Updated snip 3.01 01 85. Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”



SNiP 3.01.01-85*

DEVELOPED TsNIIOMTP Gosstroy USSR (candidates of technical sciences) L.P. Ablyazov, E.A. Dolginin, V.V. Shakhparonov)


PREPARED FOR APPROVAL Glavtekhnormirovanie Gosstroy USSR ( A.A. Lysogorsky, IN AND. Mitin) with the participation of Glavstroynauka of the USSR State Construction Committee (candidate of technical sciences) G.S. Pereselenov) and the Department of Organization and Technology of Construction Production of the USSR State Construction Committee ( S.E. Yakubanets).

SNiP 3.01.01-85* reissued with amendment No. 1, approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee of December 11, 1986 No. 48 and put into effect on January 1, 1987, and amendment No. 2, adopted by Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of February 6, 1995. No. 18-8 and entered into force on April 1, 1995.

Items, tables, and appendices to which changes have been made are marked in these rules and regulations with an asterisk.

When using a regulatory document, you should take into account the approved changes to building codes and regulations and state standards published in the journal “Bulletin of Construction Equipment” and the information index “State Standards”.

These norms and rules establish general requirements for the organization of construction production during the construction of new, as well as expansion and reconstruction of existing facilities (enterprises, buildings, structures and their complexes), which must be observed by all participants in the construction of facilities.


1.1.* The organization of construction production must ensure that all organizational, technical and technological decisions are focused on achieving the final result - the commissioning of a facility with the required quality and on time.

The construction of each facility may be carried out only on the basis of previously developed decisions on the organization of construction and technology of work, which must be adopted in the project of organizing the construction and projects of work. The composition and content of design solutions and documentation in the construction organization project and work execution plans are determined depending on the type of construction and the complexity of the construction project in accordance with the instructions of Section. 3.

The construction of the facility should be organized taking into account the expedient expansion of technological specialization in the performance of construction and installation work, the use of combined organizational forms of management in construction, based on a rational combination of industrial and construction production.

When organizing construction production, the following must be provided:

coordinated work of all participants in the construction of the facility with coordination of their activities by the general contractor, whose decisions on issues related to the implementation of approved plans and work schedules are mandatory for all participants, regardless of departmental subordination; 1

complete supply of material resources per building, structure, unit, site, section, floor, tier, room within the time limits provided for by calendar plans and work schedules;

performance of construction, installation and special construction works in compliance with the technological sequence of technically sound combination;

compliance with safety regulations;

compliance with environmental protection requirements.

1.2.* Before the start of construction and installation work, including preparatory work, at the site, the customer is obliged to obtain, in accordance with the established procedure, a permit to carry out construction and installation work. Carrying out work without the specified permission is prohibited.

1.3.* Construction must be carried out in technological sequence in accordance with the calendar plan (schedule), taking into account the reasonable combination of individual types of work. Seasonal work (including certain types of preparatory work) must be carried out at the most favorable time of year in accordance with the decisions made in the construction organization project.

The main work on the construction of an object or part of it is permitted to begin only after the site (route) for its construction has been allocated in nature, the necessary fences for the construction site have been installed (security, protective or signal) and a geodetic base has been created. Before the construction of buildings and structures begins, it is necessary to cut and store the vegetation layer of soil used for land reclamation in specially designated areas, vertical layout of the construction site, work on drainage, installation of permanent and temporary on-site roads and utility networks (sewage, water, heat, energy supply, etc.) necessary for the duration of construction and provided for by construction organization projects and work execution projects.

It is prohibited to begin work on the construction of above-ground structures of a building (structure) or its part (section, span, tier, section, enclosure, etc.) until the construction of underground structures is completed and backfilling of pits, trenches and cavities with soil compaction to its density in the natural state or specified by project 1 (with the exception of underground structures, the construction of which is provided for in other terms by the work projects).

1 – Hereinafter, the term “project” means design and estimate documentation developed for a specific facility in accordance with the requirements of SNiP for the procedure for the development, coordination and approval of design and estimate documentation.

In cases where the construction site is located in an area exposed to adverse natural phenomena and geological processes (mudflows, avalanches, landslides, landslides, swamps, flooding, etc.), after creating a geodetic alignment base, before starting on-site preparatory work, the following steps must be carried out: for special projects, priority measures and work to protect the territory from these processes.

Paragraph 1.4. excluded.

1.5.* During the construction of large objects, construction and installation work for their construction must be carried out at launch complexes in accordance with their composition and sequence provided for by the project.

Paragraph 1.6. excluded.

1.7.* When constructing standard and repetitive buildings, structures and their parts as part of a facility (boiler houses, compressor and pumping stations, transformer substations, transport galleries, built-in premises of industrial buildings, etc.), when installing technological lines, units, installations and engineering equipment, they must it will be possible to carry out the maximum amount of work outside the construction site by aggregating equipment and structures into blocks at supplying plants and assembly plants, as well as construction industry bases and delivering them in the form of blocks to construction sites.

1.8.* During the construction of linear facilities (transport and communications, land reclamation systems, power lines, etc.) and facilities located at a considerable distance from the permanent locations of construction organizations, as well as when it is necessary to concentrate forces to perform certain types of work by specialized organizations at the most important construction sites work should be carried out primarily by mobile construction units, equipped according to the profile of the work with means of transport and mobile (mobile) mechanized installations and energy supply devices, as well as mobile (inventory) buildings for production, warehouse, auxiliary, residential, household and public purposes for construction needs.

1.9.* When constructing objects in uninhabited areas, as well as long-distance linear objects, it is allowed to use a rotational method of organizing construction, which provides for the work to be carried out by regularly changing units from construction organizations stationed in inhabited areas.

1.10.* Work that requires specialized equipment and appropriately trained personnel (artificial chemical, cryogenic and thermal consolidation of soft soils, trenchless laying of underground communications, installation of high-rise tower structures, installation of chemical and heat-resistant coatings, etc.) should be carried out primarily by specialized construction workers. organizations.

Paragraph 1.11. excluded.

1.12.* When organizing construction production, timely construction of access roads and berths, the creation of a warehouse facility, the development of the production base of construction organizations and the preparation of housing and social facilities and utilities to the extent necessary for construction needs, taking into account the possibilities of temporary use of the designed permanent buildings and structures.

1 .13.* When carrying out the construction of objects in areas of existing urban development, the conditions for the work with the identification of dangerous zones, boundaries and axes of underground structures and communications, as well as traffic and pedestrian traffic patterns with the provision of safe entrances and approaches to existing enterprises, buildings and structures must be agreed with the authorities state supervision, local administration.

1.14.* Each construction site must:

keep a general journal of work in the form given in appendix. 1*, special journals for certain types of work, the list of which is established by the general contractor in agreement with subcontractors and the customer, and a journal of designer supervision of design organizations (if any);

draw up inspection reports for hidden work, intermediate acceptance of critical structures, testing and testing of equipment, systems, networks and devices;

draw up other production documentation provided for by other building codes and regulations, and as-built documentation - a set of working drawings with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind with these drawings or changes made to them, in agreement with the design organization, made by persons responsible for construction and installation work .

Items 1.15, 1.16. excluded.


Paragraph 2.1. excluded.

2.2.* Organizational and technical preparation should include: providing construction with design and estimate documentation, allocating a site (route) for construction, arranging construction financing, concluding construction contracts and subcontracts for construction, issuing permits and permits for work, resolving issues regarding the resettlement of persons and organizations located in buildings subject to demolition, providing construction with access roads, electricity, water and heat supplies, a communication system and consumer service premises for construction personnel, organizing the supply of equipment, structures, materials and finished products for construction.

2.3.* Preparation for the construction of each facility should include the study by engineering and technical personnel of design and estimate documentation (including documentation based on the results of a technical inspection of structures during the reconstruction of an existing enterprise), detailed familiarization with construction conditions, development of work plans for off- and on-site preparatory work, construction of buildings , structures and their parts, as well as the execution of the preparatory period work itself, taking into account environmental and occupational safety requirements.

Off-site preparatory work should include the construction of access roads and berths, power lines with transformer substations, water supply networks with water intake structures, sewer collectors with treatment facilities, residential settlements for builders, necessary structures for the development of the production base of the construction organization, as well as structures and communication devices for construction management.

On-site preparatory work should include the delivery and acceptance of the geodetic alignment base for construction and geodetic alignment work for laying utility networks, roads and the construction of buildings and structures, clearing the construction site for construction and installation work (clearing the territory, demolishing buildings, etc.), planning territory, artificial lowering (if necessary) of the groundwater level, relocation of existing and laying of new utility networks, installation of permanent and temporary roads, inventory temporary fences of the construction site with the organization of access control regime, if necessary, placement of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures production, warehouse, auxiliary, household and public purposes, arrangement of storage areas and premises for materials, structures and equipment, organization of communications for operational dispatch control of work, provision of the construction site with fire-fighting water supply and equipment, lighting and alarm systems.

During the preparatory period, permanent buildings and structures used for construction needs should also be erected, or existing ones adapted for these purposes.

