How much do bailiffs earn in Russian regions?

Bailiffs are most in demand in the Moscow and Leningrad regions. How much does a bailiff earn per month? The highest wages for this profession were found in Kamchatka and the Magadan region. Here the salary is 40,000 rubles. The lowest pay for bailiffs is in the Ryazan and Voronezh regions. Here, the salary of employees does not exceed 15,000 rubles per month.

If you decide to devote yourself to working as a bailiff, it would be useful to inquire in advance about how much representatives of this profession earn? What should one expect when choosing such a job, what benefits are there for them, what is the employer ready to offer? We'll talk about all this further.

So, a bailiff is an official who enforces court decisions and decrees (definition from Wikipedia). He is in the civil service, receiving all available benefits for this category:

  • official employment,
  • full-time work at the employer's premises,
  • receiving wages on a corporate bank card with free service,
  • social package, all kinds of benefits,
  • extended vacation,
  • prestige of the civil service.

In order to get such a job, you must have a secondary general or secondary vocational education, and if you are applying for leadership positions, you will need to obtain a higher legal or economic education. There are many requirements for applicants in terms of both personal and professional qualities, among which the most important are knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation, competent speech and the ability to work with people.

In order to get a truthful answer, first decide on the classification of officials. There are 2 types of them, viz.

  1. executors who directly go to addresses, search for malicious debtors and defaulters, and, in general, carry out court decisions;
  2. bailiffs responsible for ensuring the established procedure for the activities of courts (OUPDS bailiffs). They carry out forced arrests, go to arrests, and are also responsible for security at trials.

What to do if the bailiffs come, read on this page. Also about what to do if you fail to repay a loan

Regarding wages

If we talk about the first group of bailiffs, then on average their salary is from 12 to 15 thousand rubles, but if we talk about the second group, then the salary will be from 13 to 17 thousand rubles. Don’t forget about various bonuses, allowances, etc.

In fact, the figures are quite modest, but it is worth considering that this is only the “naked” official salary. If you trace the average salary level for a given profession over the last year, you will get the following indicators:

Where do they get the most?

It is worth remembering that the data presented above are averages. In fact, much will depend not only on the type of specialty you choose, but also on the region of your residence.

The further from the center of Russia, the higher the income will be. A striking example is the northern regions, where, due to the rather cold climate and difficult conditions, the salary increases by approximately 15-20% due to various allowances and benefits.

Bailiffs working in the Magadan region receive the most. Here such a specialist can count on a salary of up to 50,000 rubles. Where else can you go:

Also, this vacancy is in demand in Moscow and the Moscow region, where there is a huge amount of work. The fact is that, according to a recent statistical study, every fifth resident of the capital has a loan, and every seventh has an overdue debt. You can expect to earn up to 30,000 rubles. monthly.

Soon it is planned to provide these specialists with not only expanded rights in relation to debtors, but also an increase in salary, which means they will be able to earn up to 25 thousand rubles monthly. They will be given more rights to act with debtors.

It is expected that they will soon be equalized with employees of the country's security services, as well as the provision of special status and allocation to a special group of civil servants. This will increase their social and legal status and allow them to earn more.

It is also planned to provide large bonuses for length of service. For example:

  • for those who have worked for about 5 years, the increase will be 10%,
  • about 10 years - 20% and so on.

It is planned not only to increase salaries, but also to add various benefits and compensation for representatives of this profession. These measures should reduce corruption and make the profession more prestigious.

Similar and related professions for specialists who are bailiffs:

Quite a few people have had to look into the office of the Federal Bailiff Service at least once in their lives. Some people defaulted on their loans, some were blocked from traveling abroad for non-payment of alimony, and many were simply erroneously assessed an overdue fine by the traffic police. Many were rude, some were brought to tears. And in general, the reputation of this organization, due to the type of its activities, among the people, to put it mildly, is not very good.

About what kind of people work there, why they are so harsh and what they have to do, Reconomica I spoke with an employee of the FSSP. Try to look at the world through the eyes of a bailiff.

