Methods and goals of personnel assessment: how to turn employees from a tool into the brain center of the company. Methodological basis for scoring labor efficiency Types of rating scales

There is nothing easier than being busy and nothing more difficult than being productive.

A. Mackenzie

3.3.1. Methodology for scoring labor efficiency

The effectiveness of labor activity is calculated as the ratio of the actually achieved criterion indicators to the basic values ​​of the final performance results, determined using weighting coefficients and incentive models relative to the standard efficiency value of 100 points.

The methodology is based on methods of economic analysis, expert assessments, the scoring method and classification theory. The fundamental provisions for assessing the labor efficiency of the organization’s personnel are as follows.

1. The assessment is carried out using a certain list of economic, social and organizational indicators, selected by the methods of expert assessments and correlation analysis from the “List of Criteria Indicators”, characterizing the final results of the organizations, labor and social activities of the staff.

2. Models of economic incentives for achieving final results with the least expenditure of resources and high quality of products, labor and management are being introduced. It is implemented by introducing mathematical incentive models that reflect the patterns of the organization’s economic activities.

3. The comparison of various economic and social indicators, taking into account their importance, is carried out in a comprehensive indicator of personnel performance using weighting coefficients determined by the methods of expert assessments and rank correlation.

4. A comprehensive performance indicator is calculated as a sum of points, converted to a percentage measurement scale (100 points). This ensures comparability of the quantity and quality of labor in production and management, as well as various divisions of the organization.

The complex indicator is calculated by summing up partial performance indicators that reflect the final results of production, use of resources, social activities and personnel performance. Partial indicators are determined based on the results of achieving economic and social indicators by multiplying the percentage of their implementation by weighting coefficients. The weighting coefficient shows the relative importance of economic

cultural or social indicator in the overall set of performance indicators. The resulting value in points reflects the “contribution” of a particular particular indicator to the efficiency of the work activity of the organization’s personnel.

Numerical values ​​of economic and social indicators are determined from planning documents, statistical and operational reporting forms and are calculated as a percentage of the actual value to the basic final result:

Xi = P i Ф × 100 , P i σ

where Xi is the percentage of the i-th partial performance indicator, %;

Pi f – actual value of the i-th economic and social indicator of the final result for the reporting period, nat. units;

Pi b – basic value of the i-th indicator of the final result (plan, standard, fact of the previous period) for the reporting period, nat. units

The numerical value (Xi) obtained as a result of the calculation indicates the degree of achievement of the final result (fulfillment, overfulfillment, underfulfillment) and should have a different economic assessment. It is known that the most important task of a market economy is to achieve the final result with the least expenditure of resources and high quality products. Incentives are implemented by introducing adjusted values ​​of indicators into the performance assessment using the formula:

Уi = f(Xi),

where Уi is the numerical value of the adjusted i-th indicator of the final result, %;

f (Xi) – mathematical function of stimulation of the i-th indicator. With 100% implementation of the basic indicator, the adjusted indicator should also be equal to 100%, and in case of deviations it is calculated according to a specific incentive model depending on the importance and economic significance of the indicator (Fig. 3.3.1-3.3.4).


Rice. 3.3.1. Linear Ascending Incentive Model

y 200

Rice. 3.3.2. Linear Descending Incentive Model

Rice. 3.3.3. Incentive model based on the "pyramid" function

Rice. 3.3.4. Reverse incentive model ("penalties")

Partial performance indicators characterize the contribution of a particular indicator to the overall performance efficiency. Calculation of partial indicators is carried out on the basis of adjusted values ​​of indicators and weighting coefficients according to the formula:

Пi = Уi Вi,

where Pi is the value of the i-th partial indicator of personnel performance, points;

Bi is the weighting coefficient of the i-th private indicator, share. Comprehensive indicator of personnel performance (P in

points) is the arithmetic mean ratio of the sum of partial indicators to the sum of weighting coefficients:

P = i∑ = n 1 P i ,

i∑ = 1 B i

where n is the number of private performance indicators.

The calculation of a comprehensive indicator of personnel labor efficiency will be given in section 3.3.4. The assessment of the final value of a comprehensive indicator of personnel performance depends on its numerical value:

if it is less than 95 points, then the staff worked unsatisfactorily


if it is in the range from 95 to 100 points, then the staff worked satisfactorily, but has reserves in terms of productivity and quality of work;

if it is in the range from 100 to 105 points and all particular indicators are met, then the overall assessment of the staff’s work is good; if it is more than 105 points, then the overall assessment of the staff’s work is

looks excellent.

3.3.2. Work efficiency criteria

IN conditions of interaction between the administrative system, market economy and democratization of society, the importance of scientific substantiation of the composition of performance indicators that reflect the final results of the economic and social development of the enterprise increases significantly. In a market economy, economic indicators such as profit, contractual obligations, labor productivity, sales volume, and profitability are important. It is essential to take into account the factors influencing these final indicators, as well as the development of recommendations to ensure the profitable operation of the enterprise in conditions of expanded production.

In the 90s of the 20th century, under the guidance of the author of the textbook, experimental studies were carried out at 40 large and medium-sized enterprises to select a range of indicators and criteria for the effectiveness of the organization. In particular, using the methods of expert assessments and questionnaires, 468 managers of enterprises and their structural divisions and 52 scientists (doctors and candidates of science) were interviewed in order to determine the nomenclature and weighting coefficients of the criterion indicators. The scoring method for assessing labor efficiency is based on the results of these studies. The most significant criterion indicators are shown in table. 3.3.1. A manager who knows the composition and methods of calculating criteria indicators will never get into trouble in the eyes of his subordinates. Therefore, we recommend that you know this table in detail or “by heart”.