Preparation for the construction of a complex and unique facility should include work on organizing routine observations (seismometric, hydrogeological, hydrological, geochemical, geodetic, surveying, meteorological, strain gauge, glaciological, permafrost, etc.) according to special programs, as well as the creation, if necessary, of test testing grounds, metrological points and measuring stations. Programs for research work, testing of structures and elements of structures and operational observations must be developed by the customer and the general design organization simultaneously with the development of construction organization projects and work execution projects.

Paragraph 2.4. excluded.

2.5.* In preparation for construction and installation work, work plans must be developed, geodetic breakdown signs fixed on the ground by parts of buildings (structures) and types of work must be transferred and accepted.


Paragraph 3.1. excluded.

3.2. It is prohibited to carry out construction and installation work without an approved construction organization plan and work execution plan. Deviations from decisions of construction organization projects and work execution projects are not allowed without agreement with the organizations that developed and approved them.

Paragraph 3.3. excluded.

3.4.* Projects for organizing construction and projects for carrying out work during construction in difficult natural and geological conditions, as well as during the construction of unique buildings and structures, must provide for special measures during the construction process to ensure the strength and stability of the constructed and existing buildings, structures and structures.

As part of projects for the construction of unique objects and objects with complex technical solutions, programs of necessary research, testing and routine observations must be developed, including methods of technical control and organization of stations, test sites, measuring posts and other works that ensure reliable construction work and subsequent operation structures.

3.5. The construction organization project is a mandatory document for the customer, contractors, as well as organizations providing financing and logistical support for construction.

3.6.* The construction organization project must be developed by the general design organization or, on its order, by another design organization.

The starting materials for developing a construction organization project should be:

feasibility studies for construction or calculations justifying the economic necessity and economic feasibility of constructing a given facility and the assignment for its design;

materials of engineering surveys (when reconstructing objects - materials of their pre-design technical inspection) and data from surveillance observations in areas subject to adverse natural phenomena and geological processes;

decisions recommended by the general contracting and subcontracting organizations on the use of materials and structures, means of mechanization of construction and installation work; the procedure for providing construction with energy resources, water, temporary utility networks, as well as local construction materials;

information on the conditions of delivery and transportation from enterprises - suppliers of building structures, finished products, materials and equipment;

special requirements for the construction of complex and unique objects;

information about the conditions for construction and installation work at reconstructed facilities;

space-planning and design solutions for buildings and structures and basic technological diagrams of the main production of the facility (its phase) to be built, broken down into launch complexes and units;

information on the conditions for providing construction workers with personnel;

information on the conditions for providing construction with transport, including for delivering construction workers from their place of residence to their place of work;

data on the location and capacity of general construction and specialized organizations and the conditions for their relocation;

data on the availability of the production base of the construction industry and the possibilities of its use;

information on the conditions for providing construction workers with food, residential and cultural premises;

measures to protect the construction area from adverse natural phenomena and geological processes and the stages of their implementation;

information about construction conditions stipulated by contracts with foreign companies.

Paragraph 3.7. excluded.

3.8. The composition and content of construction organization projects must comply with adj. 2*, and the forms of the main project documents - adj. 3*.

3.9.* Depending on the timing of the construction of the facility and the volume of work, according to the decision of the construction organization, the work project should be developed for the construction of the building or structure as a whole, for the construction of its individual parts (underground and above-ground parts, section, span, floor, tier, etc. ), for the performance of certain technically complex construction, installation and special construction works, as well as work of the preparatory period, and is transferred to the construction site before the start of the construction of those parts of the building (structure) or the start of the work for which the work project has been drawn up.

Work projects for the construction of new, expansion and reconstruction of enterprises, buildings or structures are developed by general contracting construction and installation organizations. For certain types of general construction, installation and special construction work, work production plans are developed by the organizations performing these works. Projects for the production of work ordered by a general contracting or subcontracting construction and installation organization can be developed by design, design and construction organizations, as well as design and technological trusts (institutes): Orgtekhstroy (Orgstroy).

Production associations and customer enterprises, construction, installation and design organizations, simultaneously with the development of design and estimate documentation for the technical re-equipment and reconstruction of existing production facilities, draw up work projects and determine the methods and sequence of their implementation, taking into account specific conditions.

3.10.* The starting materials for developing a work project should be:

a development assignment issued by a construction organization as the customer of the work project, with justification for the need to develop it for the building (structure) as a whole, its part or type of work and indicating the development time frame;

construction organization project;

necessary working documentation;

conditions for the supply of structures, finished products, materials and equipment, the use of construction machines and vehicles, the provision of workers for builders in the main professions, production and technological equipment and transportation of construction goods, and, in necessary cases, also the conditions for organizing construction and performing work on a rotational basis;

materials and results of technical inspection of existing enterprises, buildings and structures during their reconstruction, as well as requirements for the performance of construction, installation and special construction work in the conditions of existing production.

3.11.* The composition and content of work projects must comply with adj. 4*, and the forms of the main documents are adj. 5*.

The composition and degree of detail of the materials developed in the work project are established by the relevant contracting construction and installation organization, based on the specifics and volume of work performed.

The work plan is approved by the head of the general contracting construction and installation organization, and for installation and special work - by the head of the corresponding subcontractor in agreement with the general contracting construction and installation organization.

The project for carrying out work for the expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of an existing enterprise, building and structure must also be agreed upon with the enterprise or customer organization.

3.12. For the construction of buildings and structures with particularly complex structures and methods of work, design organizations, as part of the working documentation, must develop working drawings for special auxiliary structures, fixtures, devices and installations, which include:

equipment and devices for transportation and installation (lifting, sliding, assembly) of unique equipment, oversized and heavy technological, construction and construction-technological blocks;

special formwork for shell vaults, permanent and sliding formwork;

devices for ensuring work on artificial lowering of groundwater levels, artificial freezing of soils and their consolidation, including methods of cementation, clayization, silicatization, resinization and thermal consolidation;

sheet piling fences for pits and trenches;

devices for large-block installation of equipment and enlarged assembly of structures;

equipment and special devices for the construction of underground structures using the “wall in soil” method, laying underground pipelines using the soil punching method, erecting deep structures on shell piles and using sinkholes, as well as pile foundations in the presence of subsidence soils;

protective and safety devices when performing drilling and blasting operations near existing buildings and structures;

auxiliary devices necessary for moving and superstructure of buildings, their construction in especially cramped conditions, as well as in the case of reconstruction of existing enterprises, buildings, structures.

To develop the specified documentation, the general design organization must involve specialized design, design and engineering organizations.

Items 3.13, 3.14 excluded.


4.1.* Contracting organizations performing work under general and subcontracting agreements and customer organizations must provide construction sites with all types of material and technical resources in strict accordance with the technological sequence of construction and installation work within the time limits established by calendar plans and construction schedules.

Items 4.2 - 4.5 excluded.

4.6.* The organization of transportation, warehousing and storage of materials, parts, structures and equipment must comply with the requirements of standards and technical specifications and exclude the possibility of their damage, deterioration and loss.

During the construction of facilities, the customer, the general contractor and subcontractors must ensure the safety of technological, sanitary, electrical and other equipment, construction tools and equipment, as well as building structures, parts and materials in accordance with the terms of the contract.


Paragraph 5.1. excluded.

5.2.* The mechanization of construction, installation and special construction work during the construction of a facility must be comprehensive and carried out by sets of construction machines, equipment, small-scale mechanization, necessary installation equipment, inventory and devices.

Small-scale mechanization equipment, including construction and finishing machines, equipment, tools, technological equipment necessary for performing concrete, installation, stone, plastering, sanitary, waterproofing, painting, glass and other construction work, must be assembled into standard kits in accordance with technology of work performed.

Items 5.3 - 5.5 excluded.

5.6.* The organization of transport work should be decided in the construction organization project when choosing transport schemes for the supply of building materials, structures, parts and equipment, justifying and developing schedules for the need for vehicles in technological connection with the construction of the facility, as well as with the activities of transshipment bases, railway stations, river and seaports and marinas and air ports.

Items 5.7, 5.8 excluded.


Items 6.1 - 6.3 excluded.

6.4.* Teams, depending on the nature of the work, should be formed as complex or specialized. Complex teams, as a rule, need to be created enlarged - for the production of finished construction products, an enlarged stage of work, a structural unit.

Items 6.5, 6.6 excluded.

6.7. Labor protection of workers must be ensured by the administration issuing the necessary personal protective equipment (special clothing, shoes, etc.), taking measures for the collective protection of workers (fencing, lighting, ventilation, protective and safety devices and devices, etc.), sanitary facilities and devices in accordance with current standards and the nature of the work performed. Workers must be provided with the necessary working conditions, food and rest.

In the process of construction and installation work, the requirements of GOST and SNiP on safety regulations in construction must be observed.





System of regulatory documents in construction




SNiP 12-01-2004

UDC 69:658.012(083.74)

Date of introduction- 2005-01-01


1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Center for Methodology of Standardization and Standardization in Construction” (FSUE CNS) and JSC “Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance to Construction” (JSC TsNIIOMTP)

INTRODUCED by the Department of Technical Standardization, Standardization and Certification in Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Gosstroy of Russia

2 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT from January 1, 2005 by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated April 19, 2004 No. 70 (did not pass state registration - Letter of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/2005 No. 01/2599-VYA)

3 INSTEAD SNiP 3.01.01-85*


These building codes and regulations are advisory in nature and establish, for voluntary application, general construction rules that have developed in practice and are stipulated by current legislation.