My name is Mikheeva Evgenia Yuryevna, I am now 27 years old, I work as a bailiff in a small town Krasnoznamensk Kaliningrad region. Now I have been working in this structure for a little over five years. The position in the bailiff service was my first serious job.

When I was a law student at the institute, I was full of hope and ambition. A young student, I was simply sure that if I studied diligently and showed myself in practice, then after graduation I would be in great demand. Imagine my surprise when, after receiving my diploma, no one offered me a job. An endless series of interviews and refusals began, which lasted several months. I gave up, the opportunity to get a job in my specialty slipped through my fingers.

But, as usually happens, the solution to the problems came on its own. My parents received a “chain letter” about non-payment of the traffic police fine, and we went to our department to show the payment receipt. This is a typical situation that probably happened to every second Russian driver.

City Bailiffs Department Krasnoznamensk I was very familiar with it. Especially his archive. After all, in my third year I did an internship there. I took the receipt and met a friend who, as it turned out, still worked in the department. We chatted a little and she told me about the open position. My delight knew no bounds. I didn’t delay, the next day I went to the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Kaliningrad Region.

Checks of applicants for employment. Who is hired as a bailiff and how is it checked?

The building impressed me. At the entrance I was greeted by stern men in uniform; later I learned that these were bailiffs for ensuring the established order of court activities (OUPDS). They wrote down my passport details and sent them to the HR department. The HR department provided me with an impressive list of documents required for employment.

For a week I collected documents - mine and those of my closest relatives, and passed a medical examination. Having collected an impressive folder of documents, passed the commission and armed with several photographs of myself, I again went to the personnel department. There they told me about the requirements for a future bailiff and gave me a form to fill out. It turned out that getting a job at the FSSP is not so easy.

You can become a bailiff only from the age of 21; you must have Russian citizenship and completed higher legal or economic education. The future bailiff and his immediate relatives should not have a criminal record or debts to the state.

Having filled out a questionnaire about myself and my family, proving that I met all the requirements, I went to a psychologist to take tests. I finished the test and thought that this would be the end of my meetings with the personnel department. But I was wrong. As it turned out, my documents were sent for verification, and I myself was sent for a two-week internship.

What is the job of a bailiff?

Well, finally, I’ve waited, I can start working. I had a very vague idea of ​​what bailiffs do. After all, I, like most trainees, was not allowed to work as such. I was only familiar with the archive.

Now I needed to find out what exactly the job of a bailiff is. On the first day, I didn’t really understand this issue.

I was loaded with a pile of papers: federal laws, regulations and other regulations that I had to learn and apply in practice.

Having dealt with the laws, internal regulations and getting to know the employees, I finally revealed the secret of what I should do. As it turned out, the main task of the bailiff is to collect debts from citizens and organizations in various ways. In theory, this seemed like a very simple process to me.

After I learned all the necessary laws, I was put in front of a computer to learn how to work with a special program - a database. All debtors and information about them are entered into the program, in which part of the debt collection work takes place.

Working at the base was a dark forest for me. It turns out that all court decisions and resolutions of other bodies (the traffic police, for example) are entered into the database - they are registered, which at first will seem like a very complicated process. After registration, enforcement proceedings are initiated to collect a particular debt. Then work on this production begins.

How to successfully complete an internship

In general, throughout my internship I struggled with our debtor base. The internship ended, and I went back to my favorite HR department. At that time, my documents had already been fully checked, psychological tests were also successfully passed. Now I was awaiting testing on my knowledge of laws and regulations. I passed the test without any problems.

But this was not the end of the epic; now I was sent for approval. That is, I had to go through the heads of departments and answer their questions. And the last ones need to pass an interview with the chief bailiff of the region - the head of the department. What I experienced while going through the approval process cannot be expressed in words. But I did it. They signed a contract with me and hired me for a probationary period of six months. They issued a form and sent it to their home department.