Continuation of table 3.3.1


Calculation method



Determined by division





average annual


amounts to


some basic

per 1 employee and level

part (of a building, structure)


vein of mechanization

monthly average


"shell" for production

staff laziness

water process




Depends on the industry

bone pro-

OPF to the cost of goods -

activity of use



products, manufactured

means of labor for production

and life cycle of the pro-

day throughout the year

production of products


(growth, decline)



volume you-







products per


labor (increas-

number of ra-

1 employee and allows



boot for 1


judge production




potential of per-

due to inflation






speed reduction




namika, not sources

production growth

labor to average growth




her salary


labor and


ly and prices of goods



Payment fund

General fund main

Allows you to control

labor (early

and additional infection

size and specification



work platform

Bottom board, incl.

weight of wages in


in cost

production costs

factors (taxes, mono-


tions. Is the base for

fullness, number)



Costs for



Allows you to judge the


le management costs

work activity only




tion, the dynamics of their change


eat, kop./rub.

costs before

differences in time

2. Social indicators

Captures only explicit


number of employees



tea production



safety precautions

no injury. Behind-


number of personnel

depends on factors pro-

production and compliance



Shows efficiency reserves

Doesn't capture


wasted time due to


time for 1


vocation of personnel

what time.


no-shows to the total number

from social security


health care



Depends on the price of the product


wages and dynamics

tion, inflation and external

total number of per-


factors (taxes,


periods of time

monopoly, etc.)

Personnel assessment using various principles makes it possible to clearly identify any aspects related to the employees’ performance of the tasks assigned to them, to determine the characteristics and personal qualities of the organization’s employees.

The principles of personnel assessment are based on a study of common criteria, 25 of which are sufficient to identify a person’s qualities. Among them may be the ability to generalize orally or in writing, management, careerist motives, internal standards, including ethical principles, a person’s self-esteem, his organizational and creative abilities, organization, reliability, etc.

Often, the personnel assessment system at an enterprise involves the use of the assessment center method or a universal comprehensive method. If the goals and objectives of personnel assessment are correct, then you can effectively evaluate the work of employees, taking into account:

  • ongoing monitoring of work results;
  • the possibility of conducting certification activities;
  • results obtained in the process of ongoing monitoring and certification.

It is very important to communicate the results of ongoing monitoring and certification to each employee in a timely manner.

The concept and objectives of personnel assessment are associated with a focused process that allows you to determine whether all the qualitative characteristics of an employee, including his skills, motivation, abilities and character, correspond to the requirements of the role he performs.

Personnel assessment and development allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • identify the level of professionalism of the employee (knowledge, skills, abilities);
  • explore psychological preparedness (motives of a person’s behavior and its direction, employee’s temperament);
  • evaluate the employee’s labor efficiency related to productivity and quality of work, the desire for rationalization and invention;
  • develop appropriate recommendations for the development of personal and professional qualities of employees;
  • identify the degree of correspondence between the level of remuneration and the efforts of employees, the level of performance and the expected result;
  • establish directions for personnel development;
  • create an effective mechanism for motivating employees.

Methods on the basis of which an employee is assessed

Qualitative (descriptive) methods allow you to evaluate employees without using quantitative ones. The most common among them is the matrix method, which is based on comparing the characteristics of an employee with possible ideal criteria corresponding to the position he occupies.

You can highlight the achievements of the stronger and the mistakes of the weakest workers by using the method of a system of arbitrary characteristics, which involves comparing these indicators with each other. Using the elementary method, the activities of an employee of the organization as a whole are assessed. Often, the use of the “360 degree” method allows an employee to be assessed from all sides by other employees, from management to the company’s clients. The prospects and performance of a particular employee are discussed on the basis of a discussion method conducted by experts and management.

Mixed or descriptive methods are based on quantitative aspects. For example, testing or a method of summing up assessments. Each of the characteristics is assessed according to a specific scale, followed by determination of average indicators for comparison with ideal ones.

Quantitative methods make it possible to assess the qualities of an employee with the greatest objectivity, recording each result in numbers. The ranking method is the most common quantitative assessment, which is a rating of an employee's characteristics compiled by several managers. After this, the ratings for all employees are reconciled and those at the bottom of the table are reduced. If the scoring method is used, then the employee can receive a predetermined number of points - they are summed up based on the results of the entire period.

Indicators of comprehensive employee assessment

Using personnel assessment criteria, it is possible to obtain characteristics of indicators that are equivalent for all employees. Since information about the employee must be reliable, this will require objectivity and accuracy of indicators. Therefore, a comprehensive assessment of personnel performance is carried out on the basis of clearer criteria.

A criterion or a certain threshold affects whether the indicator will be satisfactory or unsatisfactory in relation to the established requirements of the organization for employees. They can be either planned or standardized.

Personnel assessment technologies involve the use of groups of the following criteria:

  1. Professional.
  2. Business.
  3. Moral and psychological.
  4. Specific.

Professional criteria include characteristics related to knowledge in the field of professional activity, skills, abilities, professional experience of a person, etc. Among the business criteria are: responsibility, organization, efficiency, initiative.

Moral and psychological criteria are related to fairness, honesty, psychological stability, and the employee’s ability to self-esteem. The constituents of specific criteria are the qualities of an employee that characterize his authority, state of health, and personality traits.

A system of indicators should be formed based on:

  1. Indicators of all 3 groups, which are equally important. If the criteria of a certain group are recognized as priority, this will lead to employees neglecting other types of activities.
  2. Indicators that should not only cover all the necessary aspects of work, but also not create an overly cumbersome system that would require a lot of time and money.

Personnel assessment automation system

The enterprise has a subsystem that facilitates the work of the HR manager, labor engineer, and heads of departments for organizational development and personnel management. The work of employees is assessed by the above-mentioned specialists and department heads on the basis developed by 1C - a personnel assessment program based on special methods.

The product includes the following modules:

  1. Professional and psychological testing.
  2. Competency models.
  3. Assessment of labor results according to KPI.

The functional areas of the 1C: Enterprise program in the “Personnel Assessment” subsystem are:

  1. Personnel certification and analysis of labor results.
  2. Monitoring the socio-psychological climate in the team in the process of implementing new or risky management decisions.
  3. Research on the strengths and weaknesses of project and management teams.
  4. Creation of teams of professionals taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of each employee.
  5. Selection and admission of candidates based on an analysis of assessed qualities, holding personnel competitions, personnel rotation, taking into account the compliance of employees with job requirements.
  6. Implementation of a system of personnel competencies, forecasting the behavior of employees in typical situations in order to identify potential risks associated with the activities of employees.
  7. Launch of automated processes, including assessment and certification of personnel.
  8. Evaluation of employee labor in the system of performance indicators (KPI).

