Where to get a car loan: at a bank or car dealership. The most profitable car loan (loan to buy a car) What is the most profitable car loan

Car lending to this day remains one of the main sectors of retail products offered by modern financial institutions.

Car loans are equally popular and in demand along with such common practices as consumer loans or home mortgages and are characterized by a specific purpose - buying a new car!

After making a decision to make such a purchase, the buyer is faced with the question of which bank has the most profitable car loan.

There are quite a lot of banks and they all put forward a variety of offers, with a variety of conditions.

In order not to get confused in a large number of products, it is worth studying the basic criteria for choosing a profitable car loan and finding out what you can and should pay attention to.

It is also important to take into account your personal goals and capabilities, and based on them, select an offer that is profitable for yourself.

Currently, there is no shortage of banking programs; moreover, they are constantly supplemented and updated with a variety of options. In order to attract the maximum number of clients, interest rates are reduced, commissions are canceled, and requirements are relaxed.

About 4 years ago, joint programs between car dealerships and financial institutions began to become popular, thanks to which every second car is purchased through one or another lending program.

Accordingly, there is no point in wondering where it is better to get a car loan: from a bank or from a car dealership, if there are no special clear requirements, you should use a joint financial product.

Due to the growing popularity of this form of purchasing a car, the total number of offers from banks is constantly increasing. There are several criteria based on which you can distinguish more profitable car loans, here are the most basic of them:

Minimum interest rate

This is one of the most significant indicators by which you can decide where it is more profitable to take out a car loan.

This parameter shows how much you will have to overpay in the process of repaying the loan. The lower the rate, the less the overpayment will be.

Answering the question of which bank has the lowest interest rate on a car loan, it can be noted that the most favorable rates can be found in the Bank of Moscow, UralSib and UniCredit. Here, on average, a loan is offered at 8-12% per annum.

This is the part of the cost of the purchased car that the bank requires you to pay to apply for a car loan. For the bank, this is a certain guarantee and confirmation of the seriousness of the client’s intentions.

This condition does not occur very often, as it is not convenient for the average consumer. Many people prefer to buy a car on credit without a down payment. To do this, you can contact MDM Bank, VTB 24, as well as AltaiEnergoBank.

There is some dependence here - the smaller the down payment, the higher the interest rates. In addition, there are special offers for down payments, for example, without a payment you can purchase a car worth up to 500,000 rubles.

New or used car

Another important factor when looking for a good deal is what type of car the bank is issuing a loan for.

There are financial institutions that issue loans for new cars, and only for used ones, but much less often.

The most profitable car loans for used cars are offered by financial institutions such as Sberbank, RosBank, VTB 24, GazpromBank.

Loans for used cars are very relevant and in demand, as there is a chance to buy a car at a discount of up to 70%.

Most advertising offers related to the next car loan program indicate the relevance of their offers only when applying for a full insurance package.

This, in turn, increases the cost of servicing the loan. It is for this reason that many people tend to refuse insurance.

In this case, you need to be prepared for an increase in the interest rate by about 1.5%.

If refusal of insurance is not implied, the bank may offer to choose an insurer yourself, which is also quite convenient and profitable.


The number of documents provided to obtain a car loan is an equally important parameter. Nowadays, fewer and fewer financial institutions require a large number of certificates, in particular, a document on profitability is required less and less often, which is very convenient for modern borrowers.

From this point of view, the most advantageous offers are put forward by SberBank, VTB 24, Bank of Moscow, RosBank.

To receive a positive decision on a car loan, it is enough to provide a passport and a second document of your choice - TIN or driver’s license.

With a minimum number of documents, banks are deprived of the opportunity to assess the solvency of clients. Based on this, a certain lending risk appears, which will lead to an increase in the loan rate or an increase in the down payment.

Many financial institutions issue car loans under special programs from car manufacturers.

These are favorable conditions for installment lending, which apply to foreign brands of cars, as well as special conditions within the framework of joint programs between the bank and the car dealership.

Such special offers may concern not only the installment period, but also reduced interest rates and the cost of the vehicle itself.

Based on all the criteria listed above, you can easily choose the best offer for yourself and purchase a car, saving a significant amount of money.

Car loans from the country's leading banks

To roughly understand which car loan is the most profitable, as well as what conditions modern banks offer for car loans in 2019, it is worth considering the requirements of several leading financial organizations in Russia.