Real work, or why FSSP employees are so nervous

Now I was a full-time employee. They gave me a mentor, an already experienced bailiff, so that I would not pester everyone with questions, and they showed me my desk in the office.


Well, my workdays have begun. Hooray!

I was not happy for long. Within half an hour there was a row of boxes on my table, densely packed with enforcement proceedings. It’s unclear what to do with them and how to disassemble them. There are more than two thousand of them. I was very confused.

I had to take apart everything that had fallen on me. First I organized the mess. I sorted everything into categories and started working. It was very difficult for me, I didn’t know much. At times, I didn't understand what I was doing. A flood of new information flooded into me. All day long I made requests, wrote off money from accounts, initiated and terminated enforcement proceedings. Routine and monotonous work drove me crazy.

Working with debtors and their types

I didn’t have to get bored at the computer for a long time. Work with debtors has begun. I needed to conduct conversations with people who come to the appointment. It was necessary to explain what exactly their debt was, how they could pay it (accept money, if necessary) and what would happen to them in case of non-payment. I didn’t think that simple conversations could exhaust such a sociable and energetic person like me. I had to explain the same thing several times.

The people you will encounter in the process if you go to work as a bailiff are very different. These are not always nice, polite people. Very often, these are retired grandmothers who do not understand what exactly they owe and think that you are trying to rob them. These are local drunks who smell bad and can get sick with scary things. These are private entrepreneurs and officials who are confident in permissiveness and impunity. These are single mothers who have nothing to pay their utility bills. You will encounter each of them. Someone will curse you, someone will cry. You need to be emotionally prepared for anything.

At the first reception of citizens, the worst-smelling outcasts seemed to me the most terrible. Exactly until the moment when a huge angry man burst into my office, with a furious look. He shouted very loudly and threatened me. I have never been so scared. In response to his screams, an OUPDS employee, who is supposed to protect us in such cases, came running and took the rowdy out. I was shaking all over, I just sat and cried.

This was my baptism of fire. After that, I faced rudeness, open hatred and threats many times. Over time, I learned to react to all this correctly.

Outdoor events

Then visits to the debtors’ addresses began. And here, again, there is a psychological aspect. You see everything and encounter everything. Debtors are trying to escape and hide. They slam doors in your face, rush to fight, and poison dogs. You get to see with your own eyes how people live. You will have to face people who... Learn to communicate with brawlers.

What do the debtors themselves think about this?

From the editor: We will interrupt the heroine’s story for one paragraph. To look at the interaction between the bailiff and the debtor from a different angle, we interviewed people who had to go to see bailiffs.

I received a piece of paper saying that I had not paid some traffic fine. I just came by to ask. There, everyone who enters is looked at in advance as if they were a prisoner. That is, you are to blame for the fact that you got into the database, it doesn’t matter whether you were entered correctly or not. A very unpleasant place.

My son received an erroneous overdue fine from the camera in double amount, which he had already paid online. He also corresponded with Yandex-money - they’re getting kicked out by the traffic police, and he wrote to the traffic police portal - it doesn’t work at all, there’s zero response, and the phone number listed on the website is busy 24 hours a day - either it’s the only one for the whole region, single-channel, or it’s just there They hung up the phone once a couple of years ago to stop people from calling them.

In general, my son lives in another city, he asked me to go with printouts to the bailiffs to prove that he is not a camel. I sat in line for 3 hours on a working day - at least I’m a pensioner, and people work on weekdays, actually. They received me, checked my payment, and said, go ahead. I say that I served three hours, they say, at least give me a piece of paper that there are no complaints, you send all kinds of nonsense to honest people, then he will come again - sit in line again all day, prove it. They gave us a certificate that we were not camels, but with an appearance as if we were in a courthouse, and they proved guilt, and in front of them I bribed the judge with black cash.

And all this because of the chaos in their own base. It seems that this was done on purpose so that people would be discouraged from going there, they would spit and pay fines a second time. This is probably how the treasury is replenished.

