What are the surcharges for Yandex taxi drivers? How I helped an unfortunate driver get rid of slavery in Yandex.Taxi

Oleg Chanchikov from the St. Petersburg company "Affordable City" - a partner of large taxi services - told the site about the methods of fraud that taxi drivers can use, and explained how passengers can avoid them.

To bookmarks

Oleg Chanchikov

Hello, I'm Oleg, and sometimes I talk about how a taxi works from the inside. They wrote about a girl who tried to deceive Uber. Today I will talk about how and who else taxi drivers cheat.

My company comes up with and implements integration solutions for taxi drivers - from car rental to financial instruments for paying money for non-cash orders. We are between order providers and taxi drivers. It is the money from Uber that comes into our account, and it is we who pay it further - to the person who is driving you.

One of our company's products is instant payments. We are able to pay money to drivers immediately after completing an order - despite the fact that money from providers arrives with a delay of three days to a month. Any attempt at deception on the part of the driver is our risk of not receiving money from the provider. This is how the Antifraud project appeared, which we need to help providers learn more quickly about how else a taxi driver can deceive a passenger or provider.

We tell providers something when fraud threatens our business. There are some things we don’t tell at all - when the hole is obvious to everyone (including the provider himself). We work on some things on our own and don’t wash dirty linen in public - as a rule, with beginners who have decided that no one will notice them.

Life is richer than imagination and the kind of fraud we will face tomorrow will probably surprise us even more than this article.

Like any normal person, the driver wants money. Not always more, but always easier. It doesn’t matter to him who exactly pays this money - the passenger or the provider. The main thing is that no one notices and everyone is happy.

1. Doubler

“Yandex.Taximeter” (software for Yandex.Taxi drivers) allows the driver, in addition to orders from the provider himself, to work with “on-board” orders - caught on the street. The driver can create any tariff for such orders that suits him.

At the beginning of a trip at this rate, the software will say exactly the same words as when ordering from Yandex.Taxi: “Welcome. For your safety, we ask you to buckle up." And the interface will be no different from the one that both you and the driver see when you drive an order from Yandex.Taxi.

The algorithm for deceiving you is not too complicated:

  • The driver receives a Yandex.Taxi order on device A. He accepts it, delivers the car and sets the status to “In place”.
  • While you are getting out, the driver turns on the taximeter “from the side” on duplicate device B with a fake tariff. Device B is located in the most visible place of the car - so that you can always see exactly how much your trip costs, this is important.
  • You get into the car. The driver discreetly sets the status “On the road” on device A and puts it in his pocket. You receive an SMS about the start of your trip.
  • The driver sets the status “On the road” on device B. The magic begins.

This method is safe to use if the difference in the final cost of the trip does not exceed 50% of the original one - it can still be justified by traffic jams, the route and Yandex errors.

To your argument, “But I have a different amount written in the app,” they will answer that the app shows the approximate cost of the trip (this is not true), but in reality there were traffic jams, the navigator behaved differently, and in general, “Yandex” calculates the trip in a straight line from point A to point B, and the car drives on the roads (and this is also not true). In reality, Yandex.Taxi, at the end of the trip, shows you the exact cost of this trip.

You pay, get out of the car, and the driver begins the next stage of magic: you need to make sure that the amounts on devices A and B match. This is to ensure that your app shows you the same price for your trip as the amount you actually paid.

This is done like this:

  • The driver does not end the trip immediately, but drives a few more kilometers, ensuring that the amounts on devices A and B are identical.
  • The driver may not go anywhere at all, but simply stand for 30 minutes near the end point of the route without closing the order. A minute of waiting is inexpensive, but you don’t have to drive your car anywhere.
  • The driver can always add additional services - you won't see it. So you become the owner of the animal or luggage in the cabin.

The coolest case from our practice was a passenger traveling from Pulkovo to Moskovsky Station and passing through Kronstadt three times. A trip along the Ring Road through Kronstadt, at the request of the client, is a paid service in Yandex.Taxi, it costs 400 rubles.

Surprisingly, this method worked almost flawlessly. The driver's key task is to make the passenger so satisfied with the trip that he does not want to figure out why the amounts vary so much. I already wrote that among taxi drivers there is an incredibly high proportion of people with convictions for fraud: colleagues are also not bad with the gift of persuasion.

2. Changing the taximeter

Providers, of course, want drivers not to cheat passengers. Each new version of software for drivers leaves fewer and fewer holes. But the need for invention is cunning. This method of fraud is quite difficult to believe: it is so absurd. However, I did it myself and it worked.

In the fall of 2015, Yandex.Taxi updated Taximeter from version 6.37 to version 6.39, which did not have the function of paying for waiting for a passenger (see above for how to use it for fraud). When an update is released, the old version naturally stops working.

I'm not a developer at all. I don't really understand how mobile apps work. However, even I was able to pull the .apk file of Taxometer version 6.37 from the Internet, disassemble it with the first decompiler that came to hand (or whatever it is correctly called), change the version and build number to 6.39 and assemble it back.

You already guessed, yes, that the fake assembly worked while maintaining the functionality of the original one? Now, however, this no longer works: Yandex has learned to fight such fraud.