A number of paragraphs of these building codes and regulations contain quotations from federal laws, references to federal laws and other regulatory legal acts that confirm the validity of the recommended rules and procedures.

The regulatory provisions of this document acquire the status of mandatory if the construction contract concluded by construction participants in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation contains a reference to the application of these building codes and regulations during the construction of a specific facility.


These building codes and regulations apply to the construction of new and reconstruction of existing (hereinafter referred to as construction) real estate properties. The provisions of these rules and regulations may be extended to the repair of existing buildings and structures.

The document is advisory in nature and establishes for voluntary application general rules for conducting construction, procedures for monitoring the quality of construction and assessing the compliance of completed real estate objects (buildings and structures) with the requirements of project documentation and the terms of contracts.

These building codes and rules do not take into account the requirements of current regulatory documents of ministries and departments, which must be met during the construction of linear structures, in the right of way of railways, in the right of way of roads and other transport routes, power lines, communications, pipelines and other technical infrastructure facilities .


Definitions of terms used in this document are provided in Appendix A.


3.1 Construction of a real estate object (building, structure) can only be carried out with a construction permit.

Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation

Article 62. Construction permit

1. Construction permit - a document certifying the right of the owner, owner, tenant or user of a real estate property to develop a land plot, construct, reconstruct a building, structures and structures, and improve the territory.

2. A construction permit is issued in accordance with this Code on the basis of applications from interested individuals and legal entities, documents certifying their rights to land plots, and in the presence of approved project documentation.

Lists of real estate objects for the construction of which a construction permit is not required are established by legislation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Article 62, parts 9 and 10).

3.2 General construction management is carried out by the person who has received a building permit (hereinafter referred to as the developer). In accordance with current legislation, the basic functions of the developer are:

Obtaining a building permit;

Obtaining the right of limited use of neighboring land plots (easements) for the duration of construction;

Involvement of a work contractor (contractor for contract construction) to carry out work on the construction of a real estate property;

Providing construction with design documentation that has undergone examination and approved in the prescribed manner;

Involvement, in cases provided for by law, of the designer’s supervision of the construction of the facility;

Notification of the start of any work on the construction site of the state control (supervision) bodies that control the given object;

Ensuring the safety of work on the construction site for the environment and the population;

Ensuring the safety of the completed property for users, the environment and the population;

Making decisions on the start, suspension, conservation, termination of construction, on the commissioning of a completed property.

Note - The developer can be an investor. The relationship between a developer and an investor who is not a developer is determined by an agreement between them.

3.3 The developer, in order to carry out its functions of ensuring the development, examination and approval of project documentation, for obtaining a construction permit, its functions as a customer when conducting construction by contract, to carry out technical supervision of construction, as well as to interact with state supervisory authorities and local self-government, can attract in accordance with current legislation (Article 749) a specialized organization or specialist of appropriate qualifications, which is confirmed in the prescribed manner.

The transfer by the developer of its functions and corresponding responsibilities to an involved organization or specialist is formalized by an agreement between them.

In the contract construction method, the relationship between the customer and the contractor is determined by the construction contract (Chapter 37, § 3).

3.4 With the contract construction method, the contractor is responsible for the safety of actions on the construction site for the environment and the population and labor safety during construction in accordance with current legislation (Article 751, Part 1).

If it is necessary to mothball the construction, the contractor hands over the unfinished facility to the developer (customer), along with responsibility for the safety of the environment and the population.

3.5 Construction must be carried out according to design documentation that has passed the examination, agreed upon and approved in the prescribed manner (Article 61).

After three years from the date of issuance of a construction permit, when extending its validity period in accordance with current legislation (Article 62, Part 8), the local government body may require, if necessary, adjustment of the design documentation in accordance with the regulatory documents that have changed during this time regarding safety requirements.

3.6 The work performer (contractor) exercises production control over compliance during the construction process with the requirements established in the design and regulatory documentation applicable to the facility.

3.7 The developer (customer) has the right to exercise control (technical supervision) over the progress and quality of the work performed, compliance with their deadlines, the quality and correct use of the materials, products, equipment used, without interfering with the operational and economic activities of the work contractor (Article 715, part 1 , Art. 748, part 1).

3.8 When constructing hazardous production facilities, the developer of project documentation, under an agreement with the developer, in accordance with current legislation, carries out supervision over compliance with the requirements that ensure the safety of the facility.

3.9 Construction in accordance with current legislation is carried out under the control of local governments and state control (supervision). To ensure this possibility, the above-mentioned bodies must be notified in advance by the developer (customer) about the timing of the start of work on the construction site, about the suspension, conservation and (or) termination of construction, about the readiness of the facility for commissioning.

3.10 To ensure the principle of unity of rules and methods of testing and measurements established by law (Article 3), the methods and means of control performed by all construction participants must be standard or certified in the prescribed manner, and control tests and measurements must be performed by qualified personnel.

3.11 Upon completion of the construction of the facility, an assessment is made of the completed facility’s compliance with the requirements of current legislation, design and regulatory documentation, as well as its acceptance in accordance with the terms of the contract for the contract construction method.

Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”

Article 2. Basic concepts

Conformity assessment- direct or indirect determination of compliance with the requirements imposed on the object.

3.12 Assessment of the compliance of a completed construction facility with the requirements for its safety established by technical regulations, as well as regulatory documents and standards, which are the evidence base for compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, is carried out by state control (supervision) bodies and certified by the final conclusion (certificate) of the state architectural and construction supervision body, issued to the developer (customer) and confirming the possibility of safe operation of the object upon its transition to the sphere of circulation (Article 33, part 2), or by the signatures of responsible representatives of state control (supervision) bodies in the act of acceptance of the object by the acceptance committee.

3.13 With the contract construction method, upon completion, the developer (customer) accepts the work performed by the contractor.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Article 753. Delivery and acceptance of work

1. The customer, having received the contractor’s message about the readiness for delivery of the result of the work performed under the construction contract or, if provided for in the contract, the completed stage of work, is obliged to immediately begin accepting it.

2. In cases provided for by law or other legal acts, representatives of state bodies and local government bodies must participate in the acceptance of the work result.

The developer (customer) can accept the property from the contractor after receiving the final conclusion (certificate) of the state architectural and construction supervision body if such a sequence of actions was established by the construction contract at its conclusion.

The conformity assessment of a completed construction facility and its acceptance into operation can be carried out simultaneously upon acceptance of the facility by the state acceptance (acceptance) commission.

3.14 Responsibility for the proper maintenance of the facility, its safety for users of the environment and the population, compliance with the requirements of fire safety, sanitary, environmental standards and rules during operation in accordance with current legislation lies with its owner (Article 20).


4.1 The developer (customer) determines the contractor:

Contractor (general contractor) on the basis of a construction contract for the contract method of construction, including based on the results of a tender;

Based on its own administrative documentation when conducting construction by an organization combining the functions of the developer (customer) and the performer of the work.

4.2 The contractor involved in 4.1 must have licenses to carry out those types of construction activities that are subject to licensing in accordance with current legislation.

The ability to comply during the construction process with the requirements of legislation on labor protection, the environment and the population, as well as the ability to perform all types of control necessary to assess the compliance of the work performed with the requirements of design, regulatory documentation and (or) the terms of the contract, is ensured by the organizational and technological documentation of the work contractor.

The contractor can confirm his ability to ensure construction quality by having a duly certified Quality Management System.

4.3 The developer (customer) transfers the design documentation to the work contractor:

The approved part, including the construction organization project (POS);

Working documentation for the entire facility or for certain stages of work.

The design documentation must be approved for the execution of work by the developer (customer) with the signature of the responsible person or by affixing a stamp.

4.4 A construction project to ensure compliance with mandatory safety requirements usually contains:

Measures to ensure the strength and stability of constructed and existing buildings and structures during the construction process;

For complex and unique objects - programs of necessary research, testing and routine observations, including the organization of stations, test sites, measuring posts, etc.;

Solutions for the organization of transport, water supply, sewerage, energy supply, communications, solutions for the construction of structures, construction in difficult natural and climatic conditions, as well as cramped conditions;

Measures to temporarily restrict traffic, change transport routes;

Situational construction plan with the location of junctions with railway tracks, river and sea berths, temporary settlements, etc.;

The procedure and conditions for the use and restoration of territories located outside the land plot owned by the developer (customer), in accordance with established easements;

Construction schedule taking into account the validity period of easements for the temporary use of other people's territories;

The list of works and structures, the quality indicators of which affect the safety of the facility and during the construction process are subject to assessment of compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents and standards, which are the evidence base for compliance with the requirements of technical regulations;

Deadlines for completing unfinished (seasonal) work, the procedure for their acceptance;

Methods and means of performing monitoring and testing (including by reference to relevant regulatory documents).

4.5 In cases where a construction organization project is not developed as part of the project documentation, the developer (customer), together with the designer and work performer (contractor), by the terms of the contract (administrative documentation), determine the procedure for acceptance of the completed construction facility, as well as a list of control procedures for conformity assessment performed during the process construction upon completion of certain stages.