Salary and working conditions in the FSSP

But you get used to everything. After the end of the probationary period, there is another test and approval. And if you cope, they give you a high rank. With the assignment of a class rank, you receive the first stars on your shoulder straps and a small increase in salary.

In his work, the bailiff often has to interact with employees from other departments: the prosecutor's office, the police, the tax office, the Pension Fund. Participate in court hearings. Sometimes - to prove the legality of their actions.

Working day from 9 am to 6 pm. But in practice, you constantly have to stay late and go to work on weekends and holidays. There is no need to expect additional payments for this.

The bailiff's salary is very modest. When I first got a job, I received about 12,000 rubles, a year later - about 14,000. I can’t count on a particularly large salary.

Today my salary does not reach 15,000 rubles in hand.

A quarterly bonus is provided, but not everyone receives it and not always.
Management sets standards, for failure to comply with which you can be punished: disciplinary action, deprivation of bonuses.

This job is very responsible. For violations, you can not only be deprived of bonuses or fired, but also be prosecuted.

To summarize, I want to say: working as a bailiff requires responsibility, determination, the ability to find contact with completely different people and dedication. If you are not ready to endure rudeness and threats for a small salary, or spend weekends and holidays at work, then this job is not for you.

Working in the bailiff service helped me acquire a lot of useful skills, become stronger, gain experience in court hearings, make a lot of useful contacts and gain work experience. By and large, this type of work is very suitable for a novice lawyer. It will allow him to acquire all the necessary skills. Now I am planning to move on and change jobs. But I am very grateful to my FSSP department for a wonderful start and irreplaceable experience.

Many people are interested in how much individual officials earn. You will learn about how much bailiffs earn and the difficulties of their work in this article.
Most people constantly criticize officials for their indifference to people, irresponsibility, and lack of performance. Such a “label” is hung on every bailiff. This often turns out to be true and such terms are applicable to many bailiffs. But still, many bailiffs really try to do their job as efficiently and responsibly as possible. Citizens do not want to delve into the difficulties that every bailiff experiences.

Who can become a bailiff?

The work of a bailiff is not easy and psychologically difficult work, which not every person is capable of. Any citizen who has reached the age of 21 and has a higher legal or economic education can become a bailiff. But not everyone is able to hold this position. Only a hardworking, stress-resistant, honest, decent, principled, diligent, resilient person with a sense of duty and a sense of humor is capable of this. It is employees who possess these qualities who manage to retain their positions for years, and after decades of work they are presented with departmental awards for many years of conscientious work.

What is the difficulty of working as a bailiff?

The activities of the bailiff service are daily work to restore the legal rights and interests of citizens, to solve socially significant problems: collection of overdue wages, fulfillment of alimony obligations, replenishment of budgets at all levels, forced repayment of debts on loans, taxes and fees.

In order to carry out one separate enforcement proceeding, a bailiff has to perform a huge number of operations, including:

  • send inquiries regarding the debtor;
  • check whether the debtor has bank accounts or other property;
  • seize the debtor's accounts (draw up a resolution, print it, put it in a file, send it);
  • check whether the debtor has income (salaries, pensions, benefits);
  • foreclose on the debtor’s income (draw up a decree, print it, put it in the file, send it);
  • impose bans on transactions with real estate, transport (draw up a resolution, print it, put it in the case, send it);
  • go to the debtor’s address to check the property status (draw up a report);
  • seize the debtor's property (draw up a resolution, draw up a deed, fill out a deed, print everything out, put everything in the case, send everything);
  • evaluate the debtor’s property (draw up a resolution, print it, invest it in the case, send it);
  • sell the debtor's property (draw up a resolution, draw up a deed, print everything out, invest everything in the case, send everything);
  • transfer the collected money to the debtor (draw up a resolution, print it, invest it in the case);
  • cancel all previously imposed arrests and prohibitions (draw up decisions, print them out, put them on file, send them);
  • complete enforcement proceedings (draw up resolutions, print them out, attach them to the file, send them);
  • submit the enforcement proceedings to the archive (stitch, number, make an inventory, put together).
You must try to do all this within 2 months from the date of initiation of enforcement proceedings. And this is just one production.