3. Another passenger

Imagine: you called a car and paid for the trip with a plastic card. And for some reason they didn’t get out on time: they changed their minds, left in another car, and lingered in the shower. And they didn’t cancel the order - this often happens because you think it’s the driver’s problem.

The driver delivers the car, waits for the passenger and honestly drives from point A to point B, which you carefully indicated when you ordered the car. The driver then closes the order and the cost of the trip is debited from your card.

Naturally, you receive an SMS from the bank and write to the provider that you didn’t go anywhere. And the driver says: “A man got out and got into the car. I asked him: “To the airport” (well, let’s say)? He said: "To the airport." How do I know it’s the wrong passenger?”

It is impossible to prove that you are right or, on the contrary, fraud - either on the driver’s side or on the passenger’s side (no one is stopping you from committing fraud like that either). Usually providers take the passenger’s side, return the money, and block the driver. And our task is to figure out what really happened. Fraud in relation to a passenger automatically reduces the driver’s rating in our anti-fraud, because next time we can get into money too.

4. Substitute coordinate

This is one of those frauds in which we do not interfere at all. Firstly, they do not lead to direct financial losses on any side. Secondly, we consider the technical holes of providers to be a flaw and are confident that on the side of any operator from the “Big Three” more than one person is responsible for the absence of such holes.

Most often, this method is used near train stations and airports - where parking is paid, there are almost always orders, and their price is much higher than average.

Algorithms for distributing orders from providers take into account the distance from the car to the delivery point and the time required for delivery (in reality there are much more factors). Therefore, in order to be more likely to receive an order as quickly as possible, you need to be as close as possible to the delivery point.

Drivers use Fake GPS - software that replaces the coordinates of your device. You can use it, for example, to swipe on Tinder in New York without a premium account, and taxi drivers park cars on the first line of the arrivals area or on the airport runway.

What stands out from this relatively harmless fraud are those who have found and are using Mock Location. This software allows you to quite plausibly simulate the movement of a car on the road: it seems to stop at traffic lights, reduce speed on turns and can maintain average speed on the route from point A to point B.

The fraud scheme is no different from fraud involving trips using cards, except that the car does not move at all.

5. Blank card

Providers charge your card either in several small installments or in one payment after the end of the trip. For the passenger, this is a way to deceive the provider: some of them pay the driver for the trip, even if they were unable to withdraw money from the passenger’s card.

The same method works for drivers. The main thing is to create a history of the passenger using the card and to defraud the provider who will definitely pay.

6. Dokat

You've probably used promotional codes for taxis, haven't you? Providers are burning crazy millions of money to attract new passengers and retain old ones.

Typically, one passenger can use one promotional code once. That is, even if you have a promo code for 500 rubles, and a trip for 200, you will not be able to use the remaining 300 rubles. But the driver can. To do this, he just needs to not close the order - either without warning the passenger (in this case there is a risk of getting a bad rating), or simply ask: “Can I close the promotional code to the maximum?” Passengers rarely refuse: few people count other people's money.

7. Scooter

Few passengers know that all providers pay drivers extra for a significant part of the trips - those where the passenger pays less than the amount for which drivers are willing to fulfill the providers' orders.

For example, in St. Petersburg, Gett has a minimum fare for a passenger - 50 rubles, and for a driver - 220; for Yandex - 50 and 130 rubles, for Uber - 50 and 99 rubles, respectively.

Technically, in billing, the surcharge is not much different from a non-cash order: it also goes to the driver’s balance. And then it’s a matter of luck: how quickly the provider or partner catches the driver committing fraud. If the partner paid the driver this money, but the provider recognized the trip as fraudulent and did not pay for it, the partner loses the money.

Last spring, we lost about 60 thousand rubles in two weeks due to such fraud. The most fascinating of the stories about the sharply increased number of short orders was this one (from the first person):

I'm stuck. An old lady from a neighboring house comes up. Her children gave her a smartphone and installed Yandex.Taxi on it so that she would not carry bags from the store, but would drive a car. But they didn’t explain how to use it. So she comes to me and asks for help. I show her, place the order, and it arrives to me. Well, I’m bringing it: a store in the next house. And such grannies are a dime a dozen in our area. Everyone learned how you can ride a taxi for pennies.

I must admit, I tried to imagine a slop taxi driver (these are the ones for whom boarding the car starts from 300 rubles), to whom grandmothers go en masse and who, instead of happily helping the grandmothers, helps them deal with the Yandex that this taxi driver hates. , and then he also takes these grandmothers. The mice cried and injected themselves, but continued to eat the cactus.

Drivers stand apart because they create a short order on one device and wait for it to be delivered to them on a second device.

We had a driver who, through our instant payments, received money for cigarettes in this way: he caught an order, left the house, walked around the block, closed the order for 70 rubles, received payment within five minutes and paid with a card for cigarettes in a nearby store. The only person cooler than him was probably the driver from Krasnodar, who didn’t even leave his house.

8. Lots of SIM cards

The main identifier of you as a passenger is your phone number. This is what any anti-fraud algorithms look at first. Only after this comes the IMEI of the device, GPS coordinates and everything else.