4.6 The performer of the work (contractor), in accordance with the current legislation (Article 716, part 1), performs incoming inspection of the documentation transferred to him under 4.3 for execution, transfers to the developer (customer) a list of deficiencies identified in it, and verifies their elimination. The deadline for completing the incoming inspection of project documentation is established in the contract.

At the same time, the work contractor can check the possibility of implementing the project using known methods, determining, if necessary, the need for the development of new technological methods and equipment, as well as the possibility of purchasing materials, products and equipment, the use of which is provided for in the project documentation, and the compliance of the actual location of places and conditions for connecting temporary engineering communications (networks) to permanent networks to provide the construction site with electricity, water, heat, steam specified in the design documentation.

4.7 The developer (customer) must prepare the construction site territory for construction, ensuring the timely start of work, including transferring for use to the contractor the buildings and structures necessary for the implementation of the work, ensuring the relocation of persons and organizations located in the buildings to be demolished, ensuring the installation of utility networks, transportation of goods (Article 747).

4.8 The developer (customer) must ensure that the geodetic alignment base is brought to the site by the local architecture and urban planning authority or, on its behalf, by a specialized organization, and accept it according to the act (Article 27, Part 1).

4.9 Upon receipt of the design documentation, the work contractor should check the presence in the organizational and technological documentation used by him of documented procedures for all types of production quality control, check their completeness and, if necessary, correct them, as well as develop missing ones.

4.10 Based on the design documentation, the work contractor should prepare diagrams of the location of the axes of buildings and structures to be laid out in nature, signs for securing these axes and installation landmarks, as well as diagrams of the location of structures and their elements relative to these axes and landmarks. The diagrams are developed based on the condition that the axes and landmarks laid out in kind must be technologically accessible for observation while monitoring the accuracy of the position of structural elements at all stages of construction. At the same time, if necessary, it is necessary to adjust the existing one or develop a methodology for performing and monitoring the accuracy of geodetic alignment work, rules for applying and securing installation landmarks.

4.11 The contractor, if necessary, should train personnel, as well as enter into agreements with accredited laboratories to perform those types of tests that the contractor cannot perform on his own.

4.12 In preparation for construction and installation work on the territory of existing production facilities, the administration of the developer and the contractor appoint a person responsible for the operational management of the work and determine the procedure for coordinated actions. At the same time, the following is determined and agreed upon:

Volumes, technological sequence, timing of construction and installation work, as well as conditions for combining them with the work of production shops and sections of the reconstructed enterprise;

The procedure for operational management, including the actions of builders and operators, in the event of emergency situations;

The sequence of dismantling structures, as well as dismantling or relocating utility networks, places and conditions for connecting temporary water supply networks, electricity supplies, etc., locations for as-built surveys;

The procedure for builders to use the services of the enterprise and its technical means;

Conditions for organizing the complete and priority supply of equipment and materials, transportation, storage of goods and movement of construction equipment throughout the enterprise, as well as the placement of temporary buildings and structures and (or) use for the needs of the construction of buildings, structures and premises of an existing production enterprise.

4.13 Measures to close streets, restrict traffic, change the movement of public transport, provided for by the construction plan and agreed upon during its development, are finally agreed upon with the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the internal affairs bodies and transport and communications institutions of the local government before the start of work. Once the need for restrictions ceases, these authorities must be notified.

4.14 Construction participants, by their administrative documents (orders), appoint officials personally responsible for the facility:

responsible representative of the technical supervision of the developer (customer) - an official responsible for conducting technical supervision;

responsible producer of work - an official responsible for the performance and quality of work;

responsible representative of the designer - an official responsible for conducting architectural supervision in cases where architectural supervision is carried out.

These officials must have appropriate qualifications.

For a facility being constructed by an organization performing the functions of a developer (customer) and a work performer (contractor), these officials are appointed by the head of this organization. At the same time, combining the functions of a responsible work performer and a responsible representative of technical supervision by one division or official of this organization is unacceptable.

4.15 The developer (customer) in advance, but no later than 7 working days before the start of work on the construction site, sends a notice of the start of construction work to the relevant body of the State Architectural and Construction Supervision, submitting at the same time:

A copy of the construction permit issued in accordance with the established procedure;

Copies of licenses for the right of contractors to perform construction and installation works (if necessary, also a license to perform the functions of a customer) for this type of object, as well as a copy of the certificate for the quality management system of the contractor, if available;

Design documentation (agreed and approved in the prescribed manner) in an amount sufficient to complete the declared construction stage;

Safety solutions;

A copy of the construction plan, approved in accordance with the established procedure;

Orders of the developer or customer and contractor (in the case of contract construction), as well as the designer, if there is architectural supervision, on the appointment of responsible officials for the construction of the facility;

A copy of the document on the establishment of building control lines and a geodetic alignment base;

Laced general and special work logs.

If it is necessary to carry out construction and installation work on the territory of existing production facilities, the documents provided for in 4.12 should also be submitted.


5.1 Before any work begins, the construction site and hazardous work areas outside it are fenced in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

At the entrance to the site, information boards are installed indicating the name of the object, the name of the developer (customer), the performer of the work (contractor, general contractor), the name, position and telephone numbers of the person responsible for the work on the object and the representative of the state architectural supervision body or local government supervising the construction, start dates and completion of work, site diagrams.

The name and telephone number of the work performer are also placed on the inventory fencing panels of off-site work sites, mobile buildings and structures, large equipment elements, cable drums, etc.

At the request of the local government body, the construction site may be equipped with devices or bins for waste collection, as well as cleaning or washing points for vehicle wheels at exits, and at linear facilities - in places specified by the local government body.

If it is necessary to temporarily use certain territories not included in the construction site for construction needs that do not pose a danger to the population and the environment, the regime of use, protection (if necessary) and cleaning of these territories is determined by agreement with the owners of these territories (for public territories - with local government body).

5.2 The contractor must provide access to the territory of the construction site and the object being constructed to representatives of the developer (customer), state control (supervision) authorities, architectural supervision and local government; provide them with the necessary documentation.

5.3 In cases where the construction site is located in an area exposed to adverse natural phenomena and geological processes (mudflows, avalanches, landslides, landslides, swamps, flooding, etc.), prior to the start of construction work on special projects, priority measures and work are carried out protecting the territory from these processes.

5.4 Incidental development of natural resources can be carried out in the presence of appropriate documentation agreed upon and approved in accordance with the established procedure.

5.5 The contractor ensures the safety of the work for the environment, while:

Provides cleaning of the construction site and the adjacent five-meter area; garbage and snow must be removed to the places and times established by the local government;

Work in protected areas and sanitary zones is carried out in accordance with special rules;

Unauthorized removal of trees and shrubs is not allowed;

It is not allowed to release water from the construction site without protection from surface erosion;

During drilling operations, takes measures to prevent the overflow of groundwater;

Performs neutralization and organization of industrial and domestic wastewater;

Performs work on land reclamation and modification of the existing topography only in accordance with the approval of state supervision authorities and approved project documentation.

If objects of historical, cultural or other value are discovered during the work, the work contractor suspends the ongoing work and notifies institutions and bodies provided for by law about the discovered objects.

5.6 Temporary buildings and structures for construction needs are erected (installed) on a construction site specifically to ensure construction and are subject to liquidation after its completion.

Temporary buildings and structures, as well as separate premises in existing buildings and structures, adapted for use for construction needs, must comply with the requirements of technical regulations and construction, fire, sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules in force before their adoption, applicable to household, industrial, administrative and residential buildings, structures and premises.

The composition of temporary buildings and structures located on the territory of the construction site must be determined by the construction plan developed as part of the construction organization project.

5.7 Temporary buildings and structures that are part of a temporary settlement are located on the territory of the developer in accordance with the project of this settlement, which should include the demolition of the temporary settlement and land reclamation, and cost estimates for these works.

The temporary settlement project and its demolition project are approved by the developer in agreement with the authorities of the State Fire Service, sanitary-epidemiological, environmental supervision and the local government body that issued the permit for the construction of the facility, as well as representatives of employees, if the latter is provided for in agreements between them and the employer.

5.8 In cases where the subsequent transfer of temporary settlements, buildings and structures for permanent operation is envisaged, projects for temporary settlements, buildings and structures are developed, agreed upon and approved in the manner established for the design of settlements, buildings and structures intended for permanent use for their intended purpose.

5.9 Temporary buildings and structures located on the construction site are put into operation by the decision of the responsible producer of work on the site. Commissioning is formalized by an act or an entry in the work log.

The commissioning of buildings and structures on the territory of temporary settlements in accordance with 5.8 is carried out on a general basis.

5.10 When demolishing buildings and structures in order to prepare a construction site for construction, labor safety requirements must be met in accordance with current regulatory documentation.

When explosives, burning or other potentially hazardous methods are used for demolition, a cordon must be in place. All persons present at the construction site, as well as legal (individual) persons - owners of adjacent territories, must be notified of the moment of explosion, burning or collapse.

5.11 The Contractor ensures warehousing and storage of materials and products in accordance with the requirements of standards and specifications for these materials and products.