The algorithm for all actions for employee assessment and certification is presented in the figure (IMAGE 1).

Rules for developing an organization's personnel assessment system

A personnel evaluation system can be developed as follows:

  1. An assessment system that was adopted in another organization was copied.
  2. An assessment system has been developed independently.
  3. Consultants were invited to develop a system that meets the selected requirements.

If management has instructed a human resource management specialist to develop an assessment system, then it may not get the desired result due to the fact that there are practically no absolutely identical organizations. At the same time, this moment can have a positive impact on the further advancement of personnel along the career ladder.

If at one enterprise the requirements for employees are high, then at another they are average. In general, building an effective personnel assessment system in any organization will allow each employee to improve their status and qualifications. All specialists of the same profession and equal qualifications in different organizations perform different tasks, have different needs, etc.

If an organization needs to evaluate the results of the work of those specialists or workers whose activities are regulated by established standards and regulations, then clear indicators can be obtained. These include the number of customers served, sales volume, etc.

A comprehensive personnel assessment is associated with establishing not only the required level of indicators, but also certain conditions of employee behavior that allow each performer to achieve a high level of efficiency in their own work. If there are no clear indicators for assessing labor results, then they are work goals established on the basis of the employee’s job functions.

As assessment tools are selected and procedures are defined to evaluate the work of an organization's employees, different enterprises may develop and impose completely different requirements. This affects the effectiveness of the obtained indicators: they will be appropriate only if the staff correctly perceives their work results.

To get the maximum benefit from the evaluation system, it is necessary to correctly determine its goals, since very often it comes down to issues related to bonuses and wages.

Stages of building a personnel assessment system

The main goal of conducting personnel assessment procedures is to obtain objective information about the following indicators:

  1. Employee performance results.
  2. The effort required of them to achieve these results.
  3. Employee satisfaction with working conditions.
  4. Employee satisfaction with the rewards they receive.

The first stage involves identifying the needs of the enterprise when assessing the performance of employees. Next, the goals that need to be achieved are formed. They are pursued during the assessment process.

A motive is what causes certain actions of a person, his internal and external driving forces. Motive determines what and how to do to satisfy human needs. Motives are amenable to awareness, and a person can influence them, strengthening or dampening their effect, and in some cases, eliminating them from his driving forces.
Needs are the need for something objectively necessary to maintain the vital functions and development of the organism, personality and social group. Depending on the object, material and spiritual needs are distinguished.

1.1. Fundamentals of the theory of motivation………………………………………………………...3
1.2. Labor activity…………………………………………………………….5
1.3. Material and spiritual needs……………………………...5
1.4. Human resource development………………………………………………………6
2.1. Theory of remuneration……………………………………………………8
2.2. Remuneration systems…………………………………………………………….8
2.3. Remuneration experience……………………………………………………………......8
2.4. Regulations on remuneration of personnel……………………………….11
3.1. Fundamentals of efficiency theory……………………………………...14
3.2. Quality of work…………………………………….14
3.3. Score assessment of labor efficiency……………………………...15
3.4. Labor contribution coefficient……………………………………...15

Files: 1 file

Currently, the high quality of a person’s working life is considered in a developed society as one of the main incentives for labor productivity.

The quality of working life includes the following groups of indicators: the workforce, pay, workplace, enterprise management, career, social guarantees and social benefits.

3.3. Labor efficiency scoring

It is right to consider the efficiency of personnel as part of the overall efficiency of social production.

In economic literature, efficiency is calculated as the ratio of profit savings from the implementation of a specific result to the costs of its creation.

Thus, efficiency is a relative indicator, measured in shares. Economy should not be confused with efficiency and productivity. Effectiveness is the achievement of a specific result within a specified time frame, measured in natural units (pieces, rubles, kg). Productivity is the ratio of the volume of output to the total number of employees with the unit of measurement rub./person.

Criteria indicators of enterprise performance include:

Indicators of economic efficiency of final results;

Indicators of the quality of performance and complexity of work;

Social efficiency indicators.

Calculations using the BOERO method ( scoring of the effectiveness of organizations).

The efficiency of an organization is calculated as the ratio of the actually achieved criterion indicators to the basic values ​​of the final performance results, weighted using weighting coefficients and incentive functions relative to the standard efficiency value of 100 points.

The methodology is based on methods of economic analysis, expert assessments, the scoring method and classification theory.

The BOERO method is based on determining the socio-economic trends in the development of an organization of any organizational and legal form, its effectiveness in terms of achieving production, economic and social goals.

3.4. Labor contribution coefficient

KTV is a quantitative measure of the individual labor contribution (participation) of employees in the final results of the activities of a structural unit of the organization. The concepts of KTV and KTU are identical, however, the use of KTV at the present stage is more correct for workers due to their share in the final results of production.

Postulates on which the CTV method is based:

It is rational to use CTV for the distribution of bonus funds and additional wages (remuneration), since the basic wage (tariff, salary) is fixed in the contract or upon hiring;

CTV is used to evaluate the individual contribution of individual workers and employees;

The amount of remuneration for the final result is determined based on the results of work for the month;

In case of achieving high results and quality of work, the amount of remuneration increases in proportion to the KTV.