To start using the application, you need to receive an SMS. I'm not a real taxi driver, but I have about 10 SIM cards registered to me, and the same number to Santa Claus. And, of course, room rental services will help us all.

A colleague from Kazan could not ask the passenger to order her via Uber, but do it herself. As a rule, the order fulfillment algorithm allows you to spend a couple of minutes on this. Except when the end point of the route is unknown.

When the provider pays extra for the order, provided that X orders are completed per day, taxi drivers engage in professional solidarity: today you will order me, because I am two orders short of the norm, and tomorrow I will order you.

9. Close the order early

The provider and partners live on the commission - the percentage they receive from each completed order. The win-win model of fraud is obvious: the driver offers the passenger to pay less (for example, 250 rubles instead of 300) and closes the order for the smallest amount possible (for example, 70 rubles).

In this case, the provider and partner receive less money. What is important for the driver is the cost, after which it becomes unprofitable for him to cheat, and paying for the trip in cash: this method works with a card only if the driver has an mPOS terminal.

10. Cancel order

The driver delivers the car and calls you: the car is waiting. After you confirm that you will be leaving soon, the driver cancels the order. Your questions will most likely be answered that this is a bug with the provider.

Even if the driver is charged a commission for the canceled order, he already has a passenger who is ready to go with him, and - this is important - he no longer has a price set by the provider.

This method rarely works in isolation from an understudy. To be fair, it is not used often, and such cases, as a rule, are quickly caught on the providers’ side.

After every article on the site there is a person asking “Well, what is all this for?” Here's why:

  • If you are a passenger, watch your hands. Do not leave plastic cards and the screens of your smartphones unattended. A universal recipe is not to indicate the end point of the route when ordering a car, this makes it more difficult for you to be scammed.
  • If you are a driver, don't get caught doing something stupid. Our attitude towards fraud is this: you do it at your own peril and risk. As long as it doesn't harm us, we can ignore fraud, but we can't help but notice stupidity.
  • If you are a provider, we understand that your goals and priorities are ahead - where Elon Musk is driving a self-driving Tesla on Mars, but right here and now both we and you are losing money. Let's not lose them together, at least where we can?
  • If you are a partner of a provider, come to us, we want to learn how to sell your antifraud, and you have a chance to use it for free or very cheap - while we test the monetization model on you.
  • If you are an investor, come, we have an open vacancy for money. What we do is not done by any other partner or provider.

The key message in each of my taxi stories is different, of course. Locomotives-providers are pulling this market into the future. The better we (or any other partner) understands this future, providers and the market itself, the more opportunities we have to be in the future those without whom it is impossible. And then you can figure it out for yourself.

Subsidies in Moscow:

1. additional payment to the total cost of the order 200 rub. provided that the Taxi delivery point is located within the conventional territorial boundaries of Moscow

2. additional payment to the total cost of the order 150 rub.. provided that the Taxi pick-up point is located within the borders of Zelenograd, Zhukovsky, Ramenskoye, Ivanteevka, Pushkino, Troitsk, Podolsk, Aprelevka

3. additional payment to the total cost of the order 130 rub. subject to the location of the Taxi pick-up location within the borders of Balashikha, Korolev, Lyubertsy, Kotelniki, Lytkarino, Shchelkovo, Mytishchi, Odintsovo, Lobnya, Dolgoprudny, Vidnoye, Dzerzhinsky, Khimki, Krasnogorsk, Zheleznodorozhny, Reutov

Amount and example of calculating commission for Yandex Taxi in Moscow.

The Yandex.Taxi commission is dynamic, that is, it changes along with the cost of the trip. For example, the percentage we take from each short order is always lower than the commission on long trips.

For comparison, here is how the commission* changes depending on the final receipt of the trip. It becomes obvious that taking cheap orders is profitable.

* The percentage is debited from the entire order amount.

Current amounts of additional payments and tariffs for working as a Yandex Taxi driver in the city of Vladimir.

    guaranteed payment amount is 130 rubles during the periods from 08:00 to 17:00 and from 18:00 to 23:00 from Monday to Thursday, from 08:00 to 16:59 and from 18:00 to 23:59 on Friday, from 00:00 to 01:59 and from 08:00 to 23:59 on Saturday, and from 00:00 to 01:59 and from 08:00 to 21:59 on Sunday.