If violations of the established rules of warehousing and storage are detected, the contractor must immediately eliminate them. The use of improperly stored and stored materials and products by the work contractor must be suspended until the issue of the possibility of their use without compromising the quality of construction by the developer (customer) is resolved, with the involvement, if necessary, of representatives of the designer and the state control (supervision) body. This decision must be documented.

5.12 When carrying out work related to the installation of temporary excavations and other obstacles on the territory of an existing building, the construction organization carrying out the work ensures the passage of vehicles and access to houses by constructing bridges, pedestrian bridges with handrails, and ladders in agreement with the owner of the territory. After completion of the work, these devices must be removed from the territory.

Work areas, as well as temporary passages and passages must be illuminated.

Organizational and technological solutions should be focused on maximizing the reduction of inconvenience caused by construction work to the population. For this purpose, the laying of communications in urban areas along streets and roads must be carried out according to a schedule that takes into account their simultaneous installation; For the restoration of amenities, plots of length, as a rule, no more than one block should be rented out; restoration work should be carried out in two or three shifts; asphalt concrete waste and construction waste should be removed in a timely manner and in the manner established by the local government.

5.13 Work related to opening the surface at the locations of existing underground communications and structures must be carried out in compliance with special rules established by the ministries and departments operating these communications, as well as the following additional rules.

5.13.1 In accordance with the current rules for the protection of underground communications, the work contractor must call in advance to the work site representatives of organizations operating existing underground communications and structures, and in their absence, representatives of organizations that approved the design documentation.

5.13.2 Representatives of operating organizations arriving at the site are presented with design documentation and actual axles or dimensions of the intended excavation. Together with the operating organization, the actual position of existing underground communications and structures is determined on site (by excavation or other means), marked on the ground and plotted on working drawings. Representatives of operating organizations provide the contractor with instructions on measures to ensure the safety of existing underground communications and structures and on the need to call them to inspect hidden work and at the time of backfilling excavations.

Organizations that did not appear and did not notify about the absence of communications and structures operated by them at the work site are called again one day before, with simultaneous notification of local authorities, who decide on further actions in the event of repeated failure of representatives of these organizations to appear. Work cannot begin until the appropriate decision is made.

5.13.3 Opened communications, if necessary, at the direction of the operating organizations, must be suspended or secured in another way and protected from damage; The condition of suspensions and protective devices should be systematically checked and put in order.

5.13.4 If unspecified underground communications and structures are discovered, the work must be suspended, and representatives of the operating organizations, the design organization, and the developer (customer) must be called to the work site. If the owner of the unknown communication is not identified, a representative of the local government is called, who decides to involve the necessary services. If necessary, changes must be made to the design documentation in accordance with the established procedure with repeated approvals.

5.14 The contractor maintains as-built documentation:

A set of working drawings with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind with these drawings or on the changes made to them in agreement with the designer by the persons responsible for the construction and installation work;

Geodetic as-built diagrams made in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory documentation.

5.15 As the work and structures are ready, the quality indicators of which affect the safety of the facility and are subject to assessment of compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents and standards, which are the evidence base for compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, the contractor notifies the developer (customer), representatives of government bodies no later than 3 working days in advance control (supervision) and designer's supervision on the timing of the relevant procedure.

The shortcomings identified by this procedure must be eliminated.

Until the identified deficiencies are eliminated and the relevant acts are completed, subsequent work is unacceptable.

5.16 If it is necessary to stop work or suspend it for a period of more than 6 months, conservation of the object is carried out (bringing the object and the territory used for construction to a condition that ensures the strength, stability and safety of the main structures and the safety of the object for the population and the environment).

5.16.1 The decision to terminate or suspend construction is made by the developer (customer) and notifies the work performer (contractor), the local government body, as well as the relevant state supervisory authorities of the decision. The developer (customer) and the performer of the work, no later than a month later, draw up an acceptance certificate for the completed part of the object with a description of the condition of the object, indicating the volume and cost of the work performed, a list of equipment, materials and structures used (installed) at the site, a list of unused and to be stored equipment , materials and structures, a list of works necessary for the safety of the facility and unused equipment, materials and structures.

5.16.2 The fact of termination or suspension of construction within three days must also be notified, if necessary, to the traffic police of internal affairs bodies in order to cancel previously introduced restrictions on the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, as well as the owners of territories included in the territory of the construction site in accordance with the approved and agreed upon construction plan.

5.16.3 If necessary, the designer, under an agreement with the developer (customer), develops working drawings and an estimate for the conservation of the facility, and the contractor (work performer) carries out the work provided for by these working drawings and estimates.

5.16.4 The mothballed object and construction site are transferred to the developer (customer) according to the act. The act is accompanied by as-built documentation, a work log, as well as documents on surveys, inspections, control tests, measurements carried out during construction, documents from suppliers confirming the compliance of materials, work, structures, technological equipment and engineering systems of the facility with the project and the requirements of regulatory documents.



6.1 Production quality control of construction is carried out by the contractor and includes:

Incoming control of design documentation provided by the developer (customer);

Acceptance of the geodetic alignment base taken out into nature;

Incoming inspection of materials and products used;

Operational control during execution and upon completion of operations;

Assessing the conformity of completed work, the results of which become unavailable for control after the start of subsequent work.

6.1.1 During the incoming inspection of project documentation, you should analyze all submitted documentation, including PIC and working documentation, checking:

Its completeness;

Correspondence between the design axial dimensions and the geodetic basis;

Availability of approvals and agreements;

Availability of links to materials and products;

Compliance of the boundaries of the construction site on the construction plan with the established easements;

Availability of a list of works and structures whose quality indicators affect the safety of the facility and are subject to conformity assessment during the construction process;

Availability of limit values ​​of parameters controlled according to the specified list, permissible levels of non-compliance for each of them;

Availability of instructions on control and measurement methods, including in the form of links to relevant regulatory documents.

If deficiencies are found, the relevant documentation is returned for revision.

6.1.2 The contractor accepts the geodetic alignment base provided to him by the developer (customer), checks its compliance with the established requirements for accuracy, and the reliability of fixing signs on the ground; for this purpose it may involve independent experts. Acceptance of the geodetic alignment base from the developer (customer) should be formalized by the appropriate act.

6.1.3 Incoming inspection, in accordance with current legislation, verifies the compliance of the quality indicators of purchased (received) materials, products and equipment with the requirements of standards, technical specifications or technical certificates for them specified in the project documentation and (or) the contract.

At the same time, the presence and content of accompanying documents from the supplier (manufacturer) are checked, confirming the quality of the specified materials, products and equipment.

If necessary, control measurements and tests of the above indicators can be performed. The methods and means of these measurements and tests must comply with the requirements of standards, technical specifications and (or) technical certificates for materials, products and equipment.

The results of the incoming inspection must be documented.

6.1.4 If control and testing is carried out by involved accredited laboratories, it is necessary to check the compliance of the control and test methods they use with the established standards and (or) technical specifications for the controlled products.

6.1.5 Materials, products, equipment, the non-compliance with established requirements was revealed by incoming inspection, should be separated from suitable ones and marked. Work using these materials, products and equipment should be suspended. The developer (customer) must be notified of the suspension of work and its reasons.

In accordance with the law, one of three decisions can be made:

The supplier replaces non-conforming materials, products, equipment with appropriate ones;

Non-conforming products are reworked;

Inappropriate materials and products can be used after mandatory agreement with the developer (customer), designer and state control (supervision) body within its competence.

6.1.6 With operational control, the work performer checks:

Compliance of the sequence and composition of the technological operations performed with the technological and regulatory documentation applicable to these technological operations;

Compliance with technological regimes established by technological maps and regulations;

Compliance of quality indicators of operations and their results with the requirements of design and technological documentation, as well as regulatory documentation applicable to these technological operations.

The places where control operations are performed, their frequency, performers, methods and measuring instruments, forms for recording results, the procedure for making decisions when identifying non-conformities with established requirements must comply with the requirements of design, technological and regulatory documentation.

The results of operational controls must be documented.

6.2 During the construction process, an assessment must be made of completed work, the results of which affect the safety of the facility, but in accordance with the adopted technology become unavailable for control after the start of subsequent work, as well as completed building structures and sections of utility networks, the elimination of defects identified by control is impossible without disassembling or damaging subsequent structures and sections of utility networks. Representatives of the relevant state supervision bodies, designer’s supervision, as well as, if necessary, independent experts may participate in these control procedures. The contractor shall notify the other participants of the timing of these procedures no later than three working days in advance.

6.2.1 The results of acceptance of work hidden by subsequent work, in accordance with the requirements of design and regulatory documentation, are documented in certificates of inspection of hidden work (Appendix B). The developer (customer) may require a re-inspection after eliminating the identified defects.

6.2.2 To the procedure for assessing the conformity of individual structures, tiers of structures (floors), the work contractor must submit inspection reports of all hidden works included in these structures, geodetic as-built diagrams, as well as test reports of structures in cases provided for in the design documentation and (or) the construction contract . The developer (customer) can check the accuracy of the as-built geodetic schemes presented by the contractor. For this purpose, the performer of the work must preserve the alignment axes and installation guidelines fixed in kind until the completion of acceptance.