Job title Number of units salary KTV Sum of points Specific gravity Premium RUB Total earnings
Department head 1 10000 1,3 13000 0,4277 5560,1 155600
Senior Engineer 1 8000 1,1 8800 0,4277 3763,76 11763,16
Labor engineer 1 7000 0,8 3600 0,4277 2395 9395,12
Labor engineer 1 6000 0 0 0,4277 0 6000
Labor engineer 1 6000 1,2 7200 0,4277 3079,44 9079,44
Total 5 37000 4,4 34600 0,4277 1479,84 51798,42

The concept of the moral and psychological state of the personnel of a unit, unit

Moral and psychological state of the personnel of the unit (unit)

One of the foundations of the combat readiness and combat effectiveness of a unit, unit (ship) is the high morale of the personnel. This has become a generally recognized fact of the modern activities of the armed forces, the training of troops and forces of all civilized states. For example, in the NATO Joint Forces Manual ATP-35/A/

“Fundamentals of the combat use of formations and units of ground forces of NATO countries” states: “The morale of troops is the most important factor in war. It generates energy and aggressiveness in personnel. All personnel, from the commander to the ordinary soldier, must have the will to win, which could decide the outcome of the battle.

High morale allows the personnel to courageously endure any difficulties.”

One of the forms of existence of the morale of troops and naval forces is the moral and psychological state of military personnel.

In modern conditions, the role of man in solving combat and other military service tasks is increasing. In ensuring high combat readiness and strengthening military discipline, the importance of working to increase the maturity of the moral and psychological state of personnel and the stability of the spiritual strength of military personnel is becoming increasingly relevant. It is obvious that the activities of the commander and his deputy for educational work in this direction will become more successful if the socio-psychological characteristics of the moral and psychological state of military personnel, the components of its structure, and the influence of factors determining its dynamics and stability are taken into account.

There is no doubt that people play a decisive role in ensuring the necessary combat readiness, combat power and combat effectiveness of troops (naval forces), in solving combat and other military service tasks. After all, it is they who ensure the combat readiness and combat effectiveness of weapons and military equipment, material and technical means and their practical use, and on the other hand, the combat readiness and combat effectiveness of a unit or unit depends on the combat readiness and combat effectiveness of the personnel themselves (and this is determined by their preparedness, moral and psychological state, authoritative leadership, skillful management).

Moral and psychological state is one of the essential characteristics of a military unit or unit. Its deep understanding by the commander and his deputy for educational work presupposes an understanding of the essence, content, components and correlation of such phenomena as human potential, a particular military formation, the human factor, and the morale of military personnel.

The human potential of a military formation is the totality of the spiritual and physical capabilities of a unit, part, both as a whole and individual military personnel. The physical side of human potential is characterized by the number of people, the state of their physical health and physical qualities, and the level of physical fitness in general. Spiritual capabilities are a set of military-professional, moral-political, legal, aesthetic, environmental and other knowledge and views and beliefs based on this knowledge, attitudes, abilities, skills and habits, as well as the qualities of military personnel necessary for service and combat. The physical and spiritual capabilities of personnel are everything that is formed and developed in the course of their entire life and activity, but especially in the process of combat, humanitarian and psychological training and the practical performance of various military service and other tasks.

Under the influence of certain circumstances, certain components and facets of human potential are actualized and manifested, becoming really active forces. This is the human factor, as a force that determines the behavior and activities of military personnel, the success and quality of fulfilling the tasks assigned to them (see diagram No. 1).

The leading role in human potential and in the human factor is played by the spiritual side - what is commonly called the morale of troops, naval forces, personnel of a unit or unit. Morale is the spiritual readiness and ability of personnel to endure the trials of war, the hardships, hardships and difficulties of military service and achieve victory over the enemy and successfully carry out assigned military service tasks.

The morale of troops (naval forces) has two interconnected aspects:

statistical, relatively stable - the spiritual, moral and psychological potential of a unit, unit, as a set of spiritual capabilities of personnel, the degree of its political, moral, legal and other consciousness, competence, military-professional preparedness, which can be turned into a factor in achieving victory in battle , war, fulfillment of military service and other tasks facing the military formation. The spiritual potential of a unit or unit characterizes the ability of military personnel to withstand all the hardships of war, the difficulties of military service and achieve victory over the enemy, and successfully perform other military service tasks. It is an integral part of the morale of the people of the country, the nation, the military power of the state and the combat power of its armed forces;

dynamic- the moral and psychological state of the personnel of a unit, unit, as one or another degree of realization and manifestation of the moral and psychological potential of military personnel when solving specific combat and other military service tasks. This is a certain level of the functional mood of military personnel, the psychology of military formations in the specific circumstances of their life and activities. This is an updated, functioning and really effective part of the moral and psychological potential, the spiritual strength of personnel, the moral and psychological factor in achieving victory in battle and solving other military service tasks.

The moral and psychological state expresses the degree of mobilization and mood of psychology, the spiritual capabilities of the military personnel of the unit, the unit to solve the assigned tasks, the means and methods of their implementation.

The moral and psychological potential of a unit or unit characterizes and determines one or another degree of preliminary, potential psychological readiness of personnel to solve relevant military-professional and other tasks. The moral and psychological state characterizes and expresses the immediate, momentary, real psychological readiness of a unit or unit to solve the tasks assigned to them. In this sense of the word, there is reason to say that the psychological readiness of a unit or unit to solve relevant military-professional tasks consists of preliminary (potential) and immediate (real). Therefore, it becomes obvious that if the preliminary psychological readiness of the personnel has not been formed, then there can be no talk of immediate psychological readiness. Moreover, the higher the potential part of the morale of a unit or unit, the greater the opportunities available for creating a higher level of immediate psychological readiness of personnel, the greater spiritual strength military personnel can demonstrate under certain circumstances. However, even with a sufficiently high level of potential readiness, immediate psychological readiness can be different, which depends on many circumstances: the authority of the military-political and military leadership, the immediate superior, the commander, the degree of understanding, agreement and acceptance by the personnel of the content and nature of the tasks they solve, skillful leadership of a unit, unit, troops, the level of equipment of the unit, unit with weapons, military and other equipment, food and other materials, etc.

It is quite obvious that in certain circumstances, units with a lower level of potential psychological readiness can demonstrate higher immediate readiness compared to other units and therefore higher morale. At the same time, it is important to take into account the fact that the content and direction, the effectiveness of the spiritual forces of military personnel, their moral and psychological state can be determined by all or mainly individual components of the moral and psychological potential. The commander’s art consists in not only increasing and maintaining the required level of moral and psychological potential of the unit or unit, but also, at the right moment, updating the components of the morale of the personnel that are adequate to the needs of the activity and the tasks being solved.

