Non-bank lending. Non-bank credit organizations

In this article we will look at what they are non-bank credit organizations (NPOs), what are the features of their functioning and the main types. As you know, recently many different organizations have appeared that are not banks, but offer various lending services, most often - and, and sometimes also accept deposits from the public.

All this is NPO. But not only: there are non-bank credit organizations that, despite the name, have nothing to do with lending, but carry out, for example, various forms of settlements, operations in the stock and foreign exchange markets, etc. Now let's talk about everything in order.

Non-bank credit organizations are financial institutions that are not banks, but provide a limited range of banking services. The activities of such companies are regulated by law, and they are accountable to the Central Bank of the country.

Types of non-bank credit organizations.

All NPOs can be divided into 3 types:

1. Settlement (RNKO);

2. Payment (PNCO);

3. Deposit and credit (NDKO).

Let's look at what different types of NPOs do.

Settlement non-bank credit organizations are created to provide settlement and cash services to enterprises and individuals; in addition, they can carry out the purchase and sale of non-cash currency on the interbank foreign exchange market, and conduct professional activities on stock exchanges and world markets.

The following types of organizations can be classified as RNCO:

– Clearing companies;

– Clearing houses operating in the stock market;

– Clearing houses serving clients on the foreign exchange market;

– Settlement centers serving payment systems;

– Settlement centers servicing transfer systems without opening an account.

Examples of RNCOs include national payment systems (for example, Zolotaya Korona), clearing houses, depositories, etc.

Payment non-bank credit organizations specialize in paying and sending money transfers without opening an account. Unlike the previous type, PNCOs carry out a narrower range of operations, the whole essence of which comes down to ensuring the security of sending and receiving transfers, including using electronic payment systems or mobile payments.

Examples of such organizations include money transfer systems without opening an account (Contact, Unistream, Anelik, etc.), electronic payment systems (WebMoney, Yandex.Money, etc.), payment systems of mobile operators.

Non-bank depository and credit organizations- the type of NPO that will interest us primarily - they are engaged in attracting deposits and issuing loans, without carrying out settlement transactions. In addition, their ability to accept deposits and issue loans may also have legal restrictions: both in terms of amounts and types of deposits/loans.

The list of operations carried out by NPOs, as a rule, comes down to two main ones:

1. Issuance of loans to individuals and legal entities (usually individuals);

2. Acceptance of deposits or investments from individuals and legal entities (in some cases - only from individuals or only from legal entities).

In addition, NDCOs may issue guarantees, engage in stock market activities, and sometimes carry out certain other transactions associated with accepting deposits and making loans.

Let's consider the main types of non-bank depository and credit organizations:

Credit unions are associations of groups of people created for the purpose of lending, first of all, to the members of this group. Members of the credit union themselves contribute shares (contributions) to it, and are also involved in attracting deposits from the public. As the required amount is accumulated, it is issued as a loan to a member of the credit union or to another person. Credit unions always have higher deposit rates than banks, but loans are also issued at higher interest rates than bank ones.

Mutual aid funds– public organizations that are based on voluntary contributions from people, from which a certain fund is formed. Participants in the mutual aid fund have the right to draw from this fund. This form of credit organization was quite popular during the Soviet era, but now in a number of countries the activities of mutual aid funds are prohibited at the legislative level, since they began to disguise themselves as them.

Credit cooperatives are in many ways similar to credit unions, but can provide loans to their members using a loan received from a bank. That is, a credit cooperative as a legal entity can take out a large loan from a bank and distribute it in the form of small loans to its participants, of course, at a higher rate, but also with a more flexible approach to the substitute.

Pawnshops– non-bank credit organizations that issue cash for any needs secured by movable property. always very expensive, but you can get it without any questions, the main and only requirement is the presence of collateral - some valuable item with sufficient liquidity (from jewelry to vehicles).

Leasing companies– organizations whose services combine rental and lending. The leasing company provides its clients with the opportunity to purchase the necessary property on a lease basis with further transfer into ownership. Leasing lending is interesting, first of all, for legal entities, for example, when purchasing expensive equipment or transport, since it allows you to optimize taxation. Companies providing leasing services are often subsidiaries of commercial banks.

Insurance companies can also be considered as non-bank credit organizations, since, using accumulated insurance premiums, they often issue loans, primarily to representatives of large corporate businesses (industry, wholesale trade). Insurance companies are also very often opened at banks or are part of banking consortiums.