The results of acceptance of individual structures must be documented in acts of intermediate acceptance of structures (Appendix D).

6.2.3 Tests of sections of utility networks and installed utility equipment are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents and are documented in acts in the form established by them.

6.2.4 If defects in work, structures, or sections of utility networks are discovered as a result of stage-by-stage acceptance, the corresponding acts must be drawn up only after the identified defects have been eliminated.

In cases where subsequent work must begin after a break of more than 6 months from the completion of phased acceptance, before resuming work, these procedures should be repeated with the execution of the relevant acts.

6.3 Technical supervision of the developer (customer) of construction is carried out by:

Checking whether the contractor has quality documents (certificates in certain cases) for the materials, products and equipment he uses, documented results of incoming inspection and laboratory tests;

Monitoring the contractor’s compliance with the rules of warehousing and storage of materials, products and equipment used; if violations of these rules are detected, the technical supervision representative may prohibit the use of improperly stored and stored materials;

Monitoring compliance of the operational control performed by the work contractor with the requirements of 6.1.6;

Monitoring the availability and correctness of as-built documentation by the work contractor, including assessing the reliability of geodetic as-built diagrams of completed structures with selective control of the accuracy of the position of elements;

Monitoring the elimination of defects in design documentation identified during the construction process, documented return of defective documentation to the designer, control and documented acceptance of corrected documentation, transfer of it to the contractor;

Monitoring the fulfillment by the contractor of the work of the instructions of state supervisory authorities and local self-government;

Notifying state supervisory authorities of all cases of emergency at the construction site;

Monitoring the compliance of the volumes and timing of work with the terms of the contract and the construction schedule;

Assessment (together with the work contractor) of the compliance of the work performed, structures, sections of utility networks, signing of bilateral acts confirming compliance; control over the fulfillment by the work contractor of the requirement that subsequent work is inadmissible before the signing of the specified acts;

Final assessment (together with the work contractor) of the compliance of the completed facility with the requirements of legislation, design and regulatory documentation.

To carry out technical supervision, the developer (customer), if necessary, forms a technical supervision service, providing it with design and necessary regulatory documentation, as well as instrumentation and tools.

6.4 In cases provided for by law, the developer of project documentation carries out supervision of construction. The procedure for the implementation and functions of designer supervision are established by the relevant regulatory documents.

6.5 Comments from representatives of the developer's (customer's) technical supervision and designer's supervision are documented. The facts of elimination of defects based on the comments of these representatives are documented with their participation.

6.6 The author's supervision of the architect is carried out by the author-architect on his own initiative, regardless of the decision of the developer (customer) and the existence of an agreement for author's supervision of the object. The territorial body for architecture and urban planning, at the request of the author, having verified his authorship, may issue an order to the developer (customer) to ensure the author's access to the construction site and the possibility of him making entries in the author's supervision journal. Claims of the author-architect regarding the implementation of architectural design solutions may be considered by the body for urban planning and architecture, the decision of which is binding on the developer (customer).

6.7 State control (supervision) bodies assess the compliance of the construction process and the constructed facility with the requirements of legislation, technical regulations, design and regulatory documentation, assigned to ensure the safety of the facility during the construction process and after its commissioning in accordance with current legislation (Article 33 , part 1).

State control (supervision) bodies assess the conformity of the construction process of a specific facility upon receipt of a notice from the developer (customer) about the start of construction work (4.15).

6.8 Assessment of compliance of buildings and structures with mandatory safety requirements as products that pose a danger to the life, health and property of users, the surrounding population, as well as the natural environment, and as products produced without testing a standard sample in a single copy at the site of operation and not achieving final functional characteristics before commissioning, is carried out in the following forms:

Inspection checks of completeness, composition, timeliness, reliability and documentation of production control (6.1);

Inspection checks of the completeness, composition, reliability and documentation of inspection procedures for hidden work, intermediate acceptance of completed structures, structures, as well as load-bearing structures of buildings and structures in cases where these tests are provided for in the design documentation.

6.9 Representatives of state control (supervision) bodies, upon notification of the work contractor, can participate, in accordance with their powers, in procedures for assessing the conformity of the results of work hidden by subsequent work and individual structures according to 6.2.

6.10 When identifying inconsistencies, state control (supervision) bodies apply sanctions provided for by current legislation (Article 34).

6.11 Administrative control over construction in order to limit the adverse impact of construction and installation work on the population and territory in the zone of influence of ongoing construction is carried out by local government bodies or organizations authorized by them (administrative inspections, etc.) in the manner established by current legislation.

Supervision consists of preliminary establishment of construction conditions (dimensions of construction site fencing, time schedule of work, waste removal, maintaining order in the surrounding area, etc.) and monitoring compliance with these conditions during construction. The developer is responsible to the local government, unless otherwise provided by the agreements.



7.1 Upon completion of the work provided for by the design and estimate documentation, as well as the construction contract (with the contract method of construction), construction participants with the participation of government and (or) self-government bodies, organizations authorized by these bodies, state control (supervision) bodies carry out a final assessment of the conformity of the completed construction of the facility in the form of acceptance and commissioning (Article 7, Part 3). The composition of participants and procedures for assessing compliance with mandatory requirements are determined by the relevant technical regulations, and before their adoption - by construction standards and rules, including territorial and departmental ones, in force at the time of acceptance in the territory of the facility location. In this case, it is recommended to additionally be guided by the following provisions, which specify individual mandatory requirements of regulatory documents.

7.2 Assessment of the object’s compliance with mandatory requirements can be organizationally combined with the acceptance of the object by the developer (customer) under a construction contract (Article 753).

In this regard, during the acceptance process, additional procedures may be carried out and additional documents may be drawn up that are not provided for by regulatory documents.

7.3 Conformity assessment can be carried out by a state acceptance (acceptance) commission depending on the requirements of specific technical regulations, building codes and regulations or territorial building codes.

7.4 Procedures for assessing conformity upon acceptance of an object are carried out by the developer (customer) or on his behalf by the technical supervision service with the participation of the work performer (contractor) and, depending on the type of object, representatives of state control (supervision) and local government bodies (Article 753), organizations (organizations) that will operate the facility after its commissioning, territorial organizations operating external utility networks. The developer (customer) can also attract an independent expert (experts).

7.5 When accepting a facility constructed by an organization that performs several functions as construction participants, including the functions of a developer (customer) and a work performer (contractor), representatives of the functional services of this organization are included in the acceptance participants; At the same time, combining several functions by one official is unacceptable.

7.6 The design organization takes part in acceptance if designer supervision was carried out during the construction of the facility.

7.7 If construction participants decide to accept an object with incomplete finishing and internal engineering equipment and bring the object to full readiness at the expense of users (owners), the structures and work ensuring the safety of objects for the life and health of people and the environment must be completed in full .

Work on the interior decoration of premises, as well as the installation of some engineering and technological equipment may remain unfinished.

The scope of work performed by users must be precisely defined in contracts or other documents regulating relations between participants in the investment process, and also reflected in the project documentation.

7.8 Seasonal work on planting green spaces, installing top surfaces of roads and sidewalks can be postponed to a later date, agreed with municipal authorities.

7.9 Conformity assessment in the form of acceptance into operation of a completed construction facility is completed by drawing up an acceptance certificate in forms KS-11 or KS-14, established by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia in agreement with the State Construction Committee of Russia No. 71a dated 10.30.97 (as amended by Resolution No. 100 dated 11.11. 99). These forms of acts may have modifications established by territorial or departmental regulatory documents on the acceptance into operation of completed construction projects.

7.10 Warranty obligations for buildings, structures and their elements and warranty periods are established by construction contracts in accordance with current legislation (Articles 722-724, 755, 756).

7.11 The developer (customer), who accepted the object without carrying out conformity assessment procedures, in accordance with the current legislation, is deprived of the right to refer to deficiencies that could be identified as a result of the implementation of these procedures (obvious deficiencies) (Article 720, part 3).

7.12 Operation of the facility, including occupancy, as well as work to bring apartments and premises to final readiness, provided for in their purchase and sale or co-investment agreements, is unacceptable until acceptance is completed.






A legal entity or individual who enters into a contract or government contract for the construction of a real estate property and carries out its duties in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The customer may be the developer or another person authorized by the developer


A legal entity or individual who performs work under a work contract and (or) government contract concluded with the customer in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Construction products

Completed buildings and other construction structures, as well as their complexes

Construction structure (structure)

A single result of construction activity intended to perform certain consumer functions

Ground-based construction structure with premises for living and (or) activities of people, placement of production facilities for storing products or keeping animals


Space inside a building that has a specific functional purpose and is limited by building structures

Building construction

Part of a building or other construction structure that performs certain load-bearing, enclosing and (or) aesthetic functions

Construction product (product)

A product intended for use as an element of building structures of buildings and structures

Construction material (material)

Material (including piece material) intended for the creation of building structures of buildings and structures and the manufacture of building products

Construction object

A complex of buildings and (or) structures, a separate building or structure or its autonomous part, erected for a specific developer under one building permit

Reconstruction of a building (structure)

A set of construction works and organizational and technical measures related to changes in the main technical and economic indicators (number and area of ​​apartments, construction volume and total area of ​​the building, capacity or throughput, etc.) or its purpose

Repair of a building (structure)

A set of construction works and organizational and technical measures to eliminate physical and moral wear and tear, not related to changes in the main technical indicators of the building or its purpose

Construction site

A fenced area used to accommodate a construction project under construction, temporary buildings and structures, equipment, soil dumps, storage of building materials, products, equipment and construction and installation work.