Tariffs and amount of subsidies for Yandex Taxi drivers in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

    guarantee of a minimum trip cost of 140 rubles. during the periods from 07:00 to 23:59 every day, and from 00:00 to 01:59 on Saturday and Sunday.

    guarantee 100 rubles the rest of the time

  • there is no commission on paid subsidies
  • Withdrawal of non-cash funds from the Yandex Taxometer account is carried out daily, except weekends and holidays

  • waiting cost 4 rubles/minute
  • boarding the car 39 rubles

  • free waiting time 5 minutes
  • guaranteed payment amount is 100 rubles the rest of the time

  • 12 rubles per kilometer in the city + 1 ruble per minute on the way

Yandex Taxi tariffs for drivers in Nizhny Novgorod.

    the cost of boarding without waiting time is 49 rubles, then 10 rubles/km and 1 rubles/m. (when traveling outside the city the cost is 14 rubles per kilometer)

    guaranteed payment amount is 130 rubles during the periods from 08:00 to 16:59 and from 18:00 to 22:59 from Monday to Thursday, from 08:00 to 16:59 and from 18:00 to 23:59 on Friday, from 00:00 to 01:59 and from 08:00 to 23:59 on Saturday, and from 00:00 to 01:59 and from 08:00 to 21:59 on Sunday.

    additional guarantee amount of 160 rubles during peak hours (Mon-Fri 7.00-8.00, Fri from 17.00-18.00)

    guaranteed payment amount is 100 rubles the rest of the time

● 11 rubles per kilometer and 2 rubles per minute in the city, 18 rubles outside the city

● 30 rubles for boarding a car (this is 5 minutes or 2 km of travel)

Conditions and tariffs for Yandex Taxi drivers in Ivanovo:

    160 rubles - (Monday-Thursday from 7:00-9:00 and 17:00-19:00) (Friday 7:00-9:00 and 17:00-20:00) (Saturday from 8:00-10 :00 and 19:00-22:00) (Sunday from 8:00-10:00)

    130 rubles - - (Monday-Thursday from 7:00-9:00 and 17:00-19:00), (Friday 7:00-9:00 and 20:00-00:00), (Saturday from 00: 00-02:00; 10:00-19:00; 22:00-00:00) (Sunday from 00:00-02:00; 10:00-00:00)

    100 rudders the rest of the time

    16 rubles per kilometer in the countryside, 10 rubles in the city and an additional 1 ruble per minute when traveling

  • free wait 5 minutes, then 4 rubles per minute
  • 49 rubles for boarding the car

Yandex Taxi tariffs for drivers in the city of Syzran

● Yandex.Taxi surcharge for each order is 100 rubles

● 49 rubles for boarding a car (this is 5 minutes and 2 km of travel)

● guaranteed Yandex.Taxi surcharge for each order of 50 rubles

Tariffication and amount of bonus surcharges Yandex Taxi Tula

    landing cost 79 rubles

  • guarantee 150 rub. from 00:00 to 05:59 and from 11:00 to 15:59 from Monday to Friday, from 20:00 to 23:59 from Monday to Thursday.
  • minimum cost guarantee of 190 rubles from 07:00 to 08:59 and from 17:00 to 17:59 from Monday to Friday, from 18:00 to 18:59 on Friday.

  • guarantee 170 rub. the rest of the time.

Amounts of additional payments and tariffs for work of Yandex Taxi drivers in the city of Krasnodar.

    boarding cost without waiting time 30 rubles.

    guaranteed payment amount 180 from 07:00 - 08:00 from Monday to Friday.

  • guaranteed additional payment amount is 140 rubles from Monday to Friday from 06:00 - 07:00, as well as from 08:00 - 00:00
  • the rest of the time, the amount of the guaranteed additional payment will remain 100 rubles

Tariffs and surcharges in Novorossiysk

● free waiting 5 minutes, then 4 rubles/minute

● 16 rubles per kilometer outside the city, 10 rubles in the city

● Yandex.Taxi surcharge for each order is 100 rubles

● 49 rubles for boarding a car (this is 5 minutes or 2 km of travel)

Yandex Taxi tariffs for drivers in Yaroslavl.

● Yandex.Taxi surcharge for completing more than 21 orders per day 80 rubles

● Yandex.Taxi surcharge for completing less than 21 orders per day 40 rubles for each order

● 15 rubles per kilometer in the countryside, 10 rubles in the city

● 49 rubles for boarding a car (this is a 2 km journey)

Tariffs and surcharges for Yandex taxi driver in Saratov

● 16 rubles per kilometer outside the city, 10 rubles in the city

● 49 rubles for boarding a car (this is 5 minutes or 2 km of travel)
● Yandex.Taxi surcharge for each order 100 rubles

Tariffs and subsidies Yandex Taxi in Samara

    guaranteed order amount in the morning of at least 170 rubles from Monday to Friday from 07:00-09:00, on Saturday and Sunday from 08:00-10:00

  • guaranteed order amount in the evening of at least 170 rubles from Monday to Thursday from 17:00-18:00, on Friday and Saturday from 17:00-20:00
  • Monday to Friday from 00:00 to 06:00, Saturday and Sunday from 02:00 to 08:00

    the rest of the time the guaranteed order amount is at least 120 rubles

    15 rubles per kilometer in the countryside, 10 rubles in the city

    30 rubles for boarding a car

Yandex Taxi tariffs for drivers in Orel

● guaranteed order amount 110 rubles.

● 18 rubles per kilometer outside the city, 8 rubles in the city

● 79 rubles for boarding a car (this is 1 km of travel)

Tariffs and bonuses for Yandex Taxi drivers in Astrakhan

    guaranteed additional payment per order 100 (taxes excluded)

    17 rubles per kilometer in the countryside, 8 rubles in the city

    49 rubles for boarding a car (this is a 2 km journey and a 5 minute wait)

The indicated tariffs for the transportation of passengers and the amounts of surcharges from the Yandex Taxi company may change. You will be notified of any changes, both in tariffs and in surcharges, by SMS message to the mobile number specified during registration.