Now you know what non-bank credit organizations are and what they are like. Certain types of NPOs have already been discussed in more detail (you can follow the links in the text and get acquainted), while others will be gradually considered in the future.

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, - this is promising, but it will take a long time.

There are organizations that are ready to give you a loan here and now. Loans that are not issued by banks are non-bank lending. Looking back at the experience of Russian banks for ten years, I understand that our domestic banks have seriously spoiled borrowers. I have an article about, so in the comments almost every second person asks to explain to him how not to pay the loan. He hasn’t paid for a year now, he still has two more to go...

Well, that’s not the point, guys, debts must be paid off, regardless of where they were taken out.

Non-bank financial credit organizations are a long and beautiful name, but we are interested in where to get a loan without much pathos.

It seems to me that the pawnshop is the most brilliant invention of mankind. Everything is so simple - no income certificates, no income at all, the main thing is to have some kind of collateral. Yes, there is a bank that is ready to give you a loan on your word of honor (at least small amounts are issued that way), but at a pawnshop they won’t even give you a thousand rubles just like that.

Non-bank financial credit organizations will not run after you in search of justice, they will not go to court, they already have collateral. That is, in order to take out a loan from a pawnshop, you must have some material value. Does everyone have a wedding ring? What about the clock? Mobile phone?

Of course, the interest rate on such a loan will be much higher than in the case of lending from a bank, but such a non-bank loan differs, firstly, in that you receive money here and now, and secondly, in that there is nothing to lose . Will they take away the engagement ring? Well, okay. Yes, this is important, but it is much better than lengthy persecution, debt collectors, bailiffs, inventory of property...

In general, it seems to me that if a person needs a loan, and he has obvious problems with his credit history, then there is reason to believe that problems may arise with this loan, so a pawnshop or a credit union is what they need.

By the way, non-bank credit organizations are not only pawnshops. There are also ordinary non-profit organizations, however, now they are slowly curtailing their activities (for example, I found a list of such institutions and went through their websites - half of the websites have stopped working), which means it is difficult to compete with banks.

In principle, I personally can highlight the following types of non-bank lending, which I think make sense to get involved with:

— pawnshops;

— loan from a private investor;

— credit union.

In all these cases, the lending rate will be noticeably higher than that of banks, but there will be much less paperwork. A loan from a private investor can also be taken in the form of an investment if it is needed for business development.

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Non-bank credit organization(NPO) – one that has the right to carry out certain banking operations. The definition of NPOs is given by the federal law of December 2, 1990 No. 395-1 “On banks and banking activities”. Acceptable combinations of banking operations for non-profit organizations are established by the Bank of Russia. Legislative requirements for non-bank credit institutions are lower than for banks, which is associated with a lower degree of risk in operations.

In general, non-bank credit organizations can be divided into three main types: settlement non-bank credit organizations (RNCOs), payment non-bank credit organizations (PNCOs) and non-bank depository credit organizations (NDCOs).

Carrying out settlements on behalf of legal entities, including correspondent banks, on their bank accounts;

Collection of funds, bills, payment and settlement documents and cash services for legal entities;

Purchase and sale of foreign currency in non-cash form;

Making money transfers on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts (except for postal transfers);

In other words, RNKO does not have the right to attract deposits and issue loans; it provides a system of payments and transfers.

Currently, the following groups of RNCOs can be distinguished on the market:

Clearing organizations: CJSC Clearing House, CJSC Interregional Clearing Center, OJSC Moscow Clearing Center, etc.;

Settlement centers on the securities market, for example, the NPO RTS Clearing House;

Clearing houses that provide services to legal entities, including correspondent banks in foreign exchange markets, such as the National Settlement Depository, which serves the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange;

Settlement organizations operating in the interbank market, for example, NPO Payment Center, which services the Golden Crown payment system and has agreements with more than 130 banks;

Settlement organizations specializing in the transfer of funds from individuals without opening bank accounts, such as Western Union DP Vostok, NPO Rapida.

A payment non-bank credit organization has the right to carry out money transfers without opening bank accounts and other banking operations related to them. This type of NPO appeared with the release of the law “On the National Payment System”. Compared to a settlement payment non-bank credit organization, a narrower range of operations is permitted. It should provide a risk-free transfer system within the framework of organizing instant, electronic, and mobile payments.