The organization provides the opportunity to get a loan for used and new cars from foreign and domestic manufacturers. The bank does not require confirmation of income and employment, and under these conditions you can get a loan of up to 5 million rubles.

The interest rate is 13.5%, and the total loan period reaches 5 years. One of the mandatory conditions is to make a down payment equal to 15% or more of the cost of the car.

Interest rates may vary. It all depends on the loan term and various additional factors. The following loan terms are currently offered:

  1. Up to a year - 14.50%.
  2. From one to three years inclusive - 15.50%.
  3. From three to five years - 16.00%.

SberBank provides discounts for certain categories of citizens. A 1% rate reduction can be received by persons who have a salary card at the bank, pensioners who receive funds on a social bank card account, as well as individuals who have a personal deposit account opened with SberBank.

VTB 24

The bank provides loans on conditions similar to SberBank. You can get funds to purchase used and new cars of foreign and Russian brands. Proof of income is also not required here.

The loan amount can reach 5 million rubles, for a period of up to 5 years. There is a down payment requirement of 15%, and the interest rate starts at 14%.


The financial institution offers car loans for new and used cars from different manufacturers. Proof of income is required here.

The total loan amount does not exceed 4 million rubles. If necessary, you can get a loan in foreign currency that is fully equivalent to the established value of the vehicle.

There is a down payment requirement of 15%. The loan term is 4 years or less, and the interest rate ranges from 11.5 to 17%.

Here are more detailed interest rates:

  1. Dollars – 10.9-13.9% for new cars, 13.9-15.9% for used ones.
  2. Rubles - 12.9-15.4% for new cars, 15.4-17.4 for used cars, 11.5-13% auto boom.

With a dollar car loan, interest rates are significantly lower than when receiving funds in rubles. You should not immediately agree to these conditions; you need to remember the unstable financial situation in the country!

Bank Toyota

Car loans are the main activity of this bank. Potential borrowers are constantly offered several profitable alternative programs for obtaining funds.

If you make a 15% down payment, you are given the opportunity to take out a loan at a rate of 15.5%. If the contribution is 25%, the rate can be reduced to 14%.

It is worth knowing that this bank requires a full package of documents and expensive CASCO insurance.

These conditions somewhat reduce the bank’s competitiveness in the modern Russian financial market, despite the relatively reduced interest rate.

Other banks

In addition to the financial institutions listed above, other, no less popular banks provide favorable offers on car loans.

You can consider the organizations Russian Capital, Nordea Bank, Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, Sofrino Bank and other organizations.

Car loan programs are constantly changing and supplemented. It is worth following these changes by carefully studying the most current conditions of loan programs.

In addition to specific offers from banks, there is a special government subsidy program. It can be used at any government financial institution.

This is an opportunity to get a car loan on fairly favorable terms, but with the fulfillment of certain conditions relating to both the vehicle itself and the borrower.

Among the requirements for a car, the following factors can be noted:

  1. The car must be a Russian brand or assembled in Russia.
  2. The maximum loan amount is 7.5 million rubles.
  3. The weight of the car is no more than 3.5 tons.
  4. The time from vehicle release does not exceed 12 months.
  5. The loan term is no more than 3 years.

There are also certain requirements for the borrower. You will need to provide 2-NDFL certificates, as well as a certificate from your place of permanent employment. You can provide documents confirming the ownership of real estate.

The more information is provided to the bank, the greater the chances of lowering interest rates. Under this program, you can get a loan even with a bad credit history; you just need to provide a guarantor.


After choosing a financial institution that, at first glance, offers the most comfortable and favorable lending conditions, there is no need to rush to draw up and sign an agreement.

It is necessary to carefully study all the documents that will have to be signed. This approach quite often makes it possible to save a decent amount.

Multiple and basic information regarding loan terms will save time when choosing a profitable loan, regardless of where you live or purchase a vehicle.

Some borrowers are wondering: what is better to take – a consumer loan or a car loan? The disadvantage of loans for any purpose is higher rates compared to car loans and the maximum amount is often limited to several hundred thousand rubles. Consumer loans benefit from a simple issuance procedure, the absence of mandatory CASCO insurance, collateral and a down payment.

Car loans without a down payment are offered by VTB. But this condition only applies to foreign cars. Without insurance and when registering with two documents, you will have to pay 20% of the cost of the car, and to purchase a Russian car with borrowed funds - 30%.