Tariffing, subsidies and additional payments to drivers for fulfilling orders for Tolyatti drivers.

  • boarding cost is 49 rubles, the cost of which includes the first 2 km of the trip
  • guaranteed order price 110 rubles from Monday to Thursday from 07:00-10:00 and 16:00-19:00, on Friday from 07:00-10:00; 16:00-19:00 and 19:00-00:00, Saturday and Sunday 16:00-19:00, as well as from 19:00-00:00

    80 rubles the rest of the time

  • cost of 1 km - 9 rubles in the city and 18 rubles in the countryside
  • daily withdrawal of non-cash funds from your personal account

  • free waiting time 5 minutes, then 5 rubles per minute

The indicated tariffs for the transportation of passengers and the amounts of surcharges from the Yandex Taxi company may change. You will be notified of any changes, both in tariffs and in surcharges, by SMS message to the mobile number specified during registration.

Tariffication and amount of bonus surcharges Yandex Taxi Volgograd

    guaranteed order amount of at least 160 rubles during peak hours (07:00-09:00) from Monday to Friday

    guaranteed order amount the rest of the time, with the exception of night time, at least 120 rubles

  • at night from 00:00-07:00 additional payment of 100 rubles
  • 11 rubles per kilometer in the city

  • 18 rubles per kilometer outside the city of Volgograd
  • 49 rubles for boarding a car (that’s 2 km of travel and 2 minutes of waiting)

    daily withdrawal of non-cash funds from your personal account

The indicated tariffs for the transportation of passengers and the amounts of surcharges from the Yandex Taxi company may change. You will be notified of any changes, both in tariffs and in surcharges, by SMS message to the mobile number specified during registration.

Yesterday I once again needed to go on business by taxi. I’m used to paying for it via Apple Pay, by card, but that wasn’t the case.

Taxi drivers, one after another, began to refuse the trip, learning that I wanted to pay for it with a card. At least three definitely refused. I had to take the metro.

I was curious why taxi drivers refuse to pay by card. It turns out there is a reason for this.

Commission for drivers has increased

From each trip, Yandex takes a certain percentage for the provision of service services. The company's website states that it is 18% for Economy, Minivan and Children's tariffs. For others, the commission amount is 20.47%.

The company promised that it would raise the commission on March 23. And she did it, but she updated the information about it incorrectly on the website. At a minimum, the commission amount does not yet include:

  • control room services
  • cost of using the software

When paying by card, taxi drivers at the end of the trip are debited with the entire cost of the trip and sent to Yandex. After some time, it is returned to the driver’s account with a commission deducted.

Taking into account VAT, Yandex raises the commission not to 20.47%, but to approximately 25-26% for expensive tariffs and to 23-24% for economy ones. Well, taking into account the connection of taxi drivers to the service (on average 4%), in fact the driver pays up to 30% of the order value.

It turns out that “Comfort” and higher tariffs are subject to a commission of 30%, and “Economy” - 28%. That is, in fact, a third of the cost of the trip goes to Yandex.

What consequences await clients now?

It turns out that clients cannot often travel using non-cash payments. Drivers try in every possible way to bypass payment by card and ask to cancel the order.

Cashless payments fade into the background for taxi drivers; they try to pay either in cash or by transfer from card to card.

And all this is due to a gradual increase in the commission for drivers.

But why does Yandex need this? The company thus wants to increase the profitability of the service. You need to earn more and do it as efficiently as possible.

Drivers can change taxi fleets within the service, trying to get profitable commissions for themselves. But it is problematic to fight the commission. Therefore, taxi drivers often resort to tricks in order to replenish at least some of the money.

But the client doesn’t care about this. Regular users of the service, faced with outright rudeness and impudence of drivers, will simply go elsewhere.

What's the result?

I don’t want to seem like an expert on this issue, but personally, on my part, I can see the disadvantages of increasing the commission. Only Yandex remains in the black.

For drivers: the cost of tariffs is constantly falling, the commission is increasing, there are more taxi drivers, and there are fewer orders. Accordingly, drivers earn significantly less money on trips.

For passengers: booking a trip is becoming more and more problematic every time. Why then continue to use this service if there are other good analogues?

For Yandex.Taxi: Everything is very clear here. Yandex receives its profit from taxi drivers, increasing its own earnings. The most important thing is that it really pays off as it should.

It will be interesting to see how things develop. But one thing I know for sure: angry, arrogant and disgruntled drivers have already led to the death of traditional taxis. It would be a shame if my most favorite service was also destroyed before my eyes.

We are introducing orders with increased prices and bonuses, and the passenger will now pay for their cancellation

At Yandex.Taxi, we and drivers' wishes about the work of the Yandex.Taximeter program and the service as a whole. Drivers were most dissatisfied with the new Express tariff, the lack of surcharges for short trips and free passenger cancellations. But the increasing coefficient for calculating the cost of the trip was accepted with enthusiasm. We try to maintain a balance between the interests of drivers and passengers. Therefore, from September 19, significant changes in the operation of the Yandex.Taxi service will begin to occur in Moscow.

