How banks check those who apply for a loan. Can a bank find out where I work? How banks check an employment contract

Mortgage lending is developing every year, but not everyone can get the desired loan and buy an apartment. The bank studies and evaluates everyone who has applied for a loan based on a variety of criteria. To obtain a mortgage, you must be worthy and trustworthy in the eyes of the bank.

If you know how banks check a borrower before issuing a mortgage, then you can make the right impression on the lending institution.

What is scoring and how does it affect the issuance of a mortgage?

The first thing the bank receives is an application. It is unrealistic to manually check applications due to the large number of people who want to get a mortgage to buy an apartment in new buildings or on the secondary market.

The entire array of applications is processed automatically - this process is called scoring (underwriting). Each bank has its own methodology, but its point is to save time for bank employees and weed out unreliable borrowers. Applications are assessed based on a variety of criteria. The evaluation system works in such a way that even the bank employee does not know the reason for refusal or approval.

How does the bank check documents when issuing a mortgage?

Now let's look at how banks check a mortgage borrower at the next stage.

If the application is approved by the system, the borrower provides a package of documents. It is important not only to find out the client’s solvency, but also the authenticity of the papers. Specialists will compare information with each other, contact government agencies, and make phone calls, for example, to an employer.

In particular, the bank may request information from the migration service, tax service, and bailiff service. Thanks to them, you can check the accuracy of passport data, TIN, the presence of fines and enforcement proceedings.

Why is it so important to monitor your credit history?

There are also a number of conditions that relate to the borrower’s reputation. To form the most complete opinion about the client, the bank uses additional sources. After studying them, the credit institution must be sure that the borrower will not delay payments and will pay in full.

These additional sources of information about you will be:

  • credit history;
  • social media data;
  • criminal record information.

The credit history is of greatest interest. How do banks check a borrower's credit history? You can request it without the client’s knowledge. It stores data:

  • about the number of loans;
  • about timely payments or late payments;
  • about approval or refusal to approve loans;
  • about those who requested your story.

The history directly determines whether you will be given a mortgage or not. At the same time, if you have never had a loan, the bank will not be able to classify you as a desirable borrower. Sometimes it's better to start building your credit history early.

How will banks screen borrowers through social networks in the future?

Progress does not stand still. The methods of how bank security checks borrowers are constantly being improved. Banks are interested in obtaining maximum information about you from all sources, including social networks. Today, on your mortgage application, you must confirm your agreement to this. The analysis of your activity on social networks is also carried out by a machine, so you will not know the true reasons for the refusal.

Your likes and shares can say a lot about you. For example, Sberbank of Russia already in 2018 planned to evaluate “likes” on social networks. On the one hand, volunteers take part in such projects. On the other hand, nothing prevents banks from using their mechanisms without the consent of the borrower.

Psychological scoring will gain popularity. Based on the behavioral text, the bank assesses the integrity and reliability of the potential borrower. This model is used, for example, by Sovcombank when issuing installment cards. In the future, the mechanism may be used for mortgage lending. The client's consent is required to participate. But if you refuse, the bank has every right to refuse you a loan.

Before applying for a loan, the personal data of borrowers is checked. Banks are interested not only in the credit history, but also in the personal lives of their clients. The more information they receive, the more accurately they will calculate the risks and make a decision on issuing a loan.

Banks divide their clients into two groups:

  1. Borrowers with minimal risk are people who took out a loan earlier and paid it off on time. Having a good credit history. Borrowers with arrears of up to 10 working days are allowed. This is considered the credit norm. Availability of official salary and property.
  2. Borrowers at risk are people who have never taken out a loan or have a poor payment history.

Analyzing the initial data, the bank decides:

  • what interest rate to set;
  • minimum payment for a targeted loan;
  • loan term;
  • the amount that can be loaned to the client.

Important! Credit managers manually process applications only for amounts over 70 thousand. In other cases, this is done by programs according to given algorithms.

Scoring system

This is a computer program (software) that independently checks a future bank client.

The program contains various questions related to the financial and property status of the borrower:

  • whether the client has movable or immovable property;
  • official employment and total income;
  • presence of overdue debt with the creditor bank;
  • having a criminal record.