At Bystrobank there is no down payment for loans less than 700 thousand rubles. If the amount is greater, it will be 20%. At Zenit Bank, a 0% down payment is possible without additional conditions.

  • Car loan terms: what to pay attention to

  • Where is the best place to get a car loan for a used car?

    Many banks have special programs for purchasing used cars. At Credit Europe Bank you can buy a car from an individual with borrowed funds; Unicredit Bank, on the contrary, allows you to purchase a used vehicle only at a car dealership.

    Pay attention to the requirements for the car. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the selected bank in advance and only then begin searching for a car that meets the required criteria. For example, Credit Europe Bank issues loans only for used foreign cars (except for cars of Ukrainian, Iranian, Chinese, and Uzbek brands). In this case, the vehicle cannot be older than 5 years.

  • The best car loan for a new car

    Banks prefer to issue loans for the purchase of new cars. This way the financial institution takes less risk. Most banks operating in the car lending segment have such products in their lineup. Among them: VTB, Cetelem, Zenit Bank, Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank. Some institutions issue loans only for cars; at Rosselkhozbank you can purchase a truck with borrowed funds.

  • The best rate on a car loan in 2019

    In 2019, the rate on car loans in the banking market varies from 3% to 20%. A minimum percentage is often set for affiliate programs. These are loans that are provided for the purchase of a car of a specific brand.

    One of the lowest rates in Sovcombank. The credit institution offers a targeted loan for the purchase of a new LADA. There is no down payment, but CASCO insurance is required. VTB issues loans at low interest rates for the purchase of Subaru.

    Rates on universal car loans start at 9%. Such products allow you to choose a car of any brand.

  • The best banks in Moscow to get a car loan

    To choose the best offer, use the car loan search. Specify the loan amount, repayment period, additional options, region. The filter will select suitable programs available in Moscow and also calculate the approximate monthly payment for each product.

  • Customer reviews about car loans in Moscow

    Average score - 3.28

    Top 20 best car loans in other regions

    All banks and offers in regions and cities of Russia

    View 8 more

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    Today, a car is no longer a luxury item. Many families cannot imagine modern life without a car. Therefore, when there is no point in repairing an old car, and the money has not yet been saved for a new one, the family collects all the information about a car loan - where it is more profitable to get it, what interest rates and other loan conditions exist.

    Features of car loans

    One of the distinctive properties of this type of loan is that it is taken for targeted needs, i.e. for the purchase of a car. Today, almost all banks offer this loan, so choosing just one is not very easy. But at the same time, such an abundance of offers is beneficial for the borrower: due to the current competition, banks are trying to offer more favorable conditions to their customers.

    The main disadvantage of a car loan is that the car remains as collateral with the bank. Those. Until it is fully redeemed, you will not be able to dispose of it at your own discretion - sell, give, etc.

    The best car loan offers

    To find the most profitable auto programs, you need to focus on the following aspects:

    • the lowest interest rate on the loan, which determines the total overpayment,
    • a small down payment - the buyer pays the borrower a certain amount to confirm his desire to take out a loan. Moreover, you can find organizations where such a contribution is not required. But it should be noted that the interest on the loan in this case will most likely be higher. Some banks even have the practice that without a down payment you can only purchase an expensive car (not cheaper than 500,000 rubles).
    • The car itself is of great importance. Some lending institutions issue loans exclusively for new cars, others prefer to help with the purchase of used vehicles (but there are very few of them). But most often one rule applies - the borrower buys a car from a car dealership, not from an individual.
    • car insurance program, driver health and life insurance. Almost all minimum car loan rates are valid only if the client agrees to compulsory car insurance under the CASCO program. Then the cost of servicing the loan increases. However, if you do not agree to their terms, the loan interest itself will increase.
    • the smallest package of documents. There are organizations that can issue a car loan according to two documents. This is a passport and driver's license or TIN. But when you prioritize this requirement when choosing a suitable bank, do not forget that credit institutions in such cases increase the interest rate and (or) the down payment.
    • There are special offers that usually involve providing installments from the machine manufacturer(most often foreign).
    • State support for the purchase of domestic cars. The list of vehicles suitable for this purpose is determined by law. The state requires that the transaction be completed in rubles.
    • The price of the car should not exceed 1,450,000 rubles. Thus, you can only purchase a passenger car up to 3.5 tons, starting from 2016. The down payment is ⅕ of the total cost of the car. The car loan is issued for a period of 3 years.
    • As part of limited-time promotions and general programs from banks with car dealerships, you can find reduced interest rates or get a good discount to purchase a car on credit.