Orders with increased value

Orders with increased cost are trips during peak hours (times of high demand for taxis), the cost of which is multiplied by a certain coefficient.

In Moscow there will be a surcharge of up to 3 times.

For example, a coefficient of 2.5 means that instead of 200 rubles, the passenger will have to pay 500 for the trip.

The distribution algorithm for such trips is no different from the usual one. Passengers see the change in conditions in their application, and Taximeter takes it into account when calculating the final cost.

The map will show you where you can earn several times more by completing regular trips. In Taximeter it will become the start screen.

Yandex.Taxi bonuses

Now, in order to receive a bonus, you need to take any trip at any time using Economy, costing less than 200 rubles in Moscow. The number of trips completed in the last 7 days no longer affects the ability to receive bonuses.

The passenger will pay for the trip according to the meter, the rest is a Yandex.Taxi bonus.

For example, if the cost of a trip is 99 rubles, the bonus will be 101 rubles*

You should contact your taxi company to receive the bonus.

For more details on how to receive bonuses, read the instructions.

Free waiting reduced

The free waiting time in all tariffs will now be only 2 minutes.

The passenger will pay for cancellation

Do you provide a high level of service, monitor the car, do not cancel or be late for orders? Unfortunately, it happens that the passenger simply does not get out and does not pick up the phone.

If the car is delivered, very soon the passenger who has a non-cash order will have to pay the minimum cost according to the tariff to cancel the order. Waiting is charged up to 10 minutes.

For example, in the Economy tariff in Moscow, the driver waits 2 minutes for free, then 5 minutes for 99 rubles, and then up to 3 minutes at the tariff.

If the passenger has not left within the first 10 minutes, call. Waiting over 10 minutes will only be paid if the passenger completes the trip.

For now, this applies only to passengers paying for trips with a card.

After waiting 10 minutes, make sure that the passenger does not get off, and feel free to cancel the order - this will not affect your performance.

Dear drivers, we hope that the innovations will make your work easier. Please leave feedback about the new version of Yandex.Taximeter. This can be done anonymously.

Your feedback is very important to us!

Answers to the most important and interesting questions are published in the “News” section of Taxometer. Perhaps the answer to your question is already there. Next time we will decide our fate “I want to go home” functions , pauses and “promised payment” in the Taximeter.

Oleg Chanchikov from the St. Petersburg company "Affordable City" - a partner of large taxi services - told the site about the methods of fraud that taxi drivers can use, and explained how passengers can avoid them.

To bookmarks

Oleg Chanchikov

Hello, I'm Oleg, and sometimes I talk about how a taxi works from the inside. They wrote about a girl who tried to deceive Uber. Today I will talk about how and who else taxi drivers cheat.

My company comes up with and implements integration solutions for taxi drivers - from car rental to financial instruments for paying money for non-cash orders. We are between order providers and taxi drivers. It is the money from Uber that comes into our account, and it is we who pay it further - to the person who is driving you.

One of our company's products is instant payments. We are able to pay money to drivers immediately after completing an order - despite the fact that money from providers arrives with a delay of three days to a month. Any attempt at deception on the part of the driver is our risk of not receiving money from the provider. This is how the Antifraud project appeared, which we need to help providers learn more quickly about how else a taxi driver can deceive a passenger or provider.

We tell providers something when fraud threatens our business. There are some things we don’t tell at all - when the hole is obvious to everyone (including the provider himself). We work on some things on our own and don’t wash dirty linen in public - as a rule, with beginners who have decided that no one will notice them.

Life is richer than imagination and the kind of fraud we will face tomorrow will probably surprise us even more than this article.

Like any normal person, the driver wants money. Not always more, but always easier. It doesn’t matter to him who exactly pays this money - the passenger or the provider. The main thing is that no one notices and everyone is happy.

1. Doubler

“Yandex.Taximeter” (software for Yandex.Taxi drivers) allows the driver, in addition to orders from the provider himself, to work with “on-board” orders - caught on the street. The driver can create any tariff for such orders that suits him.

At the beginning of a trip at this rate, the software will say exactly the same words as when ordering from Yandex.Taxi: “Welcome. For your safety, we ask you to buckle up." And the interface will be no different from the one that both you and the driver see when you drive an order from Yandex.Taxi.

The algorithm for deceiving you is not too complicated:

  • The driver receives a Yandex.Taxi order on device A. He accepts it, delivers the car and sets the status to “In place”.
  • While you are getting out, the driver turns on the taximeter “from the side” on duplicate device B with a fake tariff. Device B is located in the most visible place of the car - so that you can always see exactly how much your trip costs, this is important.
  • You get into the car. The driver discreetly sets the status “On the road” on device A and puts it in his pocket. You receive an SMS about the start of your trip.
  • The driver sets the status “On the road” on device B. The magic begins.

This method is safe to use if the difference in the final cost of the trip does not exceed 50% of the original one - it can still be justified by traffic jams, the route and Yandex errors.