According to the regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated September 21, 2001 No. 153-P “On the peculiarities of prudential regulation of the activities of non-bank credit institutions carrying out deposit and credit operations,” NDCOs can carry out the following banking operations:

Attracting funds from legal entities into deposits (for a certain period);

Placement of funds attracted from legal entities as deposits on their own behalf and at their own expense;

Purchase and sale of foreign currency in non-cash form (exclusively on your own behalf and at your own expense);

Issuance of bank guarantees;

Carrying out activities on the securities market.

NDCO has no right:

Attract funds from individuals into deposits (on demand and for a certain period) and legal entities into deposits on demand;

Open and maintain bank accounts of individuals and legal entities, as well as make payments on them;

Engage in collection of funds, bills, payment and settlement documents and cash services;

Buy and sell cash foreign currency;

Attract deposits and place precious metals;

Make money transfers on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts.

In other words, NDCOs do not have the right to conduct settlement operations, but they can carry out certain credit and deposit operations.

The only example of such an organization is the CJSC “Non-Bank Deposit and Credit Organization “Women’s Microfinance Network” created in 2005. However, in 2011, his license was revoked due to the decision of this organization to cease operations through liquidation. There is currently no NDCO on the market.

The procedure for opening all NPOs is prescribed in the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated April 2, 2010 No. 135-I “On the procedure for the Bank of Russia to make decisions on state registration of credit organizations and issuing licenses for banking operations.”

Mandatory standards for payment non-bank credit organizations are covered by Bank of Russia Instruction No. 137-I dated September 15, 2011 “On mandatory standards for non-bank credit organizations that have the right to carry out money transfers without opening bank accounts and related other banking operations, and the specifics of carrying out Bank of Russia supervision over their compliance."

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Non-bank loans are issued not by banks or their branches, but by organizations that are not banks. There are many such companies in Russia, so people are interested in the specifics of their activities and lending conditions.

Getting a non-bank loan is much easier than if you submit a package of documents to a large bank, where your solvency will be carefully checked. But such firms have much fewer areas of work, and they do not use capital for their work.

Features of the activities of non-banking companies

The most prominent representatives of non-banking organizations can be called simple pawnshops, car pawnshops, as well as those that are registered as microcredit centers.

They are designed with the goal of spending less money on paying taxes. Here you can get a non-bank loan if you leave any property as collateral, the ownership of which the borrower can confirm with special papers. These are various kinds of microfinance organizations, financial and credit firms that provide loan services to those who wish.

A non-bank loan from a private individual can be taken out quite legally, because such companies have every right, according to current legislation, to carry out the following types of activities:

  1. collection;
  2. sale and purchase of foreign currency;
  3. cash services for individual entrepreneurs and various enterprises;
  4. issuing non-bank loans to the population;
  5. servicing plastic credit cards.

If a license is required for some type of activity, the organization must obtain it, otherwise its activities may be considered illegal.

You can take the desired amount from:

  • loan amount 8000, interest rate 0.9%. The approximate age of borrowers is from 21 to 75 years;
  • – loan amount up to 7,000 rubles, interest rate per day – from 1%;
  • SmsFinance - loans to everyone in the amount of up to 15,000 rubles, 1% overpayment, terms - for a month;
  • YourMoney – 10,000 rubles at 2% for a period of 15 days;
  • It’s easy to borrow - you can get 15 thousand rubles up to 30 days, the rate is 2%;
  • Money Borrowed - 100,000 rubles, 2% interest rate, for up to 180 days.

Features of loans from non-banking organizations

If you want to take out a microloan, use the application form.

Non-banking organizations raise funds and in the future issue them to the population as consumer loans. But they do not have the right to conduct various types of operations to transfer funds and attract precious metals for the purpose of opening deposits.

If we compare the requirements of large banks for their borrowers and the terms of lending in non-banking offices, then the latter are much more loyal to potential clients. It will be very easy to get a loan even if you have obligations or a bad credit history.

But you need to remember important points:

  1. Loans from non-banking organizations are usually small, so you can’t count on large amounts.
  2. Commercial bank loans are issued at lower interest rates, so the fees for using the money will be high.
  3. There is an option that the real interest rate will be hidden from you behind other payments. As a result, you will have to pay off the debt in a much larger volume than originally planned.

Types of loans offered and their conditions

Loans from non-banking organizations come in several types, which directly depend on the client’s needs and the desired timing of receiving money. In such an office you can get a mortgage for a family, or take out a loan for a pensioner or student.

Everything will take no more than an hour and now you already have the required amount of money in your hands. Typically, such loans are issued on the security of real estate, a car, etc. Here you can also refinance, pay off any debts, including much more.

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