Credit manager at startup notes his assessment of the borrower in the program:

  1. External data - dirty clothes are noted in the software menu as a negative factor that increases the risk;
  2. Communication style - incoherent speech, inappropriate behavior.

Important! The manager's mark is the main factor influencing the verification of the borrower. At the beginning of the month, banks recruit clients, making it easier to get a loan. At the end, the antifraud systems are strengthened.

Scoring is an easy way to get a small amount. Interest rates are inflated due to high risks.

Banks use a scoring system to avoid paying money for requests to the credit history bureau (BKI). Each application for one person costs the bank several hundred rubles. Considering the number of applicants, the amount turns out to be impressive.

The borrower is required to provide the bank with a package of documents:

  • passport;
  • a second document of your choice (licence, foreign passport, military ID);
  • certificate from the place of employment in form 2 or 3 of personal income tax (possibly in the form of a bank);
  • a copy of the work book.

The security service checks the borrower within a few days.

  1. Perhaps they will call home or work (sometimes they don’t).
  2. Criminal record check, 100% refusal if available.
  3. They will make a request to the BKI.

If the verification passes, the loan is assigned the status “pre-approved”. The client needs to go to a bank branch and sign an agreement. Then get the money.


  • It is necessary to bring original documents to the bank;
  • You need to familiarize yourself with interest rates and hidden fees. This can be done by carefully studying the contract;
  • Voluntary insurance. If registration is refused, the loan will not be given;
  • Borrower's permission to transfer personal data to third parties.

Check when obtaining a mortgage

The borrower provides an extended package of documents:

  • Russian and foreign passports;
  • rights;
  • documents for property (if any);
  • certificates from the place of work;
  • cards from other banks.

The check is more serious than for a consumer loan. The amount will also be considerable. They check the place of work especially carefully and make several calls. Communicate with colleagues, accountants, and superiors.

When applying for a mortgage, you need a guarantor. One of the spouses becomes a co-borrower. They check it in the same way as the main borrower. The bank will require a complete package of documents and make database queries. Today, the guarantee is fading into the background.

Mortgage interest is lower than for a consumer loan due to collateral.

The borrower secures the bank's risks with the collateral of his real estate. Therefore, the verification is not so thorough, and with a minimum package of documents. But they’ll call me anyway when I’m at work. The interest rate is higher than with a target mortgage.

How a borrower is checked at an MFO

In microloans, as in regular banks, people are checked for debt to other creditors. This is the main criterion for issuing a loan. The only difference is that all information is sent to managers automatically, and in some cases everything is decided by a computer program.

For example, online loans are common, where the money goes directly to the client’s card. And everything is done within five minutes. A person simply physically cannot process such information in such a short period of time.

Therefore, the computer decides who to give money to and who not to.

The pension fund is not checked if you have a simple consumer loan. In the case of a mortgage, the bank's security service will request this information from the employer when indicating your official salary.

Contributions to the Pension Fund are the responsibility of the organization where you work. You also have to pay taxes for you.

If desired, the Security Council can check this kind of information to make a final decision.

What do banks ask when they call you at work?

There are a number of questions that bank employees ask when calling a borrower’s work:

  1. Does this person work?
  2. How long does it work?
  3. Officially or unofficially.
  4. The indicated salary is verified.
  5. The client's position is verified.

Usually, the Security Council is limited to the first question, because everyone understands that an employee’s salary can be gray and no manager will expose his company by answering questions of this kind.

Bottom line

Borrower verification depends on the loan amount and collateral. Potential clients are checked:

  1. Calls to work and home.
  2. Make inquiries to BKI.
  3. They use databases - “Cronus” or “Octopus”.
  4. They turn to the police for help, because employees of the Security Service of banks are former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  5. Collateral assets are checked - real estate, cars, antiques.

In pursuit of clients, banks turn a blind eye to many things. So if one bank refuses, the other will take the opportunity and issue the required amount, even if the client has a damaged credit history or has a criminal record.

If a borrower takes out a loan for the first time, then he is at risk for the bank, just like defaulters. After all, the bank knows nothing about him. We recommend that you take out your first loan for a small amount using a scoring program.