    To choose between a car loan and non-targeted lending, you need to consider all the conditions of banks in 2019. Interest rates on non-targeted lending are also reduced. And, if everything is calculated, perhaps the overpayment will turn out to be insignificant. But you will not be forced to pay Casco and the car will remain your property. This means that if the financial situation worsens, it will be possible to sell it profitably and pay off the missing part of the debt.

    5 banks with the most profitable car loans

    So that you can quickly navigate the existing variety of offers, we offer you the TOP 5 banks where it is more profitable to take out a car loan.

    Car loan at VTB-24

    VTB-24 is one of the most famous and well-established banks. In terms of car loans, this company offers a wide range of programs.
    Currently loans are issued:

    1. for a new car from 11.1% to 7 years;
    2. for used cars (purchase is also possible from a private person) – up to 5 years, from 11.9%;
    3. There is a state subsidy program with a 10% discount on the initial price of a new car and an initial contribution of up to 20%.
    4. There are special offers for cars of the brands GM-AVTOVAZ, HYUNDAI, JAGUAR, KIA, LADA, LAND ROVER, LIFAN, SUBARU, SUZUKI, VOLVO, UAZ, GAZ.

    Requirements for borrowers:

    1. permanent registration in the area of ​​presence of any bank branch,
    2. citizenship of the Russian Federation,
    3. full-time work experience - at least one year,
    4. Last job experience was more than 3 months,
    5. average monthly earnings of at least 30,000 rubles,
    6. age 21-65 years,
    7. availability of two telephone numbers.

    Car loan at Alfa Bank

    This credit institution issues loans for a new or used car, and the decision is made in just 1-2 days.

    1. loan amount up to 2,000,000 rubles. for a used car, up to 3,000,000 for a new one.
    2. down payment - from 15% of the final price of the car,
    3. rate from 12.49%,
    4. Alfa Mobile application.

    Requirements for borrowers:

    1. age from 21 years,
    2. total experience from one year,
    3. permanent registration in the area where Alfa-Bank operates,
    4. 90 days of experience at last job,
    5. citizenship of the Russian Federation.

    Car loan at Gazprombank

    This credit institution offers loans for new and used cars with the following conditions:

    1. down payment for new cars - from 15%, for used cars - from 20%,
    2. the largest amount is 4,500,000 rubles,
    3. up to 7 years, and for domestically produced vehicles up to 3 years,
    4. rate - from 12.75%.

    Requirements for borrowers:

    1. permanent registration in the Russian Federation,
    2. Work experience at last job was more than 4 months,
    3. citizenship of the Russian Federation,
    4. total experience of more than a year,
    5. age 20 – 65 years,
    6. no bad credit history,
    7. The amount of income must allow you to make monthly payments on the loan.

    Car loan at Vostochny Bank

    There are special conditions for purchasing a used car. You can take money to purchase a car without CASCO insurance. In general, the bank's proposals are as follows:

    1. consideration of the application in one day,
    2. loan amount up to 1,000,000 rubles,
    3. period from one to five years,
    4. rate from 19%.

    The requirements for borrowers are quite flexible:

    1. age: 21 – 75 years (including loan term),
    2. Work experience at last job was more than 3 months,
    3. citizenship of the Russian Federation,
    4. for citizens under 26 years of age, the total length of service is at least one year,
    5. availability of income, the amount of which will allow you to pay interest on the loan.

    Car loan at Rusfinancebank

    This bank cooperates with more than 2000 car dealers. Therefore, you will be able to choose a car according to your needs and capabilities. The organization offers a large selection of lending programs in this area.

    1. “Forsazh” for the purchase of a new car with a rate of 13.5% for a period of 2 – 5 years and an initial payment of 20%.
    2. “Excellent opportunity” - issued for a new domestic car, the conditions for obtaining are similar to the “Fast and Furious” program.
    3. “Dizhok” for a foreign car with mileage with a down payment of 20% from 17.5% 2 – 5 years,
    4. “Used car” - for a Russian-made car with mileage with a down payment of 20% and an interest rate of 15.9% for 2 to 5 years.

    Requirements for borrowers:

    1. permanent registration in the Russian Federation,
    2. age 23 – 65 years,
    3. citizenship of the Russian Federation,
    4. Minimum 4 months of experience at last job to purchase a new car, no less
    5. six months to purchase a used car.