And one bailiff has from 500 to 5000 enforcement proceedings at the same time (!). Just think about how you can manage to conduct each of them efficiently. There is only one answer - no way. That is why none of the bailiffs have time to efficiently handle each proceeding, and quite often ends them without execution. In addition to all this, each bailiff receives citizens twice a week and almost daily gives written responses to petitions from debtors and collectors, maintains receipt books, and accepts cash.

Why is there constant staff turnover in the bailiff service?

If you interview a lot of bailiffs leaving their post, they will answer that the main reasons for leaving work for them are:

  1. Underfunding of activities, including:
    - low salary;
    - lack of paper in departments (which in practice, each bailiff has to buy at least 10 packs a year at his own expense);
    - purchasing office supplies and refilling printer cartridges at the expense of employees;
    - lack of transport and gasoline for the performance of official duties (for example, in the Volgograd region, for a department consisting of 30 people, only one car is allocated, for 60 people - two, and so on. And gasoline is allocated in insufficient quantities);
  2. Huge workload(as already noted, one bailiff can simultaneously handle from 500 to 5000 enforcement proceedings, so it is almost impossible to organize work in such a way as to perfectly execute each of them. Every year more and more judicial acts and other documents are issued, which subject to execution, which is why the workload on bailiffs is constantly growing);
  3. Irregular working hours(in many departments it is customary that until employees have completed all the tasks assigned by management, they do not leave work, and especially busy employees even stay at work “overnight”);
  4. Bureaucratic obstacles(constant checks, the so-called “plank system of work”. For example, each bailiff needs to collect a certain amount of enforcement fees and fines in favor of the state, and complete a certain number of enforcement proceedings monthly. All this makes it difficult to work in the main area of ​​activity - the execution of court decisions);
  5. Constant negative attitude from creditors and debtors(as a rule, every second claimant considers it necessary to express to the bailiff all his dissatisfaction with his work, which inevitably tires and frustrates many newcomers who are not ready for such pressure).

All this is the reason for staff turnover in the bailiff service. It often happens that during a year of working on one enforcement proceeding, 3-4 bailiffs change. This often surprises creditors, although in essence there is nothing to be surprised about.

What is the salary of bailiffs?

The average monthly salary of bailiffs in most regions is about 14,000-16,000 rubles. In federal cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in certain regions (for example, the Northern regions, Kamchatka Territory and others), this amount is, of course, larger, but still, as in the regions, it does not meet the modern needs of workers .
Bailiffs who ensure the established order of court activities have a salary of about 16,000-18,000 rubles per month.
Table. Average salary level of a bailiff by region of the Russian Federation for 2017

Sometimes bailiffs have bonuses, including quarterly bonuses, bonuses for high performance of a particular department in the region (for example, for prizes in certain areas of activity) and others.
But even salaries with bonuses (20,000 - 25,000 rubles) do not meet the needs of employees who perform responsible and qualified work. There is no doubt that such work in the public service should be paid much more decently.
In our country, there have been conversations for a long time about the need to increase the salaries of bailiffs, but, unfortunately, they have not yet come to fruition... The lack of a trend in the growth of salaries of the bailiffs can be seen from the picture below.

One day in the life of a bailiff (video)

If you are considering other options (besides employment as a bailiff), then do not limit yourself to this selection of advertisements, we have many other positions for different positions. There you can also use the search for offers from direct employers and agencies.

Current vacancies

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 40,000 to 55,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher legal or economic education; multitasking; stress resistance; Personal transport is desirable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Availability of secondary vocational education or higher education (Federal Law dated July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2017) “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”);

Requirements for the applicant:

age from 21 years (Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2017) “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”) for those liable for military service, having a military ID;

Service in the army or law enforcement agencies is welcome;

Requirements for the applicant:

knowledge of legislation, to the extent necessary for the performance of official duties; the basics of organizing the state civil service; rules of business etiquette.