A request to the bank, be it online or scoring, will be displayed in the BKI. Leave several requests within 2-3 days.

If you have questions or require specialist advice, describe your situation in the comments to the article or contact the site’s on-duty lawyer in the form of a pop-up window. We will definitely contact you and help.

When issuing a loan, any bank exposes itself to a certain risk - the borrower may turn out to be dishonest and not return the money taken. To protect themselves from such situations, each bank develops its own methods of dealing with defaulters. These are various methods of checking the borrower’s solvency: guarantee, providing loans to certain categories of the population and other methods.

Basically, the checks carried out by the bank can be divided into three types:
  • standard;
  • loyal;
  • automatic.
The standard check takes into account the following factors:

1. compliance of the borrower’s data with the criteria of target groups for a particular lending program. Restrictions can be introduced based on the age of the borrower, his length of work, or the amount of income and other parameters;

2. correspondence of the customer’s data, which he reported about himself, with the data specified in various databases - the Pension Fund, Housing Department, Tax Inspectorate and others;

3. no debts to banks and a positive credit history of the borrower;

4. checking the authenticity of the documents provided by the borrower, first of all, the passport, work book, place and length of work, level of earnings are checked;

5. telephone verification (all organizations specified by the borrower are called - the place of current and past work, the educational institution that issued the diploma of education, other institutions mentioned in the documents), during which the authenticity of the data left by the applicant for a loan is verified;

6. making calculations using a loan calculator, during which not only the borrower’s income level is taken into account, but also alimony payments or payments on previously taken loans, the number of dependents and their age, and other financial obligations.

A similar thorough check is carried out and in relation to each of the guarantors, if the presence of such is a prerequisite for obtaining a loan. If the borrower leaves his property as collateral as security for the loan, then this is also subject to verification - its market value, liquidity, condition and other criteria are assessed.

Loyal verification carried out less carefully. It usually covers regular customers of a bank with a positive credit history or a deposit in this bank, people who have a salary card in this bank, and employees of organizations related to the public sector. In many banks, this category of citizens can be provided with loans on more favorable terms than other potential borrowers, and to obtain a loan they usually need to provide much fewer documents.

Many banks practice setting automatic check borrower data or scoring for approval of small loans or for car loans secured by property. With these types of lending, the bank is not exposed to a large degree of risk, and therefore its requirements are correspondingly lower.

What type of verification to choose when providing money under a certain line of credit is the prerogative of the bank. For some banks, it is enough to check the authenticity of the international passport and the marks or documents indicated in it confirming the ownership of the borrower, while for others, only a complete package of documents of a potential client, up to an education diploma and birth certificate, can serve as a sufficient guarantee.

You will need

  • - loan application form;
  • - passport;
  • - certificate 2-NDFL;
  • - employment history;
  • - other documents requested by the bank.


The standard package of documents for a loan includes a passport, income certificate, and work book. Initially, the credit inspector checks the compliance of all the information specified in the application form and the information contained in the documents. All data in the documents must match. If there are discrepancies and inconsistencies, the application form is returned for processing, or the bank simply refuses to issue a loan.

The bank specialist also checks the passport photo with the person who plans to get a loan. If a fake passport is used to obtain a loan, the bank will blacklist such a client.

Each bank has its own requirements for borrowers. They often limit the minimum and maximum age for receiving a loan, impose conditions on the need for registration in the region where the bank operates, and also indicate the minimum acceptable salary level and length of service at the last place of work. Therefore, when analyzing documents, the borrower’s personal data is compared to ensure compliance with the bank’s requirements.

Certificate 2-NDFL is the main document that confirms the availability of income and its compliance with the established level. It is checked from the point of view of correct completion of all fields, compliance with the unified form, and the presence of the organization’s seal. The bank can find out about the authenticity of the certificate and the reliability of the information in it only from those borrowers who are its payroll clients. In this case, the bank knows the size of their monthly receipts to the current account. But the tax credit inspector cannot check the 2-NDFL certificate for compliance. Such information is confidential, and the tax office does not have the right to disclose it. Therefore, many banks use a trick and request additional documents that confirm the borrower’s solvency. This could be a foreign passport with a stamp indicating that you have traveled abroad in the last six months; an extract from a current account in another bank; documents confirming ownership of expensive property.