Completed object

A construction facility in a composition that allows for the possibility of its independent use for its intended purpose, on which load-bearing, enclosing structures and engineering systems are made in accordance with the requirements of design, normative and technical documentation and adopted, which together ensure the strength and stability of the building (structure), protection from atmospheric impacts, temperature conditions, safety of users, the public and the environment


ACT No. _____

examination of hidden work performed on construction



We, the undersigned:

Responsible representative of the work contractor


(surname, initials, organization, position)

as well as persons additionally participating in the examination:


(surname, initials, organization, position)


(surname, initials, organization, position)

inspected the work performed ________________________________________________


(name of contractor (work performer)

1. The following works are submitted for inspection:______________________________


(name of hidden work)


3. When performing work, ___________________________________________________ were used

(name of materials, structures, products with reference


for passports or other quality documents)


The performer of the work presented the following additional evidence of compliance of the work with the requirements for it, attached (not attached) to this act


(executive diagrams and drawings, laboratory conclusions, etc.)

4. When performing work, there are no (or any) deviations from the design and estimate documentation_______________________________________________________________________________

5. Dates: start of work _____________________________

completion of work_______________________________________

6. The work was carried out in accordance with the design and estimate documentation and the requirements of current regulatory documents.

Based on the foregoing, subsequent construction (installation) work is permitted. ________________________________________________________________________


(name of subsequent works and structures)

Additional Information:






ACT No._____

intermediate acceptance of critical structures (systems)


(name of structures (systems)

completed during construction_________________________________________________

(name and location of the object)


We, the undersigned:

Responsible representative of the work performer (contractor)


(surname, initials, organization, position)

Responsible representative of technical supervision


(surname, initials, organization, position)


(surname, initials, organization, position)

as well as persons additionally involved in acceptance:


(surname, initials, organization, position)


(surname, initials, organization, position)

inspected the structures (systems) made by ___________________________________


(name of the work performer (contractor)

and have drawn up this act as follows:

1. The following structures (systems) are presented for acceptance


(list and brief description of structures)

2. The work was carried out according to design estimates


(name of the design organization, number of drawings and date of their preparation or identification parameters of the sketch or entry in the designer’s supervision journal)

3. When performing work, _________________________________________________ were used

(name of materials,


4. Hidden works included in structures (systems) were inspected


(types of hidden work and number of certificates of their examination are indicated)

5. Documents have been presented confirming the conformity of the work, structures and systems, including:

a) executive geodetic diagrams of the position of structures


(dates, numbers, surname of performer)

b) conclusions of a construction laboratory on the actual strength of concrete


(dates, numbers, name of the performer or date of entry in the work log)

c) documents on quality control of welded joints


d) laboratory journals, work logs and other necessary production documentation confirming the quality of work performed ___________________________.

6. The necessary tests and testing have been carried out


(names of tests are indicated,


No. and dates of documents)

7. During the execution of work, deviations from the design and estimate documentation were identified


(if there are deviations, indicate who approved them, the number of drawings and the date of approval)

8. Dates: start of work ________________________________

completion of work ________________________________

9. The presented structures (systems) are made in accordance with design and estimate documentation, building codes and regulations, standards and are considered accepted.

10. Based on the above:

a) the use of structures for their intended purpose is permitted ________; or the use of structures for their intended purpose is permitted with a load in the amount of _______% of the design load; or full loading is permitted if the following conditions are met:


b) subsequent work is permitted:


(name of works and structures)

Additional Information:



Attached to this act are:





for the construction of the facility_________________________________________________________________


(complex, building, structure)

Address ___________________________________________________________________________

Construction participants

Organization responsible for carrying out work on the facility ________________________

(legal or individual person who has received permission to carry out construction and installation work (general contractor, performer of work)

Name and postal details, phone number__________________________________________

Supervisor _____________________________________________________________________

Responsible producers of work on the facility (subject to registration with the territorial body of the State Architecture and Construction Supervision Authority):

Responsible for maintaining the work log_______________________________________________

Organization responsible for the construction site _______________________________________

(to be completed if construction site management is entrusted to a separate organization)

Responsible official for the construction site_____________________________________________

Developer (customer)

(legal or natural person who has received a construction permit)

Name and postal details, telephone number__________________________________________

Supervisor ______________________________________________________________________

Responsible representatives of technical supervision (subject to registration with the territorial body of the State Architecture and Construction Supervision Authority) (to be completed if technical supervision is carried out by employees of the developer (customer):

Technical Supervision _______________________________________________________________

(to be completed if technical supervision is carried out by a third party)

Name and postal details, telephone number__________________________________________

Supervisor ______________________________________________________________________

Responsible representatives of technical supervision for the facility (subject to registration with the territorial body of the State Architecture and Construction Supervision Authority):

The State Construction Supervision Authority supervising the facility

Name and postal details__________________________________________________

Supervisor ______________________________________________________________________

Object curator_________________telephone___________________________________________

Other artists works on the site (subcontractors) and the work they perform. Indicate: name and postal details, full name. managers and producers of work on the facility _____________________________________________________

Organizations that developed design and estimate documentation and parts of the design documentation completed by them. Indicate: name and postal details, full name. manager, as well as supervisors of designer supervision, if such supervision is carried out at the site.


Journal Details

This magazine has ________ numbered and laced pages. The magazine covers the period from _______ to _______ (to be completed if several logs were kept during construction)

Position, surname, first name, patronymic and signature of the head of the organization that issued the magazine


Date of issue, organization seal


Marking changes to entries on the title page

Change in records indicating the reason

General information about the object

Basic indicators of the facility under construction (number of floors, number of apartments, area, power, productivity, capacity, etc.) and the estimated cost at the time of construction


Beginning of work:

Completion of work (acceptance for operation):

according to plan (agreement)____________actually____________

Approving authority and date project approval______________________________

Section 1

List of engineering and technical personnel involved in the construction of the facility

Section 2

List of special work journals, as well as field supervision journals

Section 3

List of acts of intermediate acceptance of critical structures and examination of hidden work

Section 4

Information about work execution and quality control

Section 5

Comments from regulatory authorities and services


1. The general work log is the main primary production document, reflecting the technological sequence, timing, quality of execution and conditions for construction and installation work. The main purpose of the journal is to ensure traceability by managers and performers of the results of work that determine the strength, stability and reliability of the building (structure).

2. A general log of work is kept for the construction (reconstruction) of individual or a group of similar buildings (structures) under construction at the same time, located within the same construction site.

3. The general work log is kept by the person responsible for the work at the site (responsible work performer) and fills it out from the first day of work at the site personally or entrusts it to subordinate engineering and technical workers. Specialized construction and installation organizations keep special work logs, which are kept by the responsible persons performing these works. Upon completion of the work, a special journal is transferred to the organization responsible for the work at the site (general contractor).

4. The title page is filled out before the start of construction by the organization responsible for carrying out work on the facility with the participation of the other mentioned construction participants (design organization, customer, etc.).

5. The list of engineering and technical personnel involved in the construction of the facility (Section 1) is compiled by the head of the organization responsible for the work on the facility. It includes engineering and technical workers of this organization, as well as other organizations performing work on the project (subcontractors).

6. Section 3 provides a list of all acts in calendar order.

7. Section 4 includes all work on parts and elements of buildings and structures that are subject to conformity assessment. If inconsistencies are identified, a brief description of them is provided.

8. Section 4 is filled out by the person responsible for maintaining the general work log, or the engineering and technical workers authorized by him.

9. Regular information about the production of work (from the beginning to its completion), included in Section 4, is the main part of the journal.

This part of the log should contain information about the start and end of work and reflect the progress of its execution. The description of the work must be carried out according to the structural elements of the building or structure, indicating the axes, rows, elevations, floors, tiers, sections and rooms where the work was carried out. Brief information about the methods of work, the materials used, finished products and structures, testing of equipment, systems, networks and devices (testing dry or under load, supply of electricity, pressure, strength and tightness tests, etc.), deviations should also be provided here. from working drawings (indicating the reasons) and their approval, the availability and implementation of operational quality control schemes, corrections or alterations of the work performed. In addition, information is recorded on significant changes at the construction site, including changes in the location of security, safety and signal fences, the transfer of transport and fire passages, the laying, relaying and dismantling of temporary utility networks, as well as meteorological and other special conditions for the work.

10. Section 5 contains comments from persons (including a representative of technical supervision) who control the production and safety of work in accordance with the rights granted to them.

11. Each entry in the journal is signed by the person who made it.

12. If it is necessary to illustrate entries with sketches, diagrams or other graphic materials, the latter are signed separately and pasted into the text or collected in a separate folder. In this case, the records must contain a mention of the presence and location of graphic materials.