To your argument, “But I have a different amount written in the app,” they will answer that the app shows the approximate cost of the trip (this is not true), but in reality there were traffic jams, the navigator behaved differently, and in general, “Yandex” calculates the trip in a straight line from point A to point B, and the car drives on the roads (and this is also not true). In reality, Yandex.Taxi, at the end of the trip, shows you the exact cost of this trip.

You pay, get out of the car, and the driver begins the next stage of magic: you need to make sure that the amounts on devices A and B match. This is to ensure that your app shows you the same price for your trip as the amount you actually paid.

This is done like this:

  • The driver does not end the trip immediately, but drives a few more kilometers, ensuring that the amounts on devices A and B are identical.
  • The driver may not go anywhere at all, but simply stand for 30 minutes near the end point of the route without closing the order. A minute of waiting is inexpensive, but you don’t have to drive your car anywhere.
  • The driver can always add additional services - you won't see it. So you become the owner of the animal or luggage in the cabin.

The coolest case from our practice was a passenger traveling from Pulkovo to Moskovsky Station and passing through Kronstadt three times. A trip along the Ring Road through Kronstadt, at the request of the client, is a paid service in Yandex.Taxi, it costs 400 rubles.

Surprisingly, this method worked almost flawlessly. The driver's key task is to make the passenger so satisfied with the trip that he does not want to figure out why the amounts vary so much. I already wrote that among taxi drivers there is an incredibly high proportion of people with convictions for fraud: colleagues are also not bad with the gift of persuasion.

2. Changing the taximeter

Providers, of course, want drivers not to cheat passengers. Each new version of software for drivers leaves fewer and fewer holes. But the need for invention is cunning. This method of fraud is quite difficult to believe: it is so absurd. However, I did it myself and it worked.

In the fall of 2015, Yandex.Taxi updated Taximeter from version 6.37 to version 6.39, which did not have the function of paying for waiting for a passenger (see above for how to use it for fraud). When an update is released, the old version naturally stops working.

I'm not a developer at all. I don't really understand how mobile apps work. However, even I was able to pull the .apk file of Taxometer version 6.37 from the Internet, disassemble it with the first decompiler that came to hand (or whatever it is correctly called), change the version and build number to 6.39 and assemble it back.

You already guessed, yes, that the fake assembly worked while maintaining the functionality of the original one? Now, however, this no longer works: Yandex has learned to fight such fraud.

3. Another passenger

Imagine: you called a car and paid for the trip with a plastic card. And for some reason they didn’t get out on time: they changed their minds, left in another car, and lingered in the shower. And they didn’t cancel the order - this often happens because you think it’s the driver’s problem.

The driver delivers the car, waits for the passenger and honestly drives from point A to point B, which you carefully indicated when you ordered the car. The driver then closes the order and the cost of the trip is debited from your card.

Naturally, you receive an SMS from the bank and write to the provider that you didn’t go anywhere. And the driver says: “A man got out and got into the car. I asked him: “To the airport” (well, let’s say)? He said: "To the airport." How do I know it’s the wrong passenger?”

It is impossible to prove that you are right or, on the contrary, fraud - either on the driver’s side or on the passenger’s side (no one is stopping you from committing fraud like that either). Usually providers take the passenger’s side, return the money, and block the driver. And our task is to figure out what really happened. Fraud in relation to a passenger automatically reduces the driver’s rating in our anti-fraud, because next time we can get into money too.

4. Substitute coordinate

This is one of those frauds in which we do not interfere at all. Firstly, they do not lead to direct financial losses on any side. Secondly, we consider the technical holes of providers to be a flaw and are confident that on the side of any operator from the “Big Three” more than one person is responsible for the absence of such holes.

Most often, this method is used near train stations and airports - where parking is paid, there are almost always orders, and their price is much higher than average.

Algorithms for distributing orders from providers take into account the distance from the car to the delivery point and the time required for delivery (in reality there are much more factors). Therefore, in order to be more likely to receive an order as quickly as possible, you need to be as close as possible to the delivery point.

Drivers use Fake GPS - software that replaces the coordinates of your device. You can use it, for example, to swipe on Tinder in New York without a premium account, and taxi drivers park cars on the first line of the arrivals area or on the airport runway.

What stands out from this relatively harmless fraud are those who have found and are using Mock Location. This software allows you to quite plausibly simulate the movement of a car on the road: it seems to stop at traffic lights, reduce speed on turns and can maintain average speed on the route from point A to point B.

The fraud scheme is no different from fraud involving trips using cards, except that the car does not move at all.

5. Blank card

Providers charge your card either in several small installments or in one payment after the end of the trip. For the passenger, this is a way to deceive the provider: some of them pay the driver for the trip, even if they were unable to withdraw money from the passenger’s card.

The same method works for drivers. The main thing is to create a history of the passenger using the card and to defraud the provider who will definitely pay.

6. Dokat

You've probably used promotional codes for taxis, haven't you? Providers are burning crazy millions of money to attract new passengers and retain old ones.