The borrower's work record is checked especially carefully. On its basis, the employee’s total length of service is calculated, as well as the time he worked in his last place (most banks require at least six months of work experience in his last place). Bank specialists look at cases of problematic dismissals (not at their own request), as well as how often the borrower changes jobs.

Often, banks, to verify the authenticity of the information contained in the documents, call the place of work and clarify the employee’s length of service, his general characteristics at the place of work and the amount of salary. For large loan amounts, specialists can even travel to the borrower’s place of work.

When providing mortgage lending, banks check the availability of a down payment and also analyze the collateral itself. Thus, many banks do not issue loans for the purchase of shares in an apartment, rooms, or apartments in a dilapidated building. They refuse to issue a loan to purchase housing from relatives, because... such transactions are considered fictitious. Also, often when issuing car loans, additional documents are requested from the developer company or confirming that the car dealership is an official dealer.

Banks are more loyal to borrowers with higher education. Therefore, they often request a copy of the diploma. Married borrowers also have a higher chance of getting a loan. Marital status is confirmed by a marriage certificate.

In many financial institutions, the procedures for checking a future loan client are similar. However, each bank has its own approved verification rules and regulations. That is why, having been rejected by one bank, you can get approval from another. How are they checked when issuing a loan?

Checking the data specified in the application form

In the client questionnaire, all completed information is checked. The stability of residence in the last place and the period of work at the enterprise are especially carefully checked. Residence data, if it matches the registration in the passport, as a rule, is not checked. But if a person lives at an address that differs from his registration, a call is always made to clarify this information and preferably from independent sources, and not by calling the phone number specified by the client.

The area of ​​the questionnaire where the current or past credit history of the borrower is indicated is carefully studied. Very often people try to hide the fact that they have already used lending services before. This usually occurs due to the client's negative credit history.

In addition to the questionnaire, information about positive or negative lending history is contained in the credit history bureau, with which most financial institutions and banks have cooperation agreements. Therefore, even if the borrower did not write this in the application form, the lender will still find out about it and regard it as a negative characteristic of the client.

Telephone call to a potential borrower and his entourage

A telephone call is a mandatory step in checking the solvency and honesty of a future credit client. Typically, telephone calls are made in three directions:
- the borrower's employer;
- to the person himself;
- contact person specified in the application form;
When you call at work, all the information specified in the income certificate and the application form is clarified at the same time. A call must be made to the accounting department to confirm the amount of income and to the client’s immediate supervisor to clarify the qualitative characteristics of the person. When calling a potential borrower, they double-check their personal information. Does the client answer everything clearly, doesn’t he confuse anything, doesn’t he stammer when naming his place of work, the name of his manager and his position, etc. The contact person over the phone clarifies all the information he has about the client and checks it with the questionnaire. To be more confident, you can ask for the number of another mutual friend to double-check. Very often, during cross-questions, all false information is revealed, which, in turn, adds a negative opinion about the person.

Verifying the authenticity of submitted documents

The income certificate of the future borrower is checked both over the telephone and using databases. The name and surname of the director indicated in the certificate are verified. Work experience in the organization is also subject to verification. After all, today many fake certificates are sold even on the Internet. Amounts on the certificate that are identical to each other are definitely a fake. This means that a person has never gotten sick or gone on vacation in six months.

The passport is also checked for authenticity in the databases of lost passports and the correctness of the original is verified. The passport and husband/wife of the potential client are checked. If sellers are involved in the transaction, their passports must also be checked.

When checking documents for a mortgage loan, a legal service is involved, which verifies all legal provisions in the submitted documents. Also, documents for an apartment are checked in a unified register that controls rights to real estate. Since the property may be arrested and then the transaction will simply be invalid. The certificate of registered people in the living space is also subject to verification. Since you can buy an apartment in which one of the owners will live.

So, to form an objective opinion about a future loan client, bank specialists use all databases and verification tools available to them. After all verification work, a final decision is made regarding the client. Therefore, a positive or negative decision about a loan depends entirely on the person himself and the veracity of the information he provided.

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