Requirements for the applicant:

Citizenship of the Russian Federation; - no criminal record (even expunged); - presence of secondary vocational education or higher education (Federal Law dated July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2017) “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”);

age strictly from 21 years (Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2017) “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”) - mental and physical fitness for service (passing the test);

Requirements for the applicant:

The Zyuzinsky department of bailiffs of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia in Moscow requires candidates (men who have served in the army) for permanent and serious work in ensuring security in the courts (from 21 years old!!!) (NOT SECURITY!!!) with good physical training for the position " BAILIFF FOR ENSURING THE ESTABLISHED PROCEDURE FOR THE OPERATION OF COURTS (OUPDS)." Citizenship of the Russian Federation. Education not lower than secondary vocational. Communication skills, stress resistance. Availability of a military ID. Preliminary psychological testing and testing for suitability for service in conditions of the use of physical force, special. means, firearms. No problems with alcohol or the law, no criminal record, including with close relatives. No work experience required. It is advisable to live in the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow. Call 8-499-124-18-88 on weekdays.

Salary: from 40,000 to 45,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Good physical fitness. Education not lower than secondary specialized education. Age from 21 years. Absence of any criminal record. Military service.

Requirements for the applicant:

Age from 21 years old education NOT LESS THAN secondary professional registration (temporary or permanent) in the territory of Moscow or Moscow Region for men - presence of a military ID or a reserve officer's certificate high performance physically strong, morally stable

Salary: from 38,000 to 40,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher or specialized secondary education. Citizenship of the Russian Federation. Registration Moscow and Moscow Region. From 21 years old. Required military ID. Service in the Armed Forces or law enforcement agencies is welcome for men.

Salary: from 30,000 to 45,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Citizenship of the Russian Federation; - no criminal record (even expunged); - presence of secondary vocational education or higher education (Federal Law dated July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2017) “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”);

age strictly from 21 years (Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2017) “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”) - mental and physical fitness for service (passing the test);

Requirements for the applicant:

for those liable for military service, availability of a military ID;

Salary: from 35,000 to 45,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Physically strong men required. Citizenship of the Russian Federation, registration (temporary) in Moscow is required for non-residents. Availability of specialized secondary or higher education. Communication skills, resistance to stress, MANDATORY: military service for men. Healthily fit for civil service. No problems with alcohol or the law, no criminal record, including with close relatives. No work experience required.

Salary: from 25,000 to 35,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Citizenship of the Russian Federation - Age - from 21 years old (strictly) - Secondary general education (complete), secondary vocational, higher - No criminal record (including expunged or expunged) - Good physical shape call from 9 to 15 on weekdays

Salary: from 30,000 to 47,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

age from 21 years (Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2017) “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”) for those liable for military service, having a military ID;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 35,000 to 65,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Registration Moscow, (possibly temporary). Secondary specialized education (college, technical school). Service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Age from 21 years. Absence of any criminal record.

Salary: from 35,000 to 50,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

We require physically strong men aged 21 to 45 years, women in limited numbers. Citizenship of the Russian Federation, registration (temporary) in Moscow is required for non-residents. Availability of secondary specialized or higher education. Communication skills, resistance to stress, MANDATORY: military service for men. Healthily fit for civil service. No problems with alcohol or the law, no criminal record, including with close relatives. No work experience required. Carrying out service with firearms.

Salary: from 35,000 to 45,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary specialized or higher education. Permanent residence in Moscow or the Moscow region. Citizenship of the Russian Federation. No work experience required. PC knowledge at user level. Learning ability. Stress resistance. Ready for processing.

Requirements for the applicant:

Physical training

Salary: from 30,000 to 35,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 35,000 to 45,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Age strictly from 21 years (Federal Law dated July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2017) “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”) - having secondary vocational education or higher education (Federal Law dated July 27, 2004 N 79 -FZ (as amended on December 28, 2017) “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”); - mental and physical fitness for duty (passing the test); - for those liable for military service - availability of a military ID; - Service in the army (for those liable for military service) or law enforcement agencies is encouraged.