This means that the greatest morale in a combat situation, when on combat duty, or in solving other military service tasks is shown by those units, units where they are actualized and manifested, act in synthesis, in the aggregate military-professional, moral-political, legal, etc. components of the spiritual potential of military personnel. Conversely, a negative manifestation of even a single component of morale can sharply reduce the spiritual strength of personnel (for example, low coherence, cohesion of the personnel of a unit, unit, lack of trust in the commander, rejection by military personnel of political goals, tasks of military activity, etc.).

So, the content of the moral and psychological state of military personnel is determined by the entire set of substantive components of their spiritual potential. However, the leading, basic components of the moral and psychological state (and the morale of the troops, naval forces as a whole), determining its main content, its maturity and decisively influencing the quality of solving combat and other military service tasks are: military-professional, political and moral In this case, the moral and psychological state is a manifestation, a certain degree of realization of the military-professional, political and moral potential of personnel. These are updated, “revitalized” and practically operational military-professional and moral-political capabilities of military personnel; both individual soldiers and military formations.

The military-professional, moral and political components of the moral and psychological state are the leading ones, determining its content, direction and level of functioning due to the following circumstances:

Firstly, military units and units are intended primarily to solve military-professional tasks using weapons and military equipment. Hence the role of military professional preparedness and readiness of personnel, without which the implementation of military activities and the implementation of technology for solving combat and other military service tasks cannot be successful. The military-professional component of the moral and psychological state of personnel characterizes their military-professional readiness - as a certain degree of implementation and actualization, mobilization of combat (military) skill, the disposition of military personnel to serve in the Armed Forces, specific combat and other military service tasks, means and methods for solving them, conditions for fulfillment;

Secondly, military activity can be successful only with exceptionally high moral and psychological mutual responsibility and exactingness of military personnel, their mutual assistance, trust, and respect. In other words, in the content of military activity, the moral side acquires special significance. Military activity is often associated with serious moral consequences in the external social environment. Hence the role and significance of moral, especially military-moral, preparedness and readiness of military personnel, which provides and characterizes the moral motivation of their behavior and activities and constitutes the core of moral motives of a collectivistic, group nature;

Thirdly, military activity in its essence and purpose is a political activity. it has always been and continues to be a means of one policy or another. Understanding and acceptance by military personnel of the goals of the state’s foreign policy, implemented through military activities, and their psychological readiness to defend these goals plays an important role in solving the tasks assigned to them. In addition, the state, the government of the country, pursues and implements a specific military policy, which is somehow comprehended and assessed by military personnel. Hence the role and significance of the political, military-political preparedness of the personnel of the unit, the unit, which ensures and characterizes the presence of motives for military activities of a broad social plan among military personnel, motives that express their attitude to the foreign, domestic and military policies of the state, to the military-political leadership countries, to the tasks being solved, etc.

The political and moral (moral-political) components of the moral and psychological state determine the political and moral (moral-political) readiness of military personnel to react in a certain way to certain moral and political facts, events, circumstances, legal acts and to act in accordance with certain moral and political values ​​and defend them.

Thus, if the military-professional component of the moral-psychological state characterizes primarily the executive, objective-procedural side of personnel readiness, then the moral-political component characterizes the incentive, motivational side. The political and moral education of military personnel is aimed primarily at the formation and development, improvement of their need-motivational sphere, although military professional training also plays a large role in this.

As we see, the functional moral and psychological state of military personnel has two sides: incentive and executive, and each of them may not be sufficiently formed or updated. And then the general level of moral and psychological state of the personnel will be insufficient. However, the commander’s actions to ensure the necessary moral and psychological state of military personnel should be different depending on which side caused the general level of moral and psychological state of subordinates to be reduced.

The uniqueness of the moral and psychological state of military personnel is due to many and varied circumstances, among which the leading role is played by the following:

· specific circumstances, events, situations in which people find themselves, events of a broad social plan, intra-collective and individual-personal, events of an economic, political, legal, military-professional, moral and other nature;

· the tasks to be performed (or solved) by the personnel, the means and methods of achieving the goals, the specific conditions of military professional activity;

· features of command and control of troops, naval forces, competence and authority of military and military-political leadership.

The moral and psychological state of military personnel is always concrete and meaningful. It arises and functions in connection with and in relation to their performance of specific combat and other military service tasks, means and methods of solving them, the living conditions of a unit, unit, and the peculiarities of personnel management by a specific control body, commander. It is important to keep in mind that certain mental states, attitudes, feelings, etc. as a rule, they originate first in a particular group of military personnel and even in individual soldiers and are then transmitted to other military personnel. This or that moral and psychological state arises and ends differently in different groups and categories of military personnel.

Understanding this allows the commander to quickly perceive and notice changes in the moral and psychological mood of military personnel, their individual groups, timely detect the beginning and direction of fluctuations, changes in their mental states, more successfully and timely respond to these changes and more purposefully build work with the personnel of the unit, unit .

Moral and psychological state is a complex spiritual phenomenon. It has its own psychological structure, the main components of which include moods, emotional and volitional states. Both the moral and psychological state as a whole and its psychological components are characterized by content, direction, degree of community among military personnel on the scale of a unit, unit, wider military formation, strength, stability and level of functioning. The content of the moral and psychological state is a set of military-professional, moral, political, legal, aesthetic, general cultural and other values, needs and interests, goals, views and beliefs, value judgments and attitudes, positions of military personnel. It expresses their real, practical attitude to facts and events of a military, political and moral nature. It serves as an indicator of the degree to which personnel have assimilated military-professional, political and moral values ​​of the people, society, and state.

The originality of the content of the moral and psychological state, the predominance of certain components in it at a given period of time, determines its direction in the corresponding living conditions of military personnel.