Typically, one passenger can use one promotional code once. That is, even if you have a promo code for 500 rubles, and a trip for 200, you will not be able to use the remaining 300 rubles. But the driver can. To do this, he just needs to not close the order - either without warning the passenger (in this case there is a risk of getting a bad rating), or simply ask: “Can I close the promotional code to the maximum?” Passengers rarely refuse: few people count other people's money.

7. Scooter

Few passengers know that all providers pay drivers extra for a significant part of the trips - those where the passenger pays less than the amount for which drivers are willing to fulfill the providers' orders.

For example, in St. Petersburg, Gett has a minimum fare for a passenger - 50 rubles, and for a driver - 220; for Yandex - 50 and 130 rubles, for Uber - 50 and 99 rubles, respectively.

Technically, in billing, the surcharge is not much different from a non-cash order: it also goes to the driver’s balance. And then it’s a matter of luck: how quickly the provider or partner catches the driver committing fraud. If the partner paid the driver this money, but the provider recognized the trip as fraudulent and did not pay for it, the partner loses the money.

Last spring, we lost about 60 thousand rubles in two weeks due to such fraud. The most fascinating of the stories about the sharply increased number of short orders was this one (from the first person):

I'm stuck. An old lady from a neighboring house comes up. Her children gave her a smartphone and installed Yandex.Taxi on it so that she would not carry bags from the store, but would drive a car. But they didn’t explain how to use it. So she comes to me and asks for help. I show her, place the order, and it arrives to me. Well, I’m bringing it: a store in the next house. And such grannies are a dime a dozen in our area. Everyone learned how you can ride a taxi for pennies.

I must admit, I tried to imagine a slop taxi driver (these are the ones for whom boarding the car starts from 300 rubles), to whom grandmothers go en masse and who, instead of happily helping the grandmothers, helps them deal with the Yandex that this taxi driver hates. , and then he also takes these grandmothers. The mice cried and injected themselves, but continued to eat the cactus.

Drivers stand apart because they create a short order on one device and wait for it to be delivered to them on a second device.

We had a driver who, through our instant payments, received money for cigarettes in this way: he caught an order, left the house, walked around the block, closed the order for 70 rubles, received payment within five minutes and paid with a card for cigarettes in a nearby store. The only person cooler than him was probably the driver from Krasnodar, who didn’t even leave his house.

8. Lots of SIM cards

The main identifier of you as a passenger is your phone number. This is what any anti-fraud algorithms look at first. Only after this comes the IMEI of the device, GPS coordinates and everything else.

To start using the application, you need to receive an SMS. I'm not a real taxi driver, but I have about 10 SIM cards registered to me, and the same number to Santa Claus. And, of course, room rental services will help us all.

A colleague from Kazan could not ask the passenger to order her via Uber, but do it herself. As a rule, the order fulfillment algorithm allows you to spend a couple of minutes on this. Except when the end point of the route is unknown.

When the provider pays extra for the order, provided that X orders are completed per day, taxi drivers engage in professional solidarity: today you will order me, because I am two orders short of the norm, and tomorrow I will order you.

9. Close the order early

The provider and partners live on the commission - the percentage they receive from each completed order. The win-win model of fraud is obvious: the driver offers the passenger to pay less (for example, 250 rubles instead of 300) and closes the order for the smallest amount possible (for example, 70 rubles).

In this case, the provider and partner receive less money. What is important for the driver is the cost, after which it becomes unprofitable for him to cheat, and paying for the trip in cash: this method works with a card only if the driver has an mPOS terminal.

10. Cancel order

The driver delivers the car and calls you: the car is waiting. After you confirm that you will be leaving soon, the driver cancels the order. Your questions will most likely be answered that this is a bug with the provider.

Even if the driver is charged a commission for the canceled order, he already has a passenger who is ready to go with him, and - this is important - he no longer has a price set by the provider.

This method rarely works in isolation from an understudy. To be fair, it is not used often, and such cases, as a rule, are quickly caught on the providers’ side.

After every article on the site there is a person asking “Well, what is all this for?” Here's why:

  • If you are a passenger, watch your hands. Do not leave plastic cards and the screens of your smartphones unattended. A universal recipe is not to indicate the end point of the route when ordering a car, this makes it more difficult for you to be scammed.
  • If you are a driver, don't get caught doing something stupid. Our attitude towards fraud is this: you do it at your own peril and risk. As long as it doesn't harm us, we can ignore fraud, but we can't help but notice stupidity.
  • If you are a provider, we understand that your goals and priorities are ahead - where Elon Musk is driving a self-driving Tesla on Mars, but right here and now both we and you are losing money. Let's not lose them together, at least where we can?
  • If you are a partner of a provider, come to us, we want to learn how to sell your antifraud, and you have a chance to use it for free or very cheap - while we test the monetization model on you.
  • If you are an investor, come, we have an open vacancy for money. What we do is not done by any other partner or provider.

The key message in each of my taxi stories is different, of course. Locomotives-providers are pulling this market into the future. The better we (or any other partner) understands this future, providers and the market itself, the more opportunities we have to be in the future those without whom it is impossible. And then you can figure it out for yourself.

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