Salary: from 25,000 to 35,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Citizenship of the Russian Federation only men (strictly) - Age - from 21 to 30 years (strictly) - Having served in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, other law enforcement agencies (strictly) - Special secondary education, higher - No criminal record (including expunged or expunged ) - Good physical form

Salary: from 16,000 to 25,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher legal or economic education - Knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation

Salary: from 35,000 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

The candidate is required in accordance with Federal Laws of July 21, 1997 No. 118-FZ “On Bailiffs”, dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”: age from 21 years, higher legal or economic education. The competition is held in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 79-FZ dated July 27, 2004 “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation.” Confident use of PCs and office equipment. Ability to navigate the current legislation of the Russian Federation

Salary: from 30,000 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Age from 21 years higher legal or economic education, registration (temporary or permanent) on the territory of Moscow or the Moscow Region for men - presence of a military ID or reserve officer certificate high efficiency quick learner ability to self-learn

Salary: from 35,000 to 45,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher legal or economic education, knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation, citizenship of RUSSIA ONLY. PRESENCE OF ONE OF THE SPECIFIED EDUCATIONS IS MANDATORY!!! Permanent registration Moscow or Moscow region. NO WORK EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED.

Salary: from 25,000 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Required are employees with specialized secondary or secondary education + training at a university (training is confirmed by a certificate from the university), who have served in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other law enforcement agencies. Physically prepared.

Salary: from 25,000 to 40,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Complete secondary education. Service in the armed forces is strictly mandatory. Absence of any criminal record. Candidates take physical training tests. Enrollment based on the results of the competition.

Salary: from 35,000 to 40,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Citizenship of the Russian Federation, age over 21, higher education ONLY (legal, economic), knowledge of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The PC is a confident user of information and legal databases (Microsoft Office: Word, Excel; E-mail - Outlook; Internet;). Proficient in office equipment. Learning ability. THE DEPARTMENT IS LOCATED at this address, be careful when sending your resume Moscow, Troitsky administrative district, rural settlement Voronovskoye, 500 m from the village of Sakharovo Call STRICTLY from 11:00 to 17:00!!!

Salary: up to 30,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

The Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for the South-Western Administrative District in Moscow requires citizens of the Russian Federation, men, over 21 years of age, for the position of Bailiff for Ensuring the Established Procedure for the Operation of Courts (OUPDS). Military ID is a must! Physically and mentally healthy. Responsibility, stress resistance. No problems with alcohol. Before being hired, a criminal background check, psychological testing and an internship are carried out. Willingness to work long hours. For non-residents - temporary registration in Moscow is mandatory! It is advisable to live in the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow. It is possible without work experience, complete secondary education, secondary specialized education. State civil service.

Salary: from 23,000 to 27,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Availability of secondary (complete) general education; for those liable for military service, availability of a military ID; Service in the army or law enforcement agencies and playing sports are welcome; knowledge of legislation, to the extent necessary for the performance of official duties; the basics of organizing the state civil service; rules of business etiquette.

Salary: from 30,000 to 35,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 25,000 to 30,000 rubles per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Citizenship of the Russian Federation - Age - from 21 to 45 (strictly), MEN ONLY! Only those who have served in the army! Those who have a military ID from other states and are marked “limited fitness” are NOT eligible! - Secondary general education (complete), secondary vocational, higher - No criminal record (including expunged or expunged) - Good physical shape - Physically and mentally healthy (athletes, reserve officers, military personnel are welcome). - Be prepared to serve in conditions of the use of firearms, physical force and special means.

Salary: from 14,000 to 30,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Citizenship of the Russian Federation. Higher or secondary specialized education, age up to 50 years. Fit for health reasons. Military ID. Registered in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Continuing the topic:

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