The orientation of the moral and psychological state is the degree to which military personnel are focused on certain tasks, means and methods of their implementation, in general - on certain spheres and aspects of their life and activities and is expressed in the readiness and desire of personnel to solve assigned tasks and defend the corresponding political and moral values. The direction of the moral and psychological state of the personnel expresses the dominant moral, political and military-professional values ​​in the unit, unit, assessments and orientations of military personnel - their dominant moral and psychological state. This dominant moral and psychological state can cover the entire personnel (and then becomes the general moral and psychological state of the unit, unit), or this or that part of it, certain categories of military personnel. And due to the fact that this or that moral and psychological state is inherent in a large or significant part of the personnel, or covers the most significant and leading specialties, categories of military personnel, it becomes dominant.

In this regard, it is important to characterize the moral and psychological state of personnel as the degree of their community, the community of the dominant in the unit, part of the moral and psychological state.

The generality of the moral and psychological state characterizes the scope and breadth of distribution of the dominant moral and psychological state among various categories of military personnel on the scale of a specific military formation. And it is clear that the effectiveness of the dominant moral and psychological state will be higher, the greater and wider its coverage of personnel.

An important characteristic of the moral and psychological state is its strength, which is characterized by the degree of correspondence and consistency of military-professional and moral-political values ​​formed and manifested among military personnel in specific conditions and circumstances of their life, the degree of commonality of its content components, the degree of their consistency and mutual value - content adequacy.

The stability of a moral and psychological state is one or another degree of its resistance, ability to withstand, not succumb to the negative influences of the external social and natural environment, factors and circumstances of both an intra-army nature and a broad social plan (negative influences of the media, economic, political, crime and other situations in areas where military formations are deployed, etc.).

An important characteristic of the moral and psychological state is its dynamics and one or another level of functioning (rise, decline, apathy, etc.).

An exceptionally large impact on the moral and psychological state, its stability and dynamics is exerted by the military-professional preparedness of military personnel, the coherence and coordination of the actions of combat crews, crews, units, units, their logistics, food, clothing and other supplies, the level of staffing, experience in combat and other difficult circumstances and in solving related problems. In a combat situation, to this should be added the impact of forces and means, behavior and actions of the enemy, its composition, military-technical and economic capabilities, features of the socio-political, operational-tactical, environmental and other conditions of the theater of military operations, etc.

The starting point of the commander’s activity to strengthen the moral and psychological state, increase its maturity and stability in the unit, is its diagnosis. At the same time, it is important to evaluate and know two main characteristics of the moral and psychological state: the degree of its maturity and generality, unity among the military personnel of the unit or unit being assessed.

Depending on the tasks being solved, the time and other capabilities of the commander, one or another variant of methods for diagnosing the moral and psychological state can be used: assessing the moral and psychological state based on its in-depth and comprehensive analysis or on the basis of its express analysis; analysis and assessment of the current (or over a certain period of time) moral and psychological state or its forecast; analysis and assessment of the moral and psychological state of individual military personnel, officials and either combat crews, shifts, units, or units as a whole.

The main guidelines in assessing the moral and psychological state of military personnel should be the ideological, moral, political and military-professional standards of our fatherland, people, society, state, Armed Forces, the interests of military service and activities, the requirements of the military oath and military regulations, and the Constitution of the state.

On the other hand, the system of indicators and criteria for assessing the moral and psychological state of personnel will have a substantive and logically coherent nature if it is focused on the structure / both substantive and psychological / moral and psychological state and the main elements of this structure are determined corresponding groups of indicators and criteria for their evaluation.

Like any spiritual phenomenon, the moral and psychological state is objectified and materialized in the objective and practical activities of military personnel, in its results and consequences. On the other hand, the moral and psychological state is subjectively manifested in the subjective military-professional, moral and political interests, opinions, judgments, relationships, emotional states, and aspirations of military personnel.

In this regard, among the indicators of the moral and psychological state of military personnel, it is advisable to distinguish two interconnected, but relatively independent groups: objective, general, objective-practical, activity-based and subjective, specific, psychological in nature.

The first group includes the following main indicators: the quality of solving combat and other military service tasks, the state of military equipment and weapons, military discipline in the unit, combat, humanitarian and psychological training, the level of organization of social and educational work with personnel. With a certain approach, the moral and psychological state of military personnel can be judged based on the assessment of only these indicators. At the same time, these are indicators not only of the moral and psychological state, but of the characteristics of the activities of governing bodies, their competence, authority, etc. And therefore, these are general indicators.

The specific, subjective indicators of moral and psychological state primarily include the following:

a) military-professional component: the attitude of military personnel to military service, their military specialty, profession, military service and other tasks being solved, the degree of their desire to conscientiously carry out these tasks, master military affairs, and improve in it.

A generalized indicator of the moral and psychological state of military personnel based on this component is the degree of satisfaction of personnel with their military professional activities and its results;

b) military-moral component: the nature of the relationship between military personnel, the degree and nature of the authority of the command staff, the characteristics of the relationship between military personnel and the civilian population in the area where the unit or unit is deployed.

A generalized indicator of the moral and psychological state of military personnel based on this component is the degree of satisfaction of personnel with their relationships and their position, status in the system of relationships, the moral and psychological atmosphere that has developed in the unit;

c) political component: the nature of understanding and the degree of internal acceptance by military personnel of foreign, domestic and military policies, and the military doctrine of the state.

A generalized indicator of moral and psychological state based on this component can be the degree of satisfaction of military personnel with the policy pursued by the state, which becomes the basis of their readiness to defend it.

Under certain circumstances, it is advisable to assess the moral and psychological state of military personnel on the basis of only generalized indicators, taking into account objective general indicators of the moral and psychological state of personnel.

Diagnosis of indicators of moral and psychological state is carried out using specially designed questionnaires and can be done by questioning military personnel of a unit, unit, or through an expert assessment. Commanders, their deputies for educational work, senior officials, governing bodies, and inspectors can act as experts.

The general, final assessment of the moral and psychological state is derived from two assessments:

· assessment of his level of maturity;

· assessment of the degree of stability, strength, reliability of the identified level of maturity of the moral and psychological state of military personnel.