    The issue is choosing the bank and the optimal program. When selecting a bank, it is important to take into account not only the recommendations and opinions of clients, but also various ratings.

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    According to what parameters is it compiled?

    The most significant when choosing a credit institution are:

    • bank asset rating. Assets consist of the valuation of property owned by the bank, authorized capital, deposits, obligations to the bank, securities, and so on. The more assets an institution has, the higher the rating it will be assigned;
    • rating of private deposits. Determined based on the amount of deposits opened by individuals. The more deposits are open in the bank, the higher the level of trust in the organization from clients;
    • rating for lending to individuals. Accordingly, it is determined by the number of loans issued and the amount of borrowed funds. The credit rating signals the availability of existing credit products.

    Indicators A and B may vary. For example, the AAA rating is the maximum, and the BB- rating is more close to the C rating.

    • consumer credit rating;
    • car loan rating;
    • mortgage rating.
    • Standard & Poor's (S&P). The Company primarily evaluates the creditworthiness of financial institutions. Ratings are compiled for short-term and long-term periods;
    • Moody's. The company annually supports more than 30 rating systems based on various indicators;
    • Fitch Ratings. Founded in 1913, the rating agency was the first to introduce a letter rating scale for banks. At the moment, the risks of sustainability and stability of banks are mainly determined;
    • National rating agency. Based on sustainability indicators, Russian banks are divided into several main categories: the largest (Sberbank, VTB), large (Bank of Moscow), medium (Raiffeisenbank, UniCredit Bank) and small (regional banks, for example, Levoberezhny).

    The most profitable banks for car loans in 2019

    In 2019, you can get the most profitable car loan (the rating is based on data from the Compare ru website):

    Interest rates on car loans are presented taking into account the government subsidy program, that is:

    In terms of the volume of issued car loans, and, consequently, the degree of trust of users of credit products and the conditions of car loans, the leading positions are occupied by the following banks (the rating was compiled by Banki ru):

    Name of the bank Amount of funds issued, thousand rubles
    Sberbank (including car loans issued by Cetelem Bank) 111 656 397
    VTB 91 772 915
    75 056 386
    53 000 761
    36 705 333
    Toyota Bank 35 988 336
    19 954 420
    Plus Bank 17 865 640
    BMW Bank 16 131 611
    Uralsib 14 539 606
    BystroBank 10 613 785
    Loko-bank 9 367 943
    Gazprombank 8 410 161
    Credit Bank of Moscow 3 598 570
    AK Bars 3 430 096
    Bank "Saint-Petersburg" 2 587 672
    Svyaz Bank 2 441 719
    Center Invest Bank 2 441 176

    In terms of the possibility of obtaining a car loan without additional insurance (CASCO), they are in the lead (according to statistics from the Compare website):

    Reliability rating

    Name of the bank Reliability rating in 2019
    Absolut Bank A+
    Vanguard AA-
    AK Bars AA
    Alfa Bank AAA
    Baltic Bank IN
    Bank "Saint-Petersburg" A++
    BFA Bank A
    Uralsib A+
    Binbank AA
    BystroBank IN
    VTB 24 AAA
    Gazprombank A++
    Loko-bank A+
    Metallinvestbank AA+
    Metcombank AA-
    Moscow Industrial Bank A+
    Credit Bank of Moscow A+
    Plus Bank B++
    Post Bank B+
    Promsvyazbank AA+
    Raiffeisenbank B++
    Renaissance Credit IN-
    Rosbank AAA
    Rosselkhozbank AA
    Bank "Russia" A++
    Rosenergobank A
    Russian Standard Bank BB
    Rusfinance Bank AAA
    SKB Bank AA-
    Sberbank of Russia AAA
    Svyaz Bank A
    Bank Sovetsky IN
    Sovcombank AA
    Bank "Soyuz" BB-
    Tinkoff Bank A++
    Transcapitalbank A+
    Opening AAA
    Fora bank A+
    Home Credit Bank A++
    Center Invest Bank BB
    Bank Expert B++
    Energobank A+
    Uniamstrum Bank A++
    UniCredit Bank AA+

    If you don’t have enough personal funds to purchase a car, you need to find a bank that will issue a car loan.