13. The general journal must be numbered, laced, signed by all signatures on the title page and sealed with the seal of the organization that issued it. If there is not enough space for entries in the journal, a new work journal with the next number is created, which is recorded on the title page.

14. During construction, the work log must be presented to a representative of technical supervision, the architectural and construction supervision body and other regulatory authorities upon their request.

15. When a completed construction facility is put into operation, the general and special work logs are presented to the receiving organization (authority) and, after acceptance of the facility, are transferred for permanent storage to the customer (developer) or, on his behalf, to the operating organization or user.

16. With the permission of the architectural and construction supervision body, maintaining a journal in the form of an electronic document is allowed. At the same time, reliable protection against unauthorized access must be ensured, as well as identification of the signatures of responsible officials.


Inspectorate of the State (municipal) architectural and construction supervision of the Russian Federation


on the compliance of the completed construction facility with its intended purpose


(name of the developer (customer), his legal address)

that he completed the construction of the facility __________________________________________


(name of the object, its postal address, main indicators)



The permitting, executive, and acceptance documentation submitted by the developer (customer) indicates that


(Object name)


built in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, approved project, building codes and regulations.

This certificate gives the right to include the facility in state statistical reporting, technical certification, commissioning, state registration and use of the facility for its intended purpose.




Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” dated December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ.

Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” dated July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ.

Law “On Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”.

Federal Law “On licensing of certain types of activities” dated 08.08.2001 No. 128-FZ.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On licensing activities in the field of design and construction” dated March 21, 2002 No. 174.

Federal Law “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs during state control (supervision)” dated 02.08.2001 No. 134-FZ.

Federal Law “On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it” dated July 21, 1997 No. 122-FZ.

Key words: construction rules, construction permit, construction quality control, production control, supervision, conformity assessment, completed construction site, acceptance and commissioning


1 area of ​​use

2 Definitions

3 General provisions

4 Preparation for construction

5 Construction work

6 Construction quality control. Supervision of construction

7 Acceptance and commissioning of completed construction projects

Appendix A (informative) Terms used in this document and their definitions

Appendix E (informative) Bibliography

SNiP 3.01.01-85* reissued with amendment No. 1, approved by Resolution of the USSR State Construction Committee of December 11, 1986 No. 48 and put into effect on January 1, 1987, and amendment No. 2, adopted by Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of February 6, 1995. N 18-8 and put into effect on April 1, 1995.

These norms and rules establish general requirements for the organization of construction production during the construction of new, as well as expansion and reconstruction of existing facilities (enterprises, buildings, structures and their complexes), which must be observed by all participants in the construction of facilities*.

1.1*. The organization of construction production must ensure that all organizational, technical and technological decisions are focused on achieving the final result - the commissioning of a facility with the required quality and on time.

The construction of each facility may be carried out only on the basis of previously developed decisions on the organization of construction and technology of work, which must be adopted in the project of organizing the construction and projects of work. The composition and content of design solutions and documentation in the construction organization project and work execution plans are determined depending on the type of construction and the complexity of the construction project in accordance with the instructions of Section. 3.

The construction of the facility should be organized taking into account the expedient expansion of technological specialization in the performance of construction and installation work, the use of combined organizational forms of management in construction, based on a rational combination of industrial and construction production.

Coordinated work of all participants in the construction of the facility with coordination of their activities by the general contractor, whose decisions on issues related to the implementation of approved plans and work schedules are mandatory for all participants, regardless of departmental subordination_1;

Complete supply of material resources per building, structure, unit, site, section, floor, tier, room within the time limits provided for by calendar plans and work schedules;

Carrying out construction, installation and special construction work in compliance with the technological sequence of technically sound combination;

1.2*. Before the start of construction and installation work, including preparatory work, at the site, the customer is obliged to obtain, in accordance with the established procedure, a permit to carry out construction and installation work. Carrying out work without the specified permission is prohibited.

1.3*. Construction must be carried out in technological sequence in accordance with the calendar plan (schedule), taking into account the reasonable combination of individual types of work. Seasonal work (including certain types of preparatory work) must be carried out at the most favorable time of year in accordance with the decisions made in the construction organization project.

The main work on the construction of an object or part of it is permitted to begin only after the site (route) for its construction has been allocated in nature, the necessary fences for the construction site have been installed (security, protective or signal) and a geodetic base has been created. Before the construction of buildings and structures begins, it is necessary to cut and store the plant layer of soil used for land reclamation in specially designated areas, vertical layout of the construction site, drainage work, installation of permanent and temporary on-site roads and utility networks (sewage, water, heat, energy supply, etc.) necessary for the duration of construction and provided for by construction organization projects and work execution projects.

It is prohibited to begin work on the construction of above-ground structures of a building (structure) or its part (section, span, tier, section, enclosure, etc.) until the construction of underground structures is completed and backfilling of pits, trenches and cavities with soil compaction to its density in the natural state or specified by the project_1 (with the exception of underground structures, the construction of which is provided for by the work projects at other times).

In cases where the construction site is located in an area exposed to adverse natural phenomena and geological processes (mudflows, avalanches, landslides, landslides, swamps, flooding, etc.), after creating a geodetic alignment base, before starting on-site preparatory work, for special projects, priority measures and work to protect the territory from these processes.

1.5*. When constructing large objects, construction and installation work for their construction must be carried out at launch complexes in accordance with their composition and sequence provided for by the project.

1.7*. When constructing standard and repetitive buildings, structures and their parts as part of a facility (boiler houses, compressor and pumping stations, transformer substations, transport galleries, built-in premises of industrial buildings, etc.), when installing technological lines, units, installations and engineering equipment, they must it will be possible to carry out the maximum amount of work outside the construction site by aggregating equipment and structures into blocks at supplying plants and assembly plants, as well as construction industry bases and delivering them in the form of blocks to construction sites.

1.8*. During the construction of linear facilities (transport and communications, land reclamation systems, power lines, etc.) and facilities located at a considerable distance from the permanent locations of construction organizations, as well as when it is necessary to concentrate forces to perform certain types of work by specialized organizations at the most important construction sites work should be carried out primarily by mobile construction units, equipped according to the profile of the work with means of transport and mobile (mobile) mechanized installations and energy supply devices, as well as mobile (inventory) buildings for production, warehouse, auxiliary, residential, household and public purposes for construction needs.

1.9*. When constructing objects in uninhabited areas, as well as long-distance linear objects, it is allowed to use a rotational method of organizing construction, which provides for the work to be carried out by regularly changing units from construction organizations stationed in inhabited areas.

1.10*. Work that requires specialized equipment and appropriately trained personnel (artificial chemical, cryogenic and thermal consolidation of soft soils, trenchless laying of underground communications, installation of high-rise tower structures, installation of chemical and heat-resistant coatings, etc.) should be carried out primarily by specialized construction workers. organizations.

Keep a general journal of work in the form given in appendix. 1*, special journals for certain types of work, the list of which is established by the general contractor in agreement with subcontractors and the customer, and a journal of designer supervision of design organizations (if any);

Draw up inspection reports for hidden work, intermediate acceptance of critical structures, testing and testing of equipment, systems, networks and devices;

Draw up other production documentation provided for by other building codes and regulations, and as-built documentation - a set of working drawings with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind with these drawings or changes made to them, in agreement with the design organization, made by persons responsible for the construction and installation work .

2.2*. Organizational and technical preparation should include: providing construction with design and estimate documentation, allocating a site (route) for construction, arranging construction financing, concluding construction contracts and subcontracts for construction, issuing permits and permits for work, resolving issues regarding the resettlement of persons and organizations located in buildings subject to demolition, providing construction with access roads, electricity, water and heat supplies, a communication system and consumer service premises for construction personnel, organizing the supply of equipment, structures, materials and finished products for construction.

Off-site preparatory work should include the construction of access roads and berths, power lines with transformer substations, water supply networks with water intake structures, sewer collectors with treatment facilities, residential settlements for builders, necessary structures for the development of the production base of the construction organization, as well as structures and communication devices for construction management.

On-site preparatory work should include the delivery and acceptance of the geodetic alignment base for construction and geodetic alignment work for laying utility networks, roads and the construction of buildings and structures, clearing the construction site for construction and installation work (clearing the territory, demolishing buildings, etc.), planning territory, artificial lowering (if necessary) of the groundwater level, relocation of existing and laying of new utility networks, installation of permanent and temporary roads, inventory temporary fences of the construction site with the organization of access control regime, if necessary, placement of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures production, warehouse, auxiliary. household and public purposes, arrangement of storage areas and premises for materials, structures and equipment, organization of communications for operational dispatch control of work, provision of the construction site with fire-fighting water supply and equipment, lighting and alarm systems.

During the preparatory period, permanent buildings and structures used for construction needs should also be erected, or existing ones adapted for these purposes.

Preparation for the construction of a complex and unique facility should include work on organizing routine observations (seismometric, hydrogeological, hydrological, geochemical, geodetic, surveying, meteorological, strain gauge, glaciological, permafrost, etc.) according to special programs, as well as the creation, if necessary, of test testing grounds, metrological points and measuring stations. Programs for research work, testing of structures and elements of structures and operational observations must be developed by the customer and the general design organization simultaneously with the development of construction organization projects and work execution projects.

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