To obtain a second assessment of the subjective indicators of the moral and psychological state, an adapted version of the methodology of E. Eidemiller and V. Yustitsky “Typical states” for determining professionally and morally conditioned personality states can be used: satisfaction - dissatisfaction (U), neuropsychic tension (N) , anxiety (T) Data on these conditions make it possible to better assess and predict the moral and psychological state of military personnel.

It is advisable to assess the moral and psychological state of military personnel in general and its individual indicators on a 5-point scale.

General assessment conditions:

5 points- assessment of the indicator, the personality’s attitude is highly positive, aspirations and readiness are highly positive and constructive;

4 points- the assessment of the indicator and the personality’s attitudes are more positive than negative, and aspirations and readiness are more positive than negative;

3 points- there is no assessment of the indicator, it is neutral, it expresses both positive and negative characteristics to the same extent, the personality’s attitudes are neutral, there are no aspirations;

2 points- the assessment of the indicator and the personality’s attitudes are more negative than positive, and aspirations are more negative than positive;

1 point- the assessment of the indicator and the personality’s attitude are negative, and aspirations are negatively directed.

By offering a quantitative assessment of the moral and psychological state, we proceed from the fact that the ability to obtain at least a “rough”, approximate differentiated assessment of the diagnosed phenomenon and its individual indicators is better than its absence.

The procedure for isolating the assessment of moral and psychological state may be as follows:

1st, based on the obtained assessments of the indicators of each component of the moral and psychological state, an arithmetic mean assessment of the corresponding component for each serviceman is derived;

2nd, from these assessments, an arithmetically averaged general assessment of the moral and psychological state of each serviceman is derived;

3rd, based on these assessments, an arithmetically averaged general assessment of the moral and psychological state of the unit or unit is derived.

Depending on the results obtained, it is advisable to distinguish the following levels of maturity of the moral and psychological state of military personnel (see Table No. 1).

Continuation of table 3.3.1


Calculation method







There is no direct connection with co-

ent labor-

summation with norm-

indicator by which


th participation

unit up to

we can judge the re-


achievements (+ sign) or



omissions (sign -) in

labor of individual works-

is determined by the composition of the commission

(CTV), shares

siya (board)



Allows you to take into account

Dependence on subjects


but on a 5-point scale



members of the board (Co-


board (Council) and

documents and business

desire to better evaluate


your unit


Determined by special

Enhances overall image

Dependence on subjects





comrade (board, council)


board (Council) and

in the form of expert estimates

nia, work places, etc.)

desire to better evaluate

nok on a 5-point scale-

your unit


Determined by special

Improves the culture of pro-

basic and



production (working months)


wow, points


that, cleanliness in the workshops and

divisions with different levels

workshops (sections) of 5-


mechanization and construction

point scale

work clothes, techno-

com equipment service

logical operations, etc.)

make comparison difficult





from the industry




specifics, level of com-

and employees,

personnel (workers) to

per 1 employee. Allow





makes it possible to judge the qualifications

production and personnel

personnel (casual

cation of personnel and correspondence

howl of politics

This composition of indicators makes it possible to evaluate the main parameters of the organization of personnel work (efficiency, reliability, uniformity and quality), and they should be included in the list of criterion performance indicators. It is obvious that the composition of indicators should be variable depending on the characteristics of the development of a market economy, and should be clarified and supplemented in the conditions of the dynamic development of an enterprise or organization.

3.3.3. Score assessment of organizational performance (BOERO)

score assessment of the organization's performance (BOERO) (all personnel of the organization);

comprehensive assessment of managerial work (CAUT) for organizational units.

An assessment of the efficiency of an enterprise can only be made based on the aggregate results of economic and social development, and one of the possible ways to measure these results may be the scoring method.

The BOERO method is based on determining the socio-economic trends in the development of an organization of any organizational and legal form, its effectiveness in terms of achieving production, economic and social goals. In a simplified form, this is a calculation of the performance of the organization’s personnel for a specific period of time. The BOERO method is based on well-known principles - a plan at the lowest cost, achieving the final result, to each according to his work, incentives depending on contribution, comparability of assessments.

The effectiveness of an organization's work for a specific period is determined by the numerical value of a comprehensive performance indicator that characterizes the magnitude of the achieved result relative to the set performance goals. The value of the BOERO indicator is based on achieving the final results of the organization, efficient use of resources, and ensuring the social development of the team.

Calculation of the operating efficiency of an industrial enterprise for the year is shown in table. 3.3.2.

As can be seen from table. 3.3.2, the final value of the comprehensive performance indicator was 103.8 points, which indicates the good performance of the enterprise. Of the 12, 7 main criterion indicators were met: balance sheet profit, volume of marketable products, labor productivity, costs per 1 ruble. products, product quality, capital productivity of OPF, implementation of scientific and technological progress. There were slight deviations for the worse in the following 5 specific indicators: loss of working time, average annual wages, staff turnover, level of labor discipline, and the ratio of growth rates of labor productivity and wages.

Conclusion: the BOERO methodology makes it possible to assess the efficiency of labor activity of any enterprise or organization, the dynamics of socio-economic development, and make comparisons with competing organizations. At the same time, the technique is quite simple and cost-effective compared to other assessment methods.

Table 3. 3.2

Calculation of the operating efficiency of an industrial enterprise for the year





Private showing-






nal indicator


tel effectively-

sti, points

Balance sheet profit

54 million rub.

59.4 million rubles.

Product volume

360 million rubles

392 million rubles


Costs per 1 rub.



Product quality

Lost working time

12 person-days

14.4 person-days

menu for 1 employee

Average annual infection

work fee 1 work-

Staff turnover

Return on assets


Labor level


Tempo ratio

productivity growth

labor and wages

Implementation of results

10 million rubles

16 million rubles.

scientific and technical


3.3.4. Comprehensive assessment of managerial work (CAUT)

You can see the falcon in flight.