    1. Requirements for borrowers. Most requirements come down to age restrictions and registration. Age restrictions are most often 21 - 65 years old, but there are banks (for example, Cetelem Bank) that lend to people from 18 years old to 75 years old. The borrower's registration must be in the region where the official representative office of the selected bank is located.
    2. Existing loan programs. Currently the most popular are:
      • classic car loan, issued upon provision of a complete package of documents;
      • express car loan To obtain it you will need two documents: a passport and a driver’s license. However, the rates for this type of lending will be higher than for the classic program;
      • Trade - in. The program involves the purchase of an old car by a car dealership and the proceeds being used as a down payment. The program has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage, of course, is the ability to quickly sell an existing vehicle, and the disadvantage is the reduced cost of vehicles with a quick purchase;
      • Buy-back or car loan with buyback. This program is similar to vehicle leasing. Upon expiration of the car loan period, the vehicle owner has the right to return the car to the seller without paying the final installment. At the same time, the size of the monthly payment is reduced, since the payment of borrowed funds is made according to the scheme first payment + monthly payments + last payment. The size of the first and last payments is approximately the same and amounts to 15% - 30% of the cost of the car.
    3. Car loan terms. Here the following are essential:
      • a list of cars that can be purchased with borrowed funds. Most banks offer car loans for new and used cars, as well as commercial vehicles. The return of a used car (7 – 15 years) and the seller of the vehicle are of fundamental importance. Some banks work exclusively with car dealerships, other credit institutions also issue funds for the purchase of a car from a private individual;
      • maximum loan amount. The indicator is determined based on the cost of the car and the necessary additional equipment;
      • loan terms;
      • bank interest rate;
      • the need and size of the down payment;
      • the need for collateral and CASCO registration. In most cases, a deposit of the purchased car is a prerequisite. A CASCO insurance policy is not mandatory everywhere. However, the lack of insurance leads to increased risks for the bank and, as a result, an increase in the cost of a car loan.
    4. There are penalties for late payments. As a rule, late fees are charged by all banks, but their size can vary from 0.01% to 1% of the debt amount. In addition, fines may be charged for other actions:
      • delay in transfer of PTS to the bank;
      • delay in issuing an insurance policy;
      • failure to provide the bank with documents to confirm solvency during the validity period of the car loan agreement, and so on.
    5. Rules for the seizure of a pledged vehicle to cover the debt. Most banks have the right to seize a car solely based on a court decision, but there are also creditors who do not require a court decision.

      Those who do not have their own funds to buy a car outright can take out a car loan without a down payment. Bank programs take into account various offers from vehicle sellers. So, you can choose used or new cars on credit. With the help of our financial portal, you will find a profitable offer for yourself quickly and effortlessly.

      Various car loan programs help bank clients use a vehicle before they can save the necessary amount for the purchase. In 2019, many banks offer the opportunity to purchase a car on credit (Moscow’s offer in this regard is no different from other regions of Russia). It is more important to determine the organization that will offer optimal conditions for you. Finding the best car loan in 2019 is not always easy. To avoid wasting time searching on the Internet, use our financial portal.

      Vyberu.ru will help you take out a car loan without a down payment on acceptable terms. Use the online search engine (located in the upper left part of the screen) and set the basic conditions of the car loan:

      • size,
      • payment term,
      • currency.

      To determine a profitable car loan - 2019, also check additional parameters:

      • availability of collateral and surety,
      • insurance conditions,
      • Are you interested in used or new cars on credit?
      • application review period,
      • need to verify income.

      In addition, you can use the quick search. For example, if you are planning to buy a car on credit without a down payment, select the appropriate item in the menu below. The program will show you only those options that match your request.

      By comparing the conditions of different banks, you can easily determine the optimal program to buy a car on credit without a down payment. The range of offers may differ for each financial institution. You can buy a new car on credit or choose a used vehicle.

      On the Vyberu.ru portal you will find complete information on car loans in Moscow. We constantly publish offers from leading Russian banks. The information will help you take out a loan to buy a car on the most favorable terms. Currently, it contains information on 81 banks that provide money to buy a car on credit. The number of offers changes periodically. The total number of programs for this type reaches 607. They all differ in their parameters - interest rate, amount of borrowed funds, repayment period, etc. By comparing the conditions of different car loans in Moscow, you will find the most suitable programs in different banks. Using the bank ratings, it is easy to determine the most reliable of the selected financial institutions in order to buy a new car on credit on favorable terms. And using a special calculator, it will be easy to calculate the financial burden on your budget and understand whether this or that offer is suitable for you. After this, you will be able to make an informed decision about which car loan in Moscow will be the most profitable for you.

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