The problem of measuring engineering and managerial work, mental and physical activity, and determining the specific contribution of each manager, specialist and employee to the final results of the enterprise increases in a market economy. How to compare the hard work of the planning department to formulate a balanced plan with the work of the accounting department creating the balance sheet of the enterprise? How to compare the work of the production department, which forms a set of documentation for the preparation of production, with the work of the technical department, which ensures the implementation of scientific and technological progress? How to evaluate the timeliness, reliability and quality of decisions made by line managers? More than 6,000 documents per year pass through the director of the enterprise, and up to 2,000 through the head of a structural unit.

KOUT is intended to determine the contribution of a specific division of an enterprise (workshop, site, department, service, bureau, group, laboratory) to the final results of the enterprise. It allows you to objectively sum up the results of competition between departments, organize bonuses for employees based on the results of economic activities, taking into account their personal contribution, mobilize department teams to achieve planned targets, and increase labor and performance discipline. KOUT is a detailing and development of BOERO in relation to the divisions of the enterprise.

The basis of KOUT is economic, social and organizational indicators. The nomenclature of KUT indicators is determined by the methods of technical and economic analysis, questionnaires, expert assessments, correlation and regression analysis based on successive logical iterations.

Table 3. 3.3

Calculating the efficiency of the HR department



Average salary



Average annual infection

bot fee for 1


Staff turnover

Worker loss

time for

1 employee

Continuation of table 3.3.3



Labor level


Work ratio

sneeze and office workers



Reliability of operation


Quality of work


Design quality


* A numerical value of 96.9 points indicates satisfactory performance of the personnel department.

The availability of KUT indicators for all structural divisions of the enterprise allows us to objectively summarize the results of the competition and distribute the bonus fund in accordance with the individual contribution to the final production results. The bonus fund is distributed in proportion to the numerical values ​​of the KUT indicators and the basic salary of management employees:

Ф Z = Ф WЗ Z П Z

∑ Z Z P Z

where FZ is the bonus fund accrued to the z-th structural unit, rub.;

F – the total amount of the bonus fund accrued to the management staff, rubles;

ZZ – basic wage fund (sum of official salaries) of employees of the z-th division, rub.;

PZ – calculated value of the KOUT indicator for the z-th division, points;

W – number of structural divisions in the management apparatus.

Practical tasks

Task 1. Selection of labor efficiency criteria

The goal is to determine the range of criterion indicators of labor efficiency.

Working method:

1. Study the theory of section 3.3 on job performance scoring.

2. Study the criterion indicators of table 3.3.1, calculation methods, advantages and disadvantages.

3. Using the method of expert assessments yourself or with the involvement of your group colleagues, determine the composition of the 10-15 most important indicators for your organization. This can be done with the assistance of experts using the form of the attached table.


Experts (board members)


Volume of sales

4. Formulate a final list of indicators and give it to the same experts to determine the weighting coefficients. Their total sum for all indicators should be equal to one (1.0).

5. Approve at the Board (Council) a list of performance indicators and their weighting coefficients and present them in tabular form, which is used to calculate BOERO and KOUT.

The volume of the assignment is 2 pages of text in A4 format.

Note: If it is impossible to involve members of the Management Board in the examination, take over the functions of the expert commission yourself.

Task 2. Calculation of BOERO for organizations

The purpose of the assignment is to consolidate knowledge on calculating performance scores using the example of a specific organization.

Initial data:

1. Composition of criteria indicators of the organization's performance.

2. Methodology for scoring staff performance

(Section 3.3).

3. Examples of work efficiency calculations using the BOERO method

(Section 3.3).


The purpose of the work is to calculate labor efficiency for your structural unit.

Initial data:

1. Composition of the criterion indicators of the KUT (Table 3.3.1).

2. Statistical data on the activities of the enterprise for the reporting period

3. Examples of calculations of KOUT for the personnel department (see Table 3.3.3).


1. Select the composition of criterion indicators using the expert method for your basic unit.

2. Determine the weighting coefficients of the selected indicators using the expert method.

3. Select statistical data for calculation and make calculations in tabular form using the KOUT method.

4. Give comments on the calculation performed, using an example of a training manual for the personnel department.

The volume of the assignment is 2 pages (table + commentary) in A4 format, which are submitted to the teacher as part of PZ 03 under the chapter “Efficiency of Labor Activities”.

1. The effectiveness of work activity is calculated as the ratio of the actually achieved criterion indicators to the basic values ​​of the final results of activity, correlated with each other using weighting coefficients and incentive models with a standard efficiency value of 100 points. The proposed methodology makes it possible to rank organizations according to the numerical value of efficiency, evaluate the dynamics of development and make comparisons with competing organizations.

2. As a result of experimental studies, a list of criterion indicators of labor efficiency has been formed, suitable for organizations in various sectors of the economy. The composition of indicators is divided into 3 groups: economic, social and organizational.

3. Score assessment of organizational performance (BOERO) allows you to assess the effectiveness of the work of all personnel based on the final results of production. To do this, it is necessary to select criteria indicators and determine the specific weights

their importance in the totality. 100 points corresponds to the good performance of the organization during the reporting period.

4. The methodology for comprehensive assessment of managerial labor (CAUT) is intended for quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of labor activity of departments and is based on the general theory of the scoring method. The composition of the criterion indicators is distributed between departments, their weight coefficients are determined, and calculations are made based on statistical or operational data for the reporting period.


1. Name four fundamental principles of the scoring method for assessing labor efficiency.

2. Name the main stages of developing a method for assessing effectiveness in relation to your organization.

3. Why are mathematical models for stimulating indicators introduced?

4. What does a composite performance score of 100 indicate?

5. Why are the final results of the organization’s activities taken as the basis for evaluation?

6. What 10-15 indicators have you selected for your organization?

7. Why are weighting coefficients needed and how are they determined?

8. Name the main capabilities (advantages) of the BOERO method for assessing the effectiveness of an organization.

9. Where is the main area of ​​application of the KOUT technique and what are its capabilities?

10. How to distribute bonuses using the KOUT method?

Continuing